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Models to spare?


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but still, some people who are out of school have more important things to buy then a pc part....bills, car, gas, food, the essentials, not something you want to play a pc game....


but I just have to ask, I know Jedi_Consulor (like when he donated code for KOF's conversions) and Monkeybiz would probably give code but, some who want people to convert or model things for public use, what would YOU do for the public then?


cause its a bit ironic that someone wants people to donate things to the people, yet, they dont contribute anything themselves?


EX-like calling someone selfish, but youve never given anything either..


(not pointing fingers, just saying in general...)

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You are a bit stupid dude. If I would be able to convert or similar I would never asked for it.

What can I do for the public? Well I can code. If you need help here I am to do my part if needed.

Moreover I am not the only one asking for this.

If I do a mod and release I don't want nothing in exchange.

I made mods for RTW and released for the public but I never asked for something from people enjoyng the mod. So please think before saying uselles thing and made stupid posts.

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im not stupid and dont call me stupid, im just saying why should half the community only do things for the public, while the other half just sits back and uses what other people did? It shouldnt matter if you cant rig model or do anything complicated, but if you can do something, then you should help people who cant.  I didnt say I wanted things in return for doing things for the public, I said that everyone should do something for the people then, whatever they may be capable of, no matter how important it may be.


Like for the A Galaxy Divided V3 Patch, they needed icons, the person making the icons just up and left, they had a setback, I told them Id make the icons, I just needed to know what units. Did I ever ask them for anything in return? No. I did that as an act of kindness because they needed help.


You know what? fine call me stupid and say I post stupid things. woop-dee doo! I think I shall go sit in the corner and cry my eyes out now.  You have opinions, so do I, calling me stupid wont change anything I think or say.  :-*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't see the issue...


When a mod comes out, the models are availible to you for your own personal mod.


If you guys are too lazy to ask permission, then that's stupid. Sonic0 took models from Steiner with permission.


Warlord conversions, most of them are done, and that's killed mods all together.


Warlords clones come and take out all the over mods. AGD killed all mods practically and then a bigger warlord conversion is coming which will likely wipe out any future mods. Why? You may ask why? To most people, they look at a mod with everything in it and they decide what's the point of making my own mod. This have everything in it.


I look at Filefront, how many new mods have come about lately? LoW mini-mods, a few here or there, some maps. There has not been a good xml mod since the tools came out. There hasn't been any great coding breakthroughs since real base time construction. There isn't enough focus on what we can do with the code that is given. I would love to see a good xml mode come out. I have to commend sonic0 working with code as he did. It wasn't visually appealing, but he did some neat stuff. We need more of that, then good models and reskins.


Warlords were a gift, I like them, they're good models. I admit DE used them to catch up to mod teams that had 2 year anniversaries when we had 1 month. Yet you'll see DE is using more and more of our own stuff in updates because all the Warlords have already been done and we want ours to be orginal.


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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I look at Filefront, how many new mods have come about lately? LoW mini-mods, a few here or there, some maps. There has not been a good xml mod since the tools came out. There hasn't been any great coding breakthroughs since real base time construction. There isn't enough focus on what we can do with the code that is given. I would love to see a good xml mode come out. I have to commend sonic0 working with code as he did. It wasn't visually appealing, but he did some neat stuff. We need more of that, then good models and reskins.

No. There are many many mods that are unfinished. The reason why no new ones came out right now, I don't know exactly. But I know why the others aren't out yet.

1. Too big, takes a long time. So you just have to be patient ;)(no offense)

2. Too small. Hardly any modders, lazy modders, glitches, etc can kill a mod. I'm not modding right now because I'm waiting for FoC. Monday :D

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but still, some people who are out of school have more important things to buy then a pc part....bills, car, gas, food, the essentials, not something you want to play a pc game....


but I just have to ask, I know Jedi_Consulor (like when he donated code for KOF's conversions) and Monkeybiz would probably give code but, some who want people to convert or model things for public use, what would YOU do for the public then?


cause its a bit ironic that someone wants people to donate things to the people, yet, they dont contribute anything themselves?


EX-like calling someone selfish, but youve never given anything either..


(not pointing fingers, just saying in general...)


I don't understand your post, and I don't understand the point your trying to make ?


If and when a person wants to contribute some thing to the community however, it doesn't always have to be with some thought of reward for themselves. Some times a selfless act can have its own rewards..


As far as I am concerned - if people donate coding for models that are in the free domain - or a model itself whether its a custom model or a warlords one - this is all donating and contributing some thing to this community - for some kind of eventual aim ?


As far as what your saying about people calling some one selfish - and yet they haven't contributed anything to the community themselves - perhaps you have a point.


I didn't exactly understand your post so bear with me ? You could if putting this into context - that if I donate code to the community to get say a KOF model working in their game - but have never donated a model to the community - you could argue I have no right to accuse some one of being selfish. - I have donated code - so does that give me the right to call some one selfish for not donating code of their own ?


The stem of this argument comes from another thread - I really don't want to get back into, but yes you DO have a point here I accept that, no one would have a right to call some one selfish - if in fact they have never given anything themselves to the community. It is ironic and pretty confusing for the fact that given time the code they are after or a model they are looking for will get released eventually anyway.


hmm, ok Personal Mods ? - I don't see the point here - its NOT an issue - people a free to develop their own private mods - given the idea they CAN do it and they understand enough about EAW coding to do so and what mod they want to use as a base for a mod. It's always some one else's work - but doesn't require permission.


The difference for some guys in the community is that some of us have done our own private mods but we can also code EAW files pretty well - Monkeybiz was mentioned earlier - what I have seen the guy do isn't always strictly been taken directly from another mod - I know he can do his own custom coding. Many of us CAN - I don't mind sharing my code with people - now I mean my own personal code I made for a unit to work the way I want it - not some thing that was already pre coded in a mod.


Sharing code from a private mod - publically - should be a no, no. Thats just ripping code and releasing it with out permission in most cases. Its the same if you did that with texture files or a model. Private mods and sharing code for such should be kept private - You can't publically share FOC models anyway ? - its just the same for any public mod that's been released. Not with out some degree of permission.



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I don't see the issue...


When a mod comes out, the models are availible to you for your own personal mod.


If you guys are too lazy to ask permission, then that's stupid. Sonic0 took models from Steiner with permission.


Warlord conversions, most of them are done, and that's killed mods all together.


Warlords clones come and take out all the over mods. AGD killed all mods practically and then a bigger warlord conversion is coming which will likely wipe out any future mods. Why? You may ask why? To most people, they look at a mod with everything in it and they decide what's the point of making my own mod. This have everything in it.


I look at Filefront, how many new mods have come about lately? LoW mini-mods, a few here or there, some maps. There has not been a good xml mod since the tools came out. There hasn't been any great coding breakthroughs since real base time construction. There isn't enough focus on what we can do with the code that is given. I would love to see a good xml mode come out. I have to commend sonic0 working with code as he did. It wasn't visually appealing, but he did some neat stuff. We need more of that, then good models and reskins.


Warlords were a gift, I like them, they're good models. I admit DE used them to catch up to mod teams that had 2 year anniversaries when we had 1 month. Yet you'll see DE is using more and more of our own stuff in updates because all the Warlords have already been done and we want ours to be orginal.



Now there is a filter that separates the people who want to mod for the good of the community and the people who just make a mod for publicity and for the sake of making a mod.



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Now there is a filter that separates the people who want to mod for the good of the community and the people who just make a mod for publicity and for the sake of making a mod.

I'm all towards the community man... I offered rewards for community to get together in a competition I'm one of the leads for the mod leader unification at pg forums.

I talked with Codeuser who is going to convert a ton of Warlord models for everyone to use, and basically my main points are this.


-AGD killed almost all small mods cause once everyone had all the models why bother making your own mod with something having everything in it


-KoF models, how many mods came out with his stuff in it? 2. All the effing people that can code, only 2 did something with it and shared it publicly. So with warlords how many people share their stuff? Not many, and that's the big issue.


-Back in the day before tools and warlords, all the mods that came out were high class xml mods. No bugs, everyone unique and indivual. Hell, people got accused of stealing code not models. Now no one cares about code, it's all about models. And until major mods come out it'll be about who's warlords.


-Most Warlords already done, so why don't people just ask steiner, bailknight, agd, eaw enhanced, CiS v4 on using some of their conversions and do a mod? They can't really say no because Evil Jedi could revoke their right to use his models and destroy their mods pretty much.


The orgin of Dark Empire SPG team was that Roskov had 1.03 out as a pure xml mod and with the first mods coming out with warlords, no one bother download his so he gave up as did most who didn't have access to Max. I asked him about adding LoW Ssd to his and it was my slight prodding that started him to start a mod team and begin Dark Empire SPG.


Why do I mod? I do so to help the community. I do so because I'm a Star Wars fan. I lead a mod team because I want the people to experience a high class mod with everything pure and simple as a game should be. Tell you something, everything made by the DE team will be free release when DE I is released. EVERYTHING. I can stand not having big crowds like IA II and LoW and all those other mods. How many people care about DE? Not many, judging how some mods have several hundred register and ours has 50 who never come on, tells you our fanbase. Still with No dedicated fan base my team persists and thrives even. We started with 5 members now 11 full time members and 11 partial members. We don't have the spammers and fans, but we go on because we are making a mod to blow the community away and we're all fans of Star Wars or Dark Empire. Does that mean I'm a bad guy? I do use Dark Empire SPG on my Resume for college.


I want to help the community really, but the warlord models are basically making clone mods. Every mod is the same. Do you know what my favorite mods are? Dark Empire SPG, LoW, AoSW, and IA II. I feel bad for IA II that everyone does a clone war mod and they have to work that much harder to be better than the rest. Yet Dark Empire LoW and AoSW all have something in common. They are unique original mods with storylines, concepts, and fresh things, most have never seen before. I admit, DE may have a small fanbase because I refuse to put out our unit list and feature availible to public. This is partly due to the fact that LoW gets ripped off because their high quality stuff gets outdone because their unit list was out in the open. Now they are doing incredible stuff and there are no one around to take their ideas and shoddily do them to steal glory before LoW does it. I know mods shouldn't be done for glory and credit, but, honestly... If you put weeks into idea and modeling and designing and someone takes a model and rigs it in a few hours and put it out cause they were impatient, wouldn't that upset you?

Everyone takes all this credit for warlord stuff. They deserve nothing in terms of credit, Evil Jedi does. Rigging takes so little time and normally isn't done correctly anyhow. Take AGD for instance. their models lacked, light maps, bump maps, gloss maps, deathclones, engine glows. In term, that cut the rigging time from say 4 hours down to 1. However to do a good model it may take 8 or 9 hours. Some models may take less than 20 minutes. I know mandaloe spent a good 2 weeks modeling Dark Empire Luke and then Codeuser chipped in some more time on the cloak and then Zappa and Mandaloe both put in maybe 10 hours on the skin. The point is that if I were to rig the Luke in an hour or two hour it does not compare with the sheer amount of work that goes into the modeling and skinning creation. Warlords are done for you pretty much. To do a shoddy Warlords conversion, all you need to do is add, colision mesh, bones, shaders and export it to .alo. However you can add time with deathclone, engine glows, break off hardpoints, shadow meshes, light maps, bump maps. When DE does a warlord conversion, we state that it was a conversion. In the final readme it states every model done by evil jedi and gives him thanks for free releasing. Overkill perhaps, but it's merely to state the truth. Evil Jedi deserves credit not us. Warlords are abused so often. AGD does a screenshot of a ship, most think agd did it not that Evil Jedi did it.


To sum it all up:

-Warlords are bad because it killed good xmls mods and made every mod a virtual clone mod.

-People hoard away kof and warlords never releasing it for anyone in a good mod

-Most don't give enough credit for Warlords

-People are too lazy or afraid to ask mods to use their conversions thus many mods never start. They're afraid of few downloads and don't want to be ashamed.

If someone makes a good balanced mod between xmls and warlords. I mean good as it is balanced, isn't overfilled with 200 warlords stuff. Just a simple mod with nice features and balanced, perhaps something orginal. I will offer them a position on DE forums to see alot of the stuff not gone public yet and perhaps get them sneak peaks with LoW as well.(if I can swing it)

Edited by Kelathin


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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To sum it all up:

-Warlords are bad because it killed good xmls mods and made every mod a virtual clone mod.

-People hoard away kof and warlords never releasing it for anyone in a good mod

-Most don't give enough credit for Warlords

-People are too lazy or afraid to ask mods to use their conversions thus many mods never start. They're afraid of few downloads and don't want to be ashamed.

If someone makes a good balanced mod between xmls and warlords. I mean good as it is balanced, isn't overfilled with 200 warlords stuff. Just a simple mod with nice features and balanced, perhaps something orginal. I will offer them a position on DE forums to see alot of the stuff not gone public yet and perhaps get them sneak peaks with LoW as well.(if I can swing it)


I can't go into everything you said, but your main points are quite interesting and I think your probably right to the larger respect of it.


I haven't seen any credit given to the Warlords models in any mod that has used them ?! - people however I don't think are necessarily being 'lazy' to ask for permission to use xml code or models from another mod or public source , I think its rather their too embarrassed or ashamed to. I would put that down to 'ego' maybe - people want to do a mod where they want people to think they did all that work themselves.


People like Monkeybiz and I and others who have their own private mod's  - I feel we are not being lazy by not developing a mod for the community or - feel ashamed to ask for permission. - of course I can't speak for everyone, but in the past I have only wanted to develop a mod that I wanted to use my way. I have a mod for example that uses a great mix of different mod's (their code, and models) but like others I tweak the code to my tastes.


I have also added plenty of my own units and custom code to do things in the game the way I want it to be. If I felt the community was ready for sharing a private mod based on the idea of obtaining permission for everything I used - would ! - except you have to admit - some people on these mod groups are mostly un obtainable. - or unreachable ? - they have very busy lives like most of us :) - otherwise maybe more people would ask for permission more often - other than the fact that they don't mind saying to people that their mod was created with the help of so and so's code and units.


The other thing - as a private coder and modder I want to make my mod to the best of what I can extend the life to in the game. ANY space unit or Land Unit may have a use in my mod. It might not be to everyone's tastes. Some people like lots of units to use - other just want a small amount. I like to extend the game using as much as the EU as possible - to play as I want to play a game. Like I say this may not be to everyone's tastes. Which is another reason for a private mod. Its not lazyness - its just preference.


So my point is this:


People may just prefer to do their own private mod because they can produce a mod to their own tastes. They don't have to obtain permission to get things, and they can work in their own groups with others and share their idea's. Anyone can be a a part of a private mod if they are interested in the mod that people want to do. There is a possible downside to this I know - I see negative aspects to this on the community too. Less people interested in making public mods and less people wanting to join a public mod group.


Perhaps it should be a private interest. As for KOF's stuff - I released code for his models and I have to say I only ever got asked once for permission to maybe use the code I did for the Bones/Hardpoints on his models. I don't know if the rest of the mod groups have used that code or not - I don't keep track of every one of them. I don't think KOF's models should be hoarded by anyone. I released code into the public domain - with the suggestion it was for private use - unless asked for it to be used publically.


I have to say KOF's Spaceunits are the best quality models I ever saw on this community that has been made free for people to use. Its a shame they maybe hoarded - and kept locked up in some mods..?



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I have to say KOF's Spaceunits are the best quality models I ever saw on this community that has been made free for people to use. Its a shame they maybe hoarded - and kept locked up in some mods..?


There is my thing, those KOF's Spaceunits, those are warlords. Didn't you know? You didn't call it his conversions of warlords, you just said his models not evil jedis. That's my issue, it should be easy acknowledge that it is a Warlord model, but even you didn't give credit to evil Jedi, you gave it to Keeper of Faith.


To do a shoddy Warlords conversion, all you need to do is add, colision mesh, bones, shaders and export it to .alo. However you can add time with deathclone, engine glows, break off hardpoints, shadow meshes, light maps, bumps

He simply added features in. Sadly, all the knowledge to convert is in Swgbex's tutorial. IF you ever take the time to read it throughly, you can understand how to rig. Rigging isn't that hard, it's the modeling aspect which is infinitely harder. That's another of my points. Evil jedi should get credit for that, the conversion process takes a few hours where as evil jedi spent much longer skinning and modeling it. Uving is also a hard part of it to do, warlords are all preuved for you


People may just prefer to do their own private mod because they can produce a mod to their own tastes. They don't have to obtain permission to get things, and they can work in their own groups with others and share their idea's. Anyone can be a a part of a private mod if they are interested in the mod that people want to do. There is a possible downside to this I know - I see negative aspects to this on the community too. Less people interested in making public mods and less people wanting to join a public mod group.

You know bailknight's mod is done for his tastes. Did you know that? He use to state it quite frequently, it was done for his taste and if you didn't like it, to bad.

Edited by Kelathin


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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There is my thing, those KOF's Spaceunits, those are warlords. Didn't you know? You didn't call it his conversions of warlords, you just said his models not evil jedis. That's my issue, it should be easy acknowledge that it is a Warlord model, but even you didn't give credit to evil Jedi, you gave it to Keeper of Faith.


OK to answer you questions


1) Yes I am actually aware that evile jedi did those models for HW2 :) I had thought that to be common knowledge on these forums who actually made the models, so didn't need explination in any credits to actually made them. When I say for example - 'By KOF' - this means the guy who converted them - the guy who did the work making it work in EAW. If it should be that we should also say converted from models by evile jedi - I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that.


He simply added features in. Sadly, all the knowledge to convert is in Swgbex's tutorial. IF you ever take the time to read it throughly, you can understand how to rig. Rigging isn't that hard, it's the modeling aspect which is infinitely harder.


Sadly in fact - I found his tutorial lacking direction. He jumps from one thing to another - I got the feeling he was skipping over important steps that clarify what to do next - in a comprehensive form. In other words his tutorial is good, but has holes in it - it does need some polishing up. I have to generally disagree on that - I didn't think everything was there to actually convert a model properly. 


Therefore I found it difficult to follow the tutorial through as a newbie to making models or even converting them in 3d max. So not every one does in fact find doing their own models easy - because the tutorials around don't suit every ones level of experience in using 3d max. The tutorial by the way was written for V.6 of the software - I am sure I found differences - as I was using V.8 at the time. My second point here you assume everyone has a plentiful amount of money going spare with nothing to do ? - NOT everyone can afford to buy 3D Max.


That's another of my points. Evil jedi should get credit for that, the conversion process takes a few hours where as evil jedi spent much longer skinning and modeling it. Uving is also a hard part of it to do, warlords are all preuved for you

You know bailknight's mod is done for his tastes. Did you know that? He use to state it quite frequently, it was done for his taste and if you didn't like it, to bad.




1) As far as I was aware - when KOF's conversion of evile jedi's models were made available to people to download - it does actually say on the download page 'Model by evile jedi' or some thing similar to that effect ? - this seems like accreditation to me ?


2) I can imagine working on any model takes a good amount of time to do properly. I can apprieciate the hard work that people do. At the end of the day however - they chose to do it, what they do with after that is up to them.


3) Bailknight - yes I followed his topics very well, Thats a man after my own heart really, I would have to agree with his principles there - I would only ever make a mod that is to my own tastes - you will find many people like his mods and so it suits their tastes as well :)





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OK to answer you questions


1) Yes I am actually aware that evile jedi did those models for HW2 :) I had thought that to be common knowledge on these forums who actually made the models, so didn't need explination in any credits to actually made them. When I say for example - 'By KOF' - this means the guy who converted them - the guy who did the work making it work in EAW. If it should be that we should also say converted from models by evile jedi - I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that.

But my point was that we don't give enough credit as it is. It doesn't matter that we as a community know who does it, credit is due where credit is due, and it certainly belongs to evile jedi


Sadly in fact - I found his tutorial lacking direction. He jumps from one thing to another - I got the feeling he was skipping over important steps that clarify what to do next - in a comprehensive form. In other words his tutorial is good, but has holes in it - it does need some polishing up. I have to generally disagree on that - I didn't think everything was there to actually convert a model properly. 


Therefore I found it difficult to follow the tutorial through as a newbie to making models or even converting them in 3d max. So not every one does in fact find doing their own models easy - because the tutorials around don't suit every ones level of experience in using 3d max. The tutorial by the way was written for V.6 of the software - I am sure I found differences - as I was using V.8 at the time. My second point here you assume everyone has a plentiful amount of money going spare with nothing to do ? - NOT everyone can afford to buy 3D Max.

Not everyone can afford to buy a $500 program, I agree. If however you can afford it on your own, it means you are likely mature enough (because you'll need a job) to figure out most things on your own. The tutorial is just meant to be a guide. Swgbex designed it to inform not to instruct. I believe someone is writing an easier tutorial on it, but the fact remains, that just because you can follow a tutorial, doesn't mean you actually understand the purpose of things and why you do them. Also take into account that swgbex is only a teenager.


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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But my point was that we don't give enough credit as it is. It doesn't matter that we as a community know who does it, credit is due where credit is due, and it certainly belongs to evile jedi

Not everyone can afford to buy a $500 program, I agree. If however you can afford it on your own, it means you are likely mature enough (because you'll need a job) to figure out most things on your own. The tutorial is just meant to be a guide. Swgbex designed it to inform not to instruct. I believe someone is writing an easier tutorial on it, but the fact remains, that just because you can follow a tutorial, doesn't mean you actually understand the purpose of things and why you do them. Also take into account that swgbex is only a teenager.



$500? *laughs* with student discounts...




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Ive been asked something along the lines of that before since I have max.


I can only convert models, just cause I have max does not been I have the capablity to do some high poly modelling. I said high poly cause of course anyone could create simple shapes and move them into spots to make them look like something...


rigging is ALOT different then modelling, it takes waaaaay longer and takes alot more patience then rigging...and more skill...

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Ive been asked something along the lines of that before since I have max.


I can only convert models, just cause I have max does not been I have the capablity to do some high poly modelling. I said high poly cause of course anyone could create simple shapes and move them into spots to make them look like something...


rigging is ALOT different then modelling, it takes waaaaay longer and takes alot more patience then rigging...and more skill...


still, with PRACTICE, you can gain the skill. I've never modeled in my life before joining AoSW, and now I'm getting pretty good, lol. And I blew $500 to get 3ds max, wewt. ;D




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@dragonshadow: My max cost 321 with student discounts....


@swfan, yup, simple fact is modeling is artistic and requires patience, rigging requires uh... not much actually


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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@dragonshadow: My max cost 321 with student discounts....


:o no fair! lol...i want a refund!!! Storm Autodesk hq! ;D




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But my point was that we don't give enough credit as it is. It doesn't matter that we as a community know who does it, credit is due where credit is due, and it certainly belongs to evile jedi

Not everyone can afford to buy a $500 program, I agree. If however you can afford it on your own, it means you are likely mature enough (because you'll need a job) to figure out most things on your own. The tutorial is just meant to be a guide. Swgbex designed it to inform not to instruct. I believe someone is writing an easier tutorial on it, but the fact remains, that just because you can follow a tutorial, doesn't mean you actually understand the purpose of things and why you do them. Also take into account that swgbex is only a teenager.



Well not so much of a 'rebuttal' but I will answer your comments and return my comments :)


OK Well Evile Jedi did those Warlords model packs for HW2 - they were un converted and I think when converting them you have to add your own new hardpoints / Bones ? - What I should have said is that I was impressed about how KOF did the hardpoints on his conversions. Its the best I have seen on any model done in the community.


You said its not enough that everyone knows who made the Warlords models - so what do you suggest ? - on EAW Files where models have been released all have given credit to evile jedi ? and so they should who ever post's a conversion up. there isn't any dispute on who created the Warlords Models we certainly know who created them. :) KOF deserves credit for being good enough to do an excellent conversion of the model. I might also add KOF also did break of pieces for those models as well. Some thing too many modellers have been too lazy to do in their mods.


But giving credit is not in dispute - not as far as I am concerned. Credit is due where its due - for the original creator - and the converter.


As far as 3D Max is concerned - this is true. If you have 3D Max then you would have to be mature enough to have a job - or even to know how to use it. Because you will need plenty of time to learn how to use the program in any case. Yes I was aware that an easier Tutorial was being made, but I don't cast any dispersions on swgbex's tutorial, other than the fact that it is inappropriate in its instructions for my level of understanding with using 3D Max.


Which I reflect on the comment I  made earlier that I think it would be more useful that - different tutorials should be available for people at different levels of knowledge and experience.  Yes I agree with you about what you said about being able to follow a tutorial, - I didn't completely understand the process myself when going through the tutorial - mainly because the program is new to me and I don't actually understand things about the program yet that is necessary to understanding how to use it. There are plenty of Tutorials around for 3D Max - but one's that are relevant for EAW modeling - there is so far only SWBex's tutorial - which assumes that you already have a good working knowledge of using 3D Max.


Well the thing is with Teenagers - these days they are quite bright and intelligent people in where using computers are concerned and many software applications that come with them. Because he's only a Teenager he still has advanced knowledge about Moddling in EAW with 3DMax Software - I can only guess at. What am I trying to say ? hmm I am saying that irrespective of his age - he has a good understanding of using 3DMax.


I hope we have a diverse community in this respect - people of all ages who like Empire AT War Modding and can share what we learn about using the game. (And how to mod it to extend its playability)



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Hey ever stop to think:

If you have 3DsMax and you cna rig models.


Isn;t that wasting the program then!?


Not entirely that easy when your only just starting out using the Software - like with anything in life, it needs time and patience in learning a new skill. I can't for one just get the thing out of the box and start making EAW Models - converted or otherwise.


Not for the want of wanting to know how to do them that is. I'd certainly like to learn myself :)



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I found some good tuts on exporting stuff here:




[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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My point was to pratice and get better gradually, not kinda "waste" the program on rigging if you're never going to model because of readily available models.


"That was fun"

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