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Models to spare?


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*a-hem*.. Final take on this from me ;)


I hope some one will be willing to help us in the community and free release any model they convert for us from the Warlords packs,. They need to be in the free domain available to all to download and use - not just the few. This is a true sense of sharing in the community that wants to share a resource base of information and things that will extend the life of their game.


Its fun to download mods and play mod teams different takes on Empire AT War playing it the way they like it to be. HOWEVER Not everyone likes the way a mod team makes a mod - how it might play, or the lack of units it might have or not have. Where people are creating private mods are concerned they have to do this based on the available resources to hand.


It makes sense to share open source free code and models with each other and make them available to all - not just a few people to use at any one given time.



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well I think we are past the credit thing but if you look at EaW files there is a PoTD, its the Dark Empire SPG Eclipse. 


Someone who I am going to keep unknown said "The Eclipse in A Galaxy Divided was better."


This person did not even realize that both Eclipses were done by DE SPG, not one by each DE and AGD....


point taken?  ::)


I do think its a good idea to make a place where people can share and interchange coding and other things for public free release usage.  Not where you have to share things, but where you can if you want.  I do believe mod teams could be alittle active in it too.  Like if they have a unit modelled and all that stuff, but they decided to scrap it, give it to the public, dont just toss it out the window.

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Scott...  Until you actually have it happen to you, you won't know what its like.


Geez, doesn't ANYBODY read my posts all the way through? How many ways do I have to say that my hundreds of Trek models have been warped, twisted, ported, defaced, changed, used, abused, ect and that I don't really care because the real pleasure is knowing that others receive enjoyment from my work regardless of what form it ends up in and who's name is on it?






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Geez, doesn't ANYBODY read my posts all the way through? How many ways do I have to say that my hundreds of Trek models have been warped, twisted, ported, defaced, changed, used, abused, ect and that I don't really care because the real pleasure is knowing that others receive enjoyment from my work regardless of what form it ends up in and who's name is on it?







Well, not everybody is as cavalier about their hard work in which they invested time and effort. If that's how you feel, fine. You are allowed to feel, think, and do what you want. Just know that most people would rather not have their work exploited. ;)




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Hmm, in some ways mods=exploitation of the developers hard work. However, it is a good thing that most developers don't share the same views as some here about "their" hard work being "exploited"or we would not have XML and easy modability in this or any other game.  ???


Could you imagine, oh no don't mod our game and only play it the way we think you should, that would "really" help sales LOL!


Releasing single units for private use is good for the "community", you get the proper credit for making the model and thats that. It fosters good faith in the community and gives you all the glory you deserve(ie. KOF, Baliknight, Steiner's Group).


"Any" kind of hording of newly discovered features, new models etc...for vaporware mods is IMHO a vain and pathetic attempt at false net glory.  :-*

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That's entirely different. They get paid to do this. They get their names in the game's credits. They get a title on their resume. We get nothing.




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I thought I mentioned this last night, but for whatever reason it didn't post.


I propose that anyone that converts a model from a publically available source, such as Warlords, should resubmit the finished model to the community for everyone's use. If a mod team creates their own model and skin, then it's theirs until they release the mod.

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Well i say if the model i already out in the community u make a different one i would say u shouldnt have to release it as their is already one for public use.
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Right. If you make a model from scratch, it's up to you to release it when you want. But if you convert it from somewhere else, then you should release it to the community.


We have EvilleJedi doing great work, making great models, but they're being converted by mod teams that aren't releasing them. You get a few here and there', but it's not enough.

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There are new models afoot! A german group converted some of the Warlords models and posted them in a mod earlier today. I've already found a half a dozen or so that I have some plans for. In order to keep from running into the artificial unit limit imposed by the size of the construction bar, I think I'm going to pepper the galaxy with planets where you can build fun stuff, like Bothan Assault Cruisers, Eidolon-Class Strike Cruisers, etc.
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It's a very good mod, including ships that haven't been converted before (lots have, but hey, it's a great conversion mod). Get it.




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Yes its on EAW Files - downloaded it earlier - so I think my week will be occupied with some more work now  :D Theres a heck of a lot of new models in there. Including the Dominator !  8)



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I thought I mentioned this last night, but for whatever reason it didn't post.


I propose that anyone that converts a model from a publically available source, such as Warlords, should resubmit the finished model to the community for everyone's use. If a mod team creates their own model and skin, then it's theirs until they release the mod.


My simple question is why keep hinting at the warlords models. Whilst EJ did a spectacular job with almost all of them the bottom line is they haven't been optomised for EaW or FoC conversion, and the simple truth is most of the capital ships are way to high poly counts for there to be to many of them. Also, and this is likely to sound selfish, why should anyone convert anything just for the communites usage?? If you want them THAT bad then do the work yourself.


However, that being said, I do have a few, already modded units in a non-FoC minimod that I put together, but havent released and its not because I don't want to. Its simply because I haven't had the available time to as yet. Perhaps I might release it around wednesday once I sort out the credits for it. It doesn't add a whole lot. Just a few new space fighters for each side, edits a few stock units, and updates a few other things (like three levels of space mine upgrades instead of 2).

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hmm well I don't think many of us actually share your thoughts I already posted a link to another forum where were talking about conversions also. It does seem there is a call for it and people are looking to get some models out.. hmm and yes it does sound selfish. If you don't want to do any thing for the community you are apart of - then why are you part of it ? - I am not specifically targeting YOU here - its a thought, - because what is the point of being part of a community if your not give anything to it - other than complain a lot ?!


Anyway not everyone is feeling like you about this there is a growing call for more models to be converted from the Warlords models. Don't give me high polys and what not - there have been plenty of models converted for EAW from those packs.


If people do get together on File Front as the thread is suggesting - there could well be more models available to people.


anyone up to doing some things to do this? I'll upload some things i converted before eventually...


See ? - that's some ones post on there and followed by some one else saying they will do it if some one does the stations.


See I like it when people come together - share idea's and then want to do some thing for the community.


Whether you like it or not people want this. I think the voices of reason are growing louder :)



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The warlords models don't have to be toned optimized for EaW. They run prefectly fine (with many of them, too).




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If I recall rightly though - a High Poly count doesn't actually stop the unit being played in game ? - it just means the game will run slow when that unit is in a battle eg, it causes LAG. Which is why people prefer lower poly count models - so not to cause as much drag when playing that unit in a game ?



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If I recall rightly though - a High Poly count doesn't actually stop the unit being played in game ? - it just means the game will run slow when that unit is in a battle eg, it causes LAG. Which is why people prefer lower poly count models - so not to cause as much drag when playing that unit in a game ?


I've been 3d modelling now for almost 7 years and I'm fully aware what "lag" is and how it effects the games, so kindly don't think to assume I'm just some newbie who knows nothing. Also not everyone has a powerful rig. It also doesnt do the game any favours when playing online either.


Interesting that you should ask why be part of a community if your not willing to share, but after seeing soem of the responses in this thread it makes me wonder why theres a community.


This'll be my final take on it, but feel free to have the last word.

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I agree with majorPayne although the warlords model will run fine on my machine their are allot of people who have lesser computers and it will drastically slow down their computers.
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Yes another reason money i was lucky to have some elft over money to upgrade my machine after i got eaw and found that i need a better system but some people are on a tight budget and cant afford toget better stuff.
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