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<Fire_Cone_Width> and <Fire_Cone_Height> in HARDPOINTS.XML


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All hardpoints and ships have a "Fire cone"....think of a cone, that the sharp point is at the fire bone.

The width is how WIDE the cone is...as in, which directions it can fire, as in can it fire all around. Height is how High and Low the cone is, as in, can it fire directly overhead? Put Height, Width and Max_Fire_Distance and you have its entire firing range.


"That was fun"

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It's how you make hardpoints limit how far they can shoot, or fire straight........Like the land vehicle hardpoints.


The AT-AT has it as this:


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and when you're dead I will be

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No thats max_fire_range.

The fire cone specifies the radius and height of which the unit can fire. Of couser, if you want it to be able o fire in all directions, use a width of 360 and a height of 180. Its all measured in degrees.


In 1upD's example, it would be able to fire in a cone that is 1 degree wide and 10 degrees high from the fire bone (which means it fires dead straight)


"That was fun"

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So, where is the fire cone centered? Is there something on the bone that tells the hardpoint which way is "forward", or does it depend on the orientation of the model (the model of the hardpoint or the model of the ship?!! They are not necessarily the same!)



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I believe it's bone orientation. I've noticed that 0,0 isn't the same direction for all ships (it's straight forward for some, straight sideways for others, etc.)




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