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EAW ship weapons questions


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Hey everyone,


Got some Questions about these weapons. I've been a modder for a while now, and everything in EAW seems pretty straight forward, but there are a few things that still elude me.


1. In the ship XML files (not the hardpoint XML file), weapon stats are listed. These seem independant from any hardpoints on the model. Can any ship have a weapon in this manner? Does the ship need a "default bone" or something in order for it to work? I noticed that though the Broadside cruiser has no "hardpoint" listed in it's XML data, the missiles still always come from the right place on the model. Why?


2. What sets the behavior of the Broadside cruiser to be so lazy? If I change the stats for it's missile weapon entry in it's XML file to match the TIE Bomber, it won't shoot. Not a diamond boron missile, not a green laser, nothing. Watching the ship's behavior, it looks to me like there is something I'm missing about making a ship act like you want it to. And before you mention it, I've got the same entries as the Tartan on it.


3. The Y-wing has it's torpedoes attached to hardpoints, but it also has laser cannons. When I copy the stats from the Y-wing laser cannon out of it's XML file, and paste them into my B-wing, the B-wing will fire little red laser beams but the sound is that of a proton torpedo launching. Obviously that's due to the

tags, but there is no other tag listed on the stock Y-wing that would make it's lasers sound like lasers. How does this work?


It will be a great relief to my brain if anyone can answer those questions.




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well for 1. You will see on the Broadside there is a line that says the projectile type, the Broadside probably has what are called Muzzle bones, of which dont need hardpoint coding to work, fighters have this for sure.
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I also have a question;


Scott mentioned the fact that bombers have different projectiles when attacking different targets (lasers for fighters, torps for big ships)


so here's my question: how do I code other units like that?


I want to make a hero unit that attacks fighters and transports with Vader's TIE's lasers, but attacks frigates and larger ships with Proton Torpedoes. Does anyone know how to do this?


The ship is the Hacker's Glory a modified TIE Phantom used by a droid bounty hunter I made up.



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In Hardpoints.xml, there should be this line (just look at any random hardpoint):


Air, Vehicle, Structure


That is what he hardpoints DOESN'T shoot at.


So, you'll need to make 2 hardpoints:

1 with FCR for Anything Corvette & Above, & another 1 with FCR with everything transport & below. (The FCR list is as follows: Figher, Bomber, Transport, Corvette, Frigate, Capital)

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In Hardpoints.xml, there should be this line (just look at any random hardpoint):


<Fire_Category_Restrictions> Air, Vehicle, Structure </Fire_Category_Restrictions>


That is what he hardpoints DOESN'T shoot at.


So, you'll need to make 2 hardpoints:

1 with FCR for Anything Corvette & Above, & another 1 with FCR with everything transport & below. (The FCR list is as follows: Figher, Bomber, Transport, Corvette, Frigate, Capital)




That is cool! I should try that out sometime......

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Thanks! This will work great for the Havoc too!


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