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Underwater Maps tutorial

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After some good ol' brainstorming, I finally figured out how to make a decent underwater map in the petroglyph map editor.


Here's an example of an underwater Manaan map in its early stages (the Link's on the page):

Hrakert Rift http://www.imperialassault.com/rote/forums/index.php?showtopic=1659&st=150


You may use that map as a template.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)


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I was afraid of that. :(


Here's how you set up an underwater map:


1. select "new map" in map editor

2. select underwater looking textures (w_rivrocks_01, etc.)


3. open "map properties"

4. choose map type (temperate or swamp work best. this mostly just affects what iskins nfantry have)

5. choose planet (Watery planets with text files include: Naboo, Kamino, Mon Calamari, and Manaan. any water planets that are not ingame will not register. IOW; when later loading your map, it will revert to the default planet history: Alderaan)

6. set all other map properties as you would in a regular land map.


7. select "nature"

8. set clouds to a water texture and adjust scale, direction, and speed (Mon Calamari has calmer water than Kamino, so the texture should be less choppy looking)


9. Select "water"

10. go up to "render" and set to "none". the water table will still exist, but will no longer be visible.

11. set water table to preferred height*

12. set sky color to light or dark, depending on time of day and water depth (Manaan should have a blue sky color, while shallower water should be an aquamarine shade)


*The water table determines at what elevation hovering vehicles (such as the T2-B) move (minimum: -500; Maximum: +200).


The rest is really up to your preferences.


A few tips & ideas:


-if you can model, try modelling vehicles like the Gungan Bongo** (with lasers?), Droid mini sub** & Droid Manta sub** (from clone wars series), Selkath submersible** (from KOTOR), abandoned Kolto factory stuff, Clone scuba troopers*** (clone wars series), underwater flora and fauna, bubbles that rise to the "ceiling" of the map (like smoke or steam), an infantry skin/model for water maps (ex: infantry wearing envirosuits), Otah Gunga Bubble structures, etc.


**these work best when coded like the rebel airspeeder

***these work best when coded like geonosians (they don't actually walk on the ground)


If you need any further help, have questions or suggestions, please let me know.  :)


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It could very simple to set up... Now all you need is some water sound effects. You could make new models and give them underwater animaitons, and you would need some props for underwater stuff. Like bubbles and waving weeds. Is it possible to disorient the camera to be kinda of wavy?
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I'v already made new water-texture skyboxes. Still tweaking it to look underwater-ish though. With some new bubble particles and some underwater sound effects, these maps could be very convincing. ;D




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I was afraid of that. :(


Here's how you set up an underwater map:


1. select "new map" in map editor

2. select underwater looking textures (w_rivrocks_01, etc.)


3. open "map properties"

4. choose map type (temperate or swamp work best. this mostly just affects what iskins nfantry have)

5. choose planet (Watery planets with text files include: Naboo, Kamino, Mon Calamari, and Manaan. any water planets that are not ingame will not register. IOW; when later loading your map, it will revert to the default planet history: Alderaan)

6. set all other map properties as you would in a regular land map.


7. select "nature"

8. set clouds to a water texture and adjust scale, direction, and speed (Mon Calamari has calmer water than Kamino, so the texture should be less choppy looking)


9. Select "water"

10. go up to "render" and set to "none". the water table will still exist, but will no longer be visible.

11. set water table to preferred height*

12. set sky color to light or dark, depending on time of day and water depth (Manaan should have a blue sky color, while shallower water should be an aquamarine shade)


*The water table determines at what elevation hovering vehicles (such as the T2-B) move (minimum: -500; Maximum: +200).


The rest is really up to your preferences.


A few tips & ideas:


-if you can model, try modelling vehicles like the Gungan Bongo** (with lasers?), Droid mini sub** & Droid Manta sub** (from clone wars series), Selkath submersible** (from KOTOR), abandoned Kolto factory stuff, Clone scuba troopers*** (clone wars series), underwater flora and fauna, bubbles that rise to the "ceiling" of the map (like smoke or steam), an infantry skin/model for water maps (ex: infantry wearing envirosuits), Otah Gunga Bubble structures, etc.


**these work best when coded like the rebel airspeeder

***these work best when coded like geonosians (they don't actually walk on the ground)


If you need any further help, have questions or suggestions, please let me know.  :)

I just got a great idea from your suggestions!


What if I reskinned my Clone Trooper to be a scuba trooper, made all swamp planets into "forest" planets, and used the "swamp" setting for the reskin, and made some sort of underwater stormtrooper armor for the rebels.



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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Just tried making it, and I gotta say, it's very convincing of an underwater map. Good find! ;D


Glad to hear it! :)


If anyone makes any underwater maps they want to share, please post pics of them. ;D


Another tip: place lots of plants; the tall weeds with purple flowers look best.


also; place fish at varying verticle values; looks really realistic to have fish circling through weeds. :)

A few tips & ideas:

You could make new models and give them underwater animaitons, and you would need some props for underwater stuff.
If you can model, try modelling vehicles like the Gungan Bongo** (with lasers?), Droid mini sub** & Droid Manta sub** (from clone wars series), Selkath submersible** (from KOTOR), abandoned Kolto factory stuff, Clone scuba troopers*** (clone wars series), underwater flora and fauna, bubbles that rise to the "ceiling" of the map (like smoke or steam), an infantry skin/model for water maps (ex: infantry wearing envirosuits), Otah Gunga Bubble structures, etc.


**these work best when coded like the rebel airspeeder

***these work best when coded like geonosians (they don't actually walk on the ground)


Oh, and one thing that would be really useful;


You know how infantry have different skins for different environments (esp. rebel troopers)? It's determined in map properties (map type; temperate, arctic, volcanic, forest, etc.). If someone could CREATE a NEW map type called "underwater"...then infantry models/skins can be coded to them. :)


Oh, and one last thing: if you adjust fog, it'll give more accurate water visibility (bluish-gray works well).


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I just got a great idea from your suggestions!


What if I reskinned my Clone Trooper to be a scuba trooper, made all swamp planets into "forest" planets, and used the "swamp" setting for the reskin, and made some sort of underwater stormtrooper armor for the rebels.




"...could CREATE a NEW map type called "underwater"...then infantry models/skins can be coded to them."

this ^ would work nicely (if someone knew how to do it); then you wouldn't need to adjust that. plus, if you change the ingame maps, it may bug up the game :(


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"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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"...could CREATE a NEW map type called "underwater"...then infantry models/skins can be coded to them."

this ^ would work nicely (if someone knew how to do it); then you wouldn't need to adjust that. plus, if you change the ingame maps, it may bug up the game :(

Uh........Creating a new one would be harder, and it would probly bug the game.........


But I just got another idea!



If we resize a "building block" to the right size, and use Keeper's roof, we can keep vehicle fights outside, while the infantry battle it out inside.

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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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an interesting concept, but what planets would have buildings like that? Pehaps Kamino, but that would be above water.

That roof reminds me of the top of that Naboo space station I drew a while back.


Another idea; only certain units can be used underwater


you just modify the XMLs like Jabiim (on Jabiim you cannot deploy hovering vehicles).

you can't deploy normal infantry, but you can deploy underwater infantry as a separate unit not affected by the map type. In turn, you can't deploy underwater infantry on regular land maps.


I'll find a pic of the scuba trooper in a bit


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SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Making new environments is easy. You can save your map's environment settings as a new template (like Forest, Desert, Swamp, Urban, etc.) in the Nature tab.


Also, another good addition for underwater maps would be bubble particles, like floating up from underwater to give it a more underwater feel...maybe I'll try making some... ;)




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an interesting concept, but what planets would have buildings like that? Pehaps Kamino, but that would be above water.

That roof reminds me of the top of that Naboo space station I drew a while back.


Another idea; only certain units can be used underwater


you just modify the XMLs like Jabiim (on Jabiim you cannot deploy hovering vehicles).

you can't deploy normal infantry, but you can deploy underwater infantry as a separate unit not affected by the map type. In turn, you can't deploy underwater infantry on regular land maps.


I'll find a pic of the scuba trooper in a bit

Cool idea, but I like the idea of putting infantry in buildings. And the Roof is Keeper's.


I've seen the Scuba Trooper, here it is



Here's the Empire's


Edited by 1upD

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Scuba Trooper (republic)



Sea Trooper (empire)


that ought to help.


Also found an oppurtunity for another indigeonous unit:


Anyone know what that seal looking thing is?

Edited by Logan Felipe


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

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