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Re: The Corellian Engineering Corporation Project


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Having completed The Golan Project, I've decided that after I get back from my trip to Rhode Island (purely business, and definitely not volunteer), I'm going to add a few Corellian ships to the game. But, they'll only be useable if you control Corellia. So far, here's what I'm thinking.


Corellian Battlecruiser

Corellian Destroyer

Corellian Frigate


I think it would add something fun to the game. Unique units, based on what planet you control, beyond the capship thing.



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Corellia kind of went with the flow. The entire system is notorious for being independent. They just like sticking it to the man, basically. My rationale is that Corellia is the home of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, one of the largest shipbuilders in the galaxy, and you never really see any Corellian ships, save for the corvettes, gunboats, and modified freighters. The whole idea is to make it worth something to capture a planet. The way the vanilla game is, Coruscant is no different from Hoth. Why not make Coruscant a galactic bonus; something like where if you control it, you can see the entire galaxy, or massive troop discounts? For Corellia, if you capture it, you should pick up a few units, exclusive to Corellia. As the Rebels, if you capture Kuat or Fondor, you should be able to build Star Destroyers. It's stuff like that I'm looking for.
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Corellia kind of went with the flow. The entire system is notorious for being independent. They just like sticking it to the man, basically. My rationale is that Corellia is the home of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, one of the largest shipbuilders in the galaxy, and you never really see any Corellian ships, save for the corvettes, gunboats, and modified freighters. The whole idea is to make it worth something to capture a planet. The way the vanilla game is, Coruscant is no different from Hoth. Why not make Coruscant a galactic bonus; something like where if you control it, you can see the entire galaxy, or massive troop discounts? For Corellia, if you capture it, you should pick up a few units, exclusive to Corellia. As the Rebels, if you capture Kuat or Fondor, you should be able to build Star Destroyers. It's stuff like that I'm looking for.



I agree.

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That would make capturing planets worth, well capturing.


So, each planet should be able to produce it's own unique unit in addition to the regular ships. For example:


Mon Cal Empire:

Able to build ISD with more durable shields there.


Mon Cal Rebel:

Able to build Mon Cal Cruisers


Kuat Empire:

ISD II & ISD III can be built there.

Eclipse-class Star Dreadnought

Executor-class Star Dreadnought

Sovereign-class Star Dreadnought

Dominator & Tector Class also


Kuat Rebel:

Rebel ISD can be built.

Nebula/Defender Class ISD

Majestic-class ISD

Mandator II-class Star Dreadnought


When your outnumbered, you've got more targets to shoot AND less chance of missing.

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Too many unique units. Also, that would involve making dozens of variant units, and that has the potential to get really annoying really quickly.


Also, not every planet has unique units. Sure, Kuat and Fondor both have big shipyards, and Corellia has the CEC, and Mon Calimari has the Mon Cal shipyards, and you've got other planets like Bilbringi and Sluis Van, but all together there weren't that many shipyards capable of producing lots of ships.


However, I am looking forward to FoC to see what else we can get. I already have a few ideas.

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I have a similar idea to this for my personal mod, except it's more like, whoever controls Mon Calamari can build MC ships, whoever controls Kuat, Fondor, Sluis Van, etc. can build SDs. Corellian ships can only be built on Corellia. That kind of thing. Also recruitable indigenous units. ;D




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I have a similar idea to this for my personal mod, except it's more like, whoever controls Mon Calamari can build MC ships, whoever controls Kuat, Fondor, Sluis Van, etc. can build SDs. Corellian ships can only be built on Corellia. That kind of thing. Also recruitable indigenous units. ;D


When I first heard of EaW, I thought Indigeonous units would be recruitable.


That would be a huge plus.



Flash Speeders

Gian Speeders



Gungan trooper

NSF trooper

Bravo Squadron (hero unit)


that sort of thing.


I really need to put up a link to steiner's mods here somewhere; they've got CorSec ships, Hapan battle Cruisers, etc....


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Theres too many variations there to code into the game especially for the ISD. You want to make Mon Calamari be able to build ISD's with stronger shields. Great, I like that - but not the coding side of it. There is to be honest too many variations to look at ISD I II III and then some. You need to code variations of the ISD to be buildable at Mon Calamari with stronger shields. This would maybe put a strain on the amount of build tabs available for such a thing.


Not to mention having your build tabs filled up with several types of ISD's all of the same class - but just some with more better shields. You would then have to make normal ISD's not buildable at Mon Calamari and only the variants to get around that nightmare.


in theory though I like your idea's but would take some working to do.


Not sure the idea's you have would actually work in my game though - as I use shipyards before anything can be built. so I would have to get around that too.



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erm yes its my own private mod. Its like 850MB in size the best I could ever do is send to you on a CD LOL..


I originally combined several public mods - but I just keep adding to it changing things and improving things. I called it Balance of Power - took the name from an old game I used to like.


I basically put together a mod consisting of





BailKnights Mod

LOW ( bits from the mini mod)


Plus lots of stuff of my own I added.


I got the ship yards stuff from SAU and added them into my files. they wern't hard to add.. Also adding the Golan stuff next - already added some of it,.



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I've decided to make the three Corellian ships I'm adding gamebreakers. These things will be very powerful, but expensive. I want to make this a planet WORTH fighting over. The first time you have to fight one, you're going to make a beeline for Corellia.
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Back on my idea for the shields, you could code in an effect for that planet, like the one on Byss (was it Byss?) that increases AT-AT firepower, that gives a bonus to the shielding of in-game  ISDs for the Imperials.


When your outnumbered, you've got more targets to shoot AND less chance of missing.

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It'd be very easy to code a variant of an ISD with better shields. Just make a new type, variant of the normal one, and change the shield value and make it buildable only at Mon Calamari. Simple. ;)




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The Corellian Battlecruiser and the Corellian Destroyer are both in-game and balanced. What I decided to do was make them fast, give them lots of guns, but have them be at a significant disadvantage in terms of shields and armor. Also, they're very expensive, and take a while to build.


Tomorrow, the Corellian Frigate, complete with custom CorSec X-Wings and CorSec Y-Wings. Awwww yeah.

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Yeah, I'm borrowing the models from SAU, but the code is all my own. I've gotten to the point where I can have a unit coded and working, in-game, after about 30 minutes and on the first try.


Yeah, I'm just that good :)

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The Corellian Frigate, complete with CorSec X-Wings and Y-Wings




The Corellian Destroyer




The Corellian Battlecruiser




Only buildable on Corellia. So contact your local Corellian Engineering Corporation representative today!

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