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FoC to EaW Animation Converter


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In order to allow for units to be transplanted from Forces of Corruption to Empire at War I have created an animation converter that reads .ala files in Forces of Corruption's format and can write them in Empire at War's format.


Get it here:





The other way (EaW -> FoC) is also possible, but not necessary, as Forces of Corruption is able to read those natively.


Mini-disclaimer: The file format is based on the FoC demo, and might change with the full FoC version. So I might need to update the converter when FoC is released.

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Mini-disclaimer: The file format is based on the FoC demo, and might change with the full FoC version. So I might need to update the converter when FoC is released.

I bet the full will use the regular animations.....Or the FoC demo ones......


I don't see why they'd make new ones.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

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and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

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I bet the full will use the regular animations.....Or the FoC demo ones......


I don't see why they'd make new ones.


Thats because they didnt want Game Porting, But mike here Has struck a 99998 Damage attack and Petro must recover >.> And kick his ass...lol nice one though mike.

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ok question. When you convert all the ala files to EAW format do you still add the ALO file and the ALA files into the models folder ?


I'm just checking in case it causes an exception error or some thing.



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Please explain this further  ???


Put them in the Models folder. That's all you need to know. ;)




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I see thats all I needed to read. I was unsure if the ALO AND ala files should go in the same models folder. I have added so many units in the past that I care to mention - just getting my head around the FOC units and what to do with them if I wanted to mod them into my own game.;)



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The object files (.alo) from FoC work fine in EaW.


The animation files (.ala) don't because EaW can't read them. For FoC Petroglyph created a different animation format. EaW doesn't understand this format, so crashes when trying to read them.


My converter understands both the FoC and EaW format. So it can read an animation that's in the FoC format and write the same animation in the EaW format, meaning that you can then use that animation in EaW.

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Well, there's more to it than just the alo and ala files, of course.

In fact, I don't know if the ones that work in EaW will simply work in FoC. You might need to things to the XMLs for FoC.

But that's manageble and not the point of this topic.


This is about using the models and animations from FoC for EaW. Which is not possible unless you use my converter.

How you use the models and animations in EaW to create usable units is a different matter and boils down to good ol' fashioned XML modding.

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