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Crix Madine refers to them as Imperial Escort Carriers

Madine: “Imperial Escort Carriers!”

Wedge: “Imperial what?

Madine: “They’re not part of the regular Imperial Navy…”


He says they’re used by storm commandos.


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SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Used by storm commandoes = COMBAT escort carriers

Normal escort carriers are used by imperial navy.

bah! I hate descrepencies between canon sources! >:(


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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It's minor. The rebels are likely to call it whatever the want, and the Empire might refer to the same vessel by entirely different names. Remember that we see most things from the Rebel perspective (sad but true)...




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It's minor. The rebels are likely to call it whatever the want, and the Empire might refer to the same vessel by entirely different names. Remember that we see most things from the Rebel perspective (sad but true)...


"Small fighter approaching; X-Wing Class." -Imperial officer in Carbon freezing chamber after Han is frozen, Empire Strikes Back

Wouldn't the Empire call them "Incom T-65s"?


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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"Small fighter approaching; X-Wing Class." -Imperial officer in Carbon freezing chamber after Han is frozen, Empire Strikes Back

Wouldn't the Empire call them "Incom T-65s"?



If it weren't a movie? Yes. However, there was the need for the general audience (not just the avid audience) to know what they were talking about.




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good point...


Episode II

(Jango shoots Zam Wessel from a tall building. She dies instantly)

Obi-wan: (examines dart) "Toxic Dart."


Episode III

Grievous: "Activate ray shields!"

(ray shields activate as Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Palpatine run down the hallway)

Anakin: "Ray Shields!"


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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well...those aren't great examples...ray shields are a type of technology, so it's a universal term...and toxic dart is accurate even if it is generalized...there's no way for Obi to know it was a "Kyber" Dart anyway.


Edit: WTF?!? Why did I not notice this until now? Ray shields only block energy! Particle shields block physical objects (like people)! ACK!!! Movie error!!! :-x




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I noticed that as well, but ray shields will burn or even disintegrate someone (if the shield is powerful enough) if they try pass through shields. So it's not an error.


When your outnumbered, you've got more targets to shoot AND less chance of missing.

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Raltiir shouldn't require too many changes.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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SAU ?????????


well lucky  for us

the landing pad inst part of the base

so its by its self as a model il code it in


as well as the a wing  v wing (RSI verson)

x wing y wing (bombs) y wing (missels) x wing (ion cannon)

tie intercepter b wing and mil falcon

and the n-1

i think i migth

code some units in just for this

like a neb b with no weps

a rebel trans port that isnt so sucky

and some units for RSII and RSIII

a missel shutel (moff sirdon shuttle)

il get tie inetcepter,b wing,v wing and escort caier form bailmod



all for land and space


falcon,x wing,y wing,z-95( i presume it has a r2 unit),and v wing (dose it have a r2 unit) will have auto repiar


il make a luke,wegde,the one lady from RSI,and a few other guys in a   x wing,ywing,awing,vwing(wegde),b wing,and tie inetercepter (the one lady) and well i dont know what else


at-st with concussin missels,at at for rebs and no deploy,at at that cant move and that has no weps (for the one mission)

a rocket turret (for rsi maps)  a sqaud with a x wing y wing and a wing for the battle of endor lvl for rsii

Edited by darth trogsasea
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Uh...TIE interceptor's in FoC, as is B-Wing...and the TIE Phantom

V-Wing airspeeder is done and done with 1 request to bailknight.

I got the shuttle to fire missiles and lasers like seerdons but someone from petroglitch made its fire bones face left (or right, i don't remeber) (which looks wrong) instead of forward (which looks right), but point is, it fire to the side. Ungh.


I can code all of this and make all the maps. I just need the models :P...

X-Wing with Ion Cannon...blah I'll just use the switch weapon code the Droideka mk2 has.

Y-Wing with bombs is in vanilla EaW as a groundvehicle. Its just that its not very effective. A few tweaks and done.

N-1, I don't remeber being in ANY of the RS games other than by cheating...


...and to get the existing ones not to fade druing a ground battle GRRR...(at the fading, not at you). That ALWAYS ruins my crashed ship maps...


I'd appriciate it if you'd make me icons though. I can only use MTD editor and I don't own photoshop and suck too much at GIMP to make icons with alpha channels


The friggin landing pad is in vanilla EaW. Just play that carida mission again...or the freisa one... >.> And they are separate from a base.

Just place some (land) TIE fighters on them and bam you're done.


I'll need to downsize everything on land maps though, just to make it more interesting for the dogfights...and let the fighters be easier to select (no more flying off the edge of the map).


Enough for now...

SAU needs damage smoke...and damage blasts.


"That was fun"

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Send me any images you want as the icons, and I'll make them.


-I'm working on your Hovertrain model right now -they're unarmed rignt?


When your outnumbered, you've got more targets to shoot AND less chance of missing.

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N1 was unlockable in Rebel Strike, as well.


The Delta-7 was part of a story mission; Wedge finds Obi-Wan's abandoned Delta-7 Jedi Star Fighter and uses it to escape Geonosis (his X-Wing didn't survive the crash landing he had there).


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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you know a good game was battle for naboo


it was good


RSI and my bros 64 was  the frsit game(video game)i ever had

BFN was the second one (battle for naboo)

SOTE was third (shadows of empire)

EP1R was foruth (episode 1 racer)



I'm working on  mod that will add the naboo...I ust need models/skins first


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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-I'm working on your Hovertrain model right now -they're unarmed rignt?

No...not really. The engine car has a turbolaser at its front, and it has gun platform cars with a turbolaser and a missile turret on it for the Kessel train. The chandrilla train consists of an engine and several box-cars.


N1, falcon, and Interceptor, you have to use cheats to unlock.

If you're going to add the N1, you can add the buick electra :P same cateory - does not appear unless you cheat.


*eh hmm off topic*


"That was fun"

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