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Rogue Squadron Maps


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I was bored...and I did some that didn't require any modding (lol)...so I might as well finish the maps for the first game...then maybe the second one (I only own the first one so I'll need help for the second one from someone who's played it)

The goal of this is to create a singleplayer-skirmish map that can be played as rebellion against an imperial AI.


I'll upload some of the betas for critiquing....later.


Means It is possible with vanilla EaW

Means It will need a mod

Means it needs model(s) not already made

Means It is done (for vanilla eaw)


PART 1-1

Ambush at Mos Eisley (Needs Probe Droids)

Rendezvous on Barkesh (Needs some ground transports)

The Search for the Nonnah (IF I can find a Nonnah, If not, will use a downed shuttle)

Defection at Corellia (needs ground TIEs/Falcon to be good)

Liberation of Gerrard V (Needs yachts...no idea where I will find them)


PART 1-2

The Jade Moon (Needs to be redone with X-Wings instead of speeders)

Imperial Construction Yards (complete, maybe needs fighters)

Assault on Kile II (Needs to be redone with TIE fighters, etc)

Rescue on Kessel (If I get a Hovertrain)

Prisons of Kessel


PART 1-3

Battle Above Taloraan (will be treated as a space battle...just going to change the skydome :D. Will need Models for the Platforms...and the city)

Escape from Fest

Blockade on Chandrila (If I get a Hovertrain)

Raid on Sullust (This will need a new model for the energy collector thingy...as well as the litlle thingys on the ground)

Moff Seerdon’s Revenge (I know how this one is going to be done)

The Battle of Calamari (IF i can get my hands on some World-Devatsators)



Beggar's Canyon (needs  Skyhoppers)

The Death Star Trench Run (Need some death-star surface models. Will be a land map)

The Battle of Hoth



Death Star Attack

Ison Corridor Ambush (I have a horrible beta that's glitchy in vanilla eaw)

Battle of Hoth (I think)

Prisons of the Maw

Razor Rendezvous

Vengeance on Kothlis (Needs a star destroyer hulk that DOESN'T Dissapear when you zoom in)

Raid on Bespin

Battle of Endor (Modified version to be accurate to the game)

Strike at the Core (may be impossible due to limitations)



From Books:

I need to borrow them from the local library and read them :P

Edited by Droid803


"That was fun"

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I'm done balmorra though...


Eh I'll look at the books too...but its going to be harder...much harder...(no defined map layout  :o)


Actually....the book ones should be better than the game ones....less bland.

Edited by Droid803


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Get me a couple images of the hover train, an idea for the ground transports, an image of the Nonnah, an image of the energy collector thingy and those thingys on the ground.


Then wait about a week, and you'll have a couple of complete, untextured (because I can't texture very well), and ready models. As well as a list of the bones for the models. (I can't do engine glows very well, yet...)


When your outnumbered, you've got more targets to shoot AND less chance of missing.

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Ground Transports (Armed Version)



Energy Collector


Can't find fics of the larger transport and the transmittors...or the chandrilla train...but thats just he same as the kessel train minus turret platforms)


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It's funny to think that these models are lower res than EaW, and it's an RTS, lol... ;D


It's even funnier when you realize that the graphics actually look better in some older games (ESP. Rebel Strike vs. Battlefront II)


I can help (research wise) if you plan to add Rogue Squadron III maps


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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I can help (research wise) if you plan to add Rogue Squadron III maps

Sure...I just never seen anything about RSIII so I never knew how it was like. (I read the whole RSII strategy guide for some strange reason...oh wait, a friend bought it to school and i read it when i normally would have been asleep in class LOL)


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Geonosis Level (yes, those are battle droids and a Gunship in the back. you play as Wedge)



Fondor level (destroy the cloaking devices to destroy the SSD while in a TIE Hunter)


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Help Captain Typho (not to be confused with Tycho of the Naboo Security Forces), an Imperial double agent for the rebellion, escape capture on Dantooine.




Space: stop the SD from capturing the Razor, a Correllian Corvette, by destroying the SD. You Destroy it, but the Razor is already captured. The SD falls through the atmosphere.

Land: Escort Rebel commandos to the crashed SD to retrieve important data; escort the gallifrees to the landing site, take out a couple of walkers in Speeders, bomb the SD's hull open, and fight off a small company of AT-PTs.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Isn't kolthis in RS2?


And whats with the horrible image quality for the RS3 shots...


Thanks... wow we'll need tons of new models. (i'd rather have map layout pics, readouts of units whatnot :P though)


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Isn't kolthis in RS2?

Yes; I just realised that. Rebel Strike includes RSII levels as cooperative (2 player) levels. I got a little confused.

And whats with the horrible image quality for the RS3 shots...

Unfortunately, those were taken by players with cameras; note the sides of the TV screen seen in the Fondor screeny. a downside to not having a PC version.

Thanks... wow we'll need tons of new models. (i'd rather have map layout pics, readouts of units whatnot :P though)

I was looking over bailknight's mod's XMLs, and found this unit:

- <SpaceUnit Name="Escort_Carrier">

The escort carrier is in the fondor screenshot.

I have the Rebel strike player's guide, so I'll extract some info from it.  ;)


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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i can help wiht this as i have all 3 games and i have every beat all of them (but the battle of hoth bouns levle for RSI i cant get all gold no mater (serdoin lvl falcon is only ship i can coplte it in time with v wing (true one not the pice of crap ep3 one i think i dint they name it the H-wing)  what i do i think deaddeck should get that lvl for me but it dont work)
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They're good Starfighter Piloting games...for the N64/Gamecube.


a downside to not having a PC version.

Now why didn't they release a computer version...

I don't want to buy the games on gamecube for my friend and go over to his house every time I want to play  :-\


The escort carrier is in the fondor screenshot.



I can help wiht this as i have all 3 games and i have every beat all of them



(serdoin lvl falcon is only ship i can coplte it in time with v wing (true one not the pice of crap ep3 one i think i dint they name it the H-wing)

Slightly confused but uh...ok...

We have a V-Wing Airspeeder in Bailknight's mod, which is great :)


what i do i think deaddeck should get that lvl for me but it dont work)

The code's deaddack with an "a" :P


never heard of those RS I,II,III. Can you give me more informations?

Even if I hate rebs with all my heart, i'd really like to have a look at them.





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when i was in mod manina we got permission to use stuff from his mod (its how we got the yessane isard on a ssd  low dint want us to use thir model so we used bailk`s in fact i stiff have the files of the ravage a mon cal that we used before the ssd was relsed)


il put a screenine as sonn as i find the shot


in fact im trying to get bailk to give me permission to put a V3.1 up for d/l


and i added isard  to V3.2


im going to make it so that both teams can get V-wings,arc 170`s,B droids,swapm speeders,accalmators,and,ventors

at a salvage yard it removes the acclamator from the imps list (did bailk add the ven if he did it will be gone 2)

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Uh, guys...the Escort Carrier in Bailknight's mod is a different one from the kind in RS III... ::)




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Uh, guys...the Escort Carrier in Bailknight's mod is a different one from the kind in RS III...

There are Escort Carriers and Combat Escort Carriers. One is a flying fighter bay, the other is an escort frigate/hangar ship.

I know that the Combat Escort Carriers are in the Geonosis mission (it says on wookiepedia, named "Combat Escort Carriers" inder participants), but in the fondor level it says just "Escort Carriers". If you've played the game, please go edit wookiepedia so it says the right ships under the participants...


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There are Escort Carriers and Combat Escort Carriers. One is a flying fighter bay, the other is an escort frigate/hangar ship.

I know that the Combat Escort Carriers are in the Geonosis mission (it says on wookiepedia, named "Combat Escort Carriers" inder participants), but in the fondor level it says just "Escort Carriers". If you've played the game, please go edit wookiepedia so it says the right ships under the participants...






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