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Tournament Idea

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yea, but it leads to the problem of who is going to play the empire and who is going to play as the rebellion, we could still find out who is the best rebel and empire players simply by taking the players who went the longest in tournament.


the only real fair way of playing a rebel v rebel match is that 2 games have to played so each competator can play as rebels and in case of tie, shortest game wins, so for example player 1 v player 2 (both prefer playing as the rebels)...1st game(p1 as reb,p2 as imp) p1 wins on day 3943...2nd game (p2 as reb, p1 as imp)p2 wins on day 2304, therfore p2 wins the round).


my theory behind this setup is simple best player will win in the shortest amount of time due to a better grasp of the game mechanics.


I dont think that is a good Idea, because its too many luck about it. If someone hide Darth Vader tha game can go too much long. I think the bet chose for 2 players who prefer the same side ist to make a dice decission, one guy is lucky the other one needs to skill up in the side he is not prefering.

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yea, im beginning to see a few flaws is my method...altho if it was a HQ victory only setting it could work a lot better but maybe we should just let the 2 players decide for themselves. I have to admit this little problem has got me stumped as to how to make it fair to both players.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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yea, it does place the emperial player at a dissadvantage also cause ihe has to find the rebel HQ before he can attack it, which does make it a bit harder for the imperial player but im sure a solution will present itself.


im in the final stages of figuring out the rules, i just need to know what ou people think of destroying planets, im thinking of allowing it but i want to know your oppinions on it, allow it or disallow it?


when i finish the rules i will post them here for everyone to comment on and point out any changes they would like to have made to them.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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I would say no to destroying planets. with one exception.


Heavily defended planets which might be impossible to attack otherwise might be destroyed. Also general bombardment should be banned.


I had a game where my opponent was losing. He started to destroy all planets he came acros with...


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ok all, im going to ask very politly for everyone who is interested in playing in this tournament to email me (via the button down below), so i can start drawing a clearer idea of who wants to play and so i can get started on the draw.


could you please include your name (SWR name please) and which side you prefer playing as. If you have no preference to either side just leave blank.


The sooner i get your names the better as im going to try to get this tournament started


at this stage the rules are as follow:


1) no destroying of planets

2) general bombardment is allowed (at this stage)

3) each round to start on the first of each month and games to be finished by the 25th of the same month (that way it gives you the time to play and me the time to draw the next round). Exception is december round will start 1st december and end 25th january to allow for xmas holidays.

4) galaxy size and speed of game is open

5) Loser has to submit result. Information required is Winner's Name, Loser's Name, Game time, And any comments you may wist to add. Disputes will be listened to and then filed in the round filing cabinet beside my computer desk :twisted: , seriously i will look into them and chances are i will ask for a rematch to be played


the jury is still out on the mods rule but if mods are allowed, the mods will be made available in form of a rebed file.


Now if two empire or rebel players happen to face each other in a round, i will modify that round's draw to try to solve the plroblem of who is going to play as who. If i cant then i will allocate sides. (i dont of any other way to solve this problem).


so thats about it, the rules are open for discussion so feel free to discuss them amongst yourselves cause im not listening...only joking, i will listen and consider any ideas you have.


thank you all



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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and one other question i have for you all...can i take part please? or is that asking to much as i am (im assumming) going to be running the tournament.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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ok people, ive decided to disallow the general bombardment rule, so rule 2 is going to read General Bombardment is not allowed. i will restate the rules over the weekend.


In terms of numbers i have received only 1 entry into the tournament (not including myself). i would like to see more but im guessing i will get most of the entrys over the weekend.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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