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Tournament Idea

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Its no problem to send the Medal per Post to the winner but who pays that medal :?:roll:


I think it's being made on the computer and being sent to the winner to add to the sig :wink:

Don't argue with an idiot, you'll just be brought to his level and be beaten by experience.
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just to clarify about this medal thing i suggested, its not a real medal just a graphic that can be used in the persons sig, a bit like the forum rank pics we see to the left of our posts. i have no artistic talent so i think i will be requiring someone else to design the medal but i will worry about that a little later on.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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rules wise, i guess the main rule would be playing with stock standard rebellion setup.


im open to suggestions, so feel free to send them to me


darth ramoth


Well, there's a number of things that are far too easy to do and are far too effective to still be fun in a game:


1) take a reb planet, sabotage everything on it, then send spying missions there, dozens. Successrate for an empty planet is high and you often get info on another planet. Sooner or later, you know where the Rebel HQ (and pretty much everything else) is stationed.


2) Sabotage all enemy mines and refineries you can get to. It'll completely cripple their economy and they'll be forced into obscurity. The only solution for them is to do the same, but what does that give us? A very, very long game.


3) Pumping up Luke(or Leia). Send them on a mission that has a high chance of failure, yet does not have a high chance of getting captured. Make sure the distance is short(ship in orbit). They get an evasion force bonus for every time and you can repeat this just about as often as you like.


There's lots of other things that work, but at least they can be defended against, countered in some manner or they aren't quite so broken. I'm also ambivalent about the Rebels and Empire having equal chances in a game. Personally, I think the Empire has a definate advantage. Their superiority in capital ships gives them the initiative at the start and if they use it well, it will be hard to overcome.




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Interesting things u wrote here and its nearly all right but the evasion bonus is not as bad. If they have their Rank of Jedi Master they dont become higher Force stats (the other grows further)but they are defeatable by one of youre Jedis which have the same Force-Rate.


I would like if we could play the game a bit modded, I have a nice mod made what does balance the game a bit more and make it more realistic

something like:


1. Palpy and Leia can train Jedis

2. some ships are a bit modded (Stardestroyers have now larger shields than a Nebula) or DNs are now also capable in later games.

3. increased Fighter Capacity af nearly all Capitals by 1 or 2


thanks for overthinking that

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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I ve made detailed txt -file about all changes but its in german :( There are explanations about all changes and why I think they would make the game more realistic and balanced. If u are good enough in german I would send it to youre e-mail adress
"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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hey dude, your ideas do sound good, im very interested in hearing more of your mods, so if you like send me your txt file and ill try to track down a person capable of speaking german and get it translated into english...it could take me some time tho.


so feel free to email it to me, just use the email button here and that way it goes into a folder set aside for swrebellion emails.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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I would gladly join in an tournmament.


I used to play SW Rebellion for a whole year back in 1999 against a human player. Vi switched side everytime and it was heck fun! Would gladly experience that again!




I have some suggestions...


1. Original 1.0.1 game, no mods.

2. Forbidd General Bombardment.


Anyway, when will this tournament start?

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I have some suggestions...


1. Original 1.0.1 game, no mods.

2. Forbidd General Bombardment.


Anyway, when will this tournament start?


at the moment its still in it the planning phase and i started this topic so i could get an idea if it would be goer or not, im pretty busy for the next few days and wont be able to get online much (if at all :cry: ), at this stage i would say it would go ahead, i just need to finalize rules and other basic things which i would post here for everyone to look at and then comment on. As for exact date i cant say at this stage but im speculating within 30-45 days.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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Well how many people are we looking at in this tournament? Who knows how long it could take! Yearly sounds fine to me... monthly maybe, bi-yearly sounds almost perfect. But bi-monthly... ahhh!
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well according to the poll there is 13 who will take part and 4 who dont know, but i am assuming there will be more people who want to take part in it who havnt voted. so im not sure on the exact numbers.


im thinking of perhaps a knockout tournament might the way to go, that way i can collect a list of names and who they prefer playing as so i a map the draw out so people who like playing the empire will challange the people who like playing as rebels. this way will also allow me to put a start and finishing date on each round. (im thinking of 2 weeks per round).


How does that sound to you people?



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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I sended it to youre hotmail adress because I do not know how the other is :| and I could not make an attachment there :|


got it mate, ill let you know when i have got it translated



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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I like the elimation idea. There would be too many disagreesments on a point system and it would just be all unfair and stuff. And elimination is just the basic way to have a tournament. I'd prefer an Empire vs Rebellion thing so we can find tyhe best of each side. And the best of those two. :)
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yea, but it leads to the problem of who is going to play the empire and who is going to play as the rebellion, we could still find out who is the best rebel and empire players simply by taking the players who went the longest in tournament.


the only real fair way of playing a rebel v rebel match is that 2 games have to played so each competator can play as rebels and in case of tie, shortest game wins, so for example player 1 v player 2 (both prefer playing as the rebels)...1st game(p1 as reb,p2 as imp) p1 wins on day 3943...2nd game (p2 as reb, p1 as imp)p2 wins on day 2304, therfore p2 wins the round).


my theory behind this setup is simple best player will win in the shortest amount of time due to a better grasp of the game mechanics.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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my theory behind this setup is simple best player will win in the shortest amount of time due to a better grasp of the game mechanics.


I'm not sure if that is true. It would require the assumption that the strategy that yield the best results is also the one that yields a result in the shortest amount of time. As expedience usually tends to carry a risk, I'd say that it's even likely this isn't true at all.



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I'm not sure if that is true. It would require the assumption that the strategy that yield the best results is also the one that yields a result in the shortest amount of time. As expedience usually tends to carry a risk, I'd say that it's even likely this isn't true at all.




ok...good point and i must admit after reading my previous statement again it does kinda sound a bit stupid...but it sounded good at the time :? anyway im just trying to come up with a fair way of playing that will please everyone :?



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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Hey, no problem.


I think it's best if we just let people play 2 games, one as Rebs and one as Imps. Kind of like playing a game home and away...


Come to think of it, no reason we could not use the same system that any sports league uses (I'm thinking of soccer, but take your pick). We cannot use a simple elimination tree because the sides (reb/imp) aren't completely equal.


I'd propose the usual point system of 1 point for a draw, 0 for a loss and 3 for a win. We want to encourage people to yield if the situation is hopeless, so there s/b no gain or loss in delaying the inevitable. A draw is only one by mutual agreement.


The way I see it, the biggest problem is going to be logistics. Getting everyone that starts to also actually finish the tournement and finding a way to deal with the inevitable dropouts. The second biggest problem is going to be agreeing on some uniform settings and rules (slow, large galaxy, no suncrushing, etc). Maybe we won't need them, but maybe we do, I'm not sure.


One way to avoid the above problems is to not have a tournement. but rather an open-ended ladder system. Players are ranked 1,2,3... and rank N can challenge rank N-X to a duel. If N wins, he and N-X trade places on the ladder. N can refuse a duel if he is currently awnsering or has awnsered a challenge recently(week, month?). Not awnsering a challenge within x days results in an automatic loss... etc, etc..


Now, the fun about this last system is that you can actually avoid the "what side do I have to play" problem, by giving each player 2 rankings, one as Empire and one as Alliance. Imperials can only challenge Rebels and vice versa. If you don't like to play a side, you don't have to, but off course, if too many people play the same side, they'll soon run out of opponents. It'll be interesting to seewhat side comes out on top (aka average rankings of all the Imp/Reb players in the top-10), who gets the calim of best imperial, best alliance and best overall player.


Well, I guess that's a lot to think about, so I'll shut up now...




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Well, I guess that's a lot to think about, so I'll shut up now...





you have given me a lot to think about 8O as for the rules side of things, i was pretty much just going to leave it as no mods (altho im currently looking at some basic stats mods which might improve the game a bit) and leave the speed and galaxy size etc etc upto the players but now that i think about it, it does sound better to have an uniformed playing conditions for everyone....something to think about now :? lol



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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