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Tournament Idea

would you participate in the tournament  

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  1. 1. would you participate in the tournament

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hey all, i had an idea which i ran by scathane and he suggested i posted here, i think this idea might be fun, i was thinking of maybe holding a tournament where we can challange each other at rebellion and see who is the greatest rebellion player of us all.


i have a few ideas for a point system, and a few basics rules as well, im also suspecting this will be a long term competion.


ive made a poll to help guage the response so please vote. i will check the polls often (prob every day :D ) which will run for 30 days and after that i will make the decission and post it here.


anyway its just an idea, and im interested in hearing your opinions on it.


darth ramoth



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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ok ive posted my vote, and ill take part unless there are objections to me taking part as im assuming i will have a major part in its running and scoring system.


i was thinking the scoring system is going to be points system where even if you lose a game you can still continue in the tournament and perhaps win it (providing you dont lose to many games :P )


rules wise, i guess the main rule would be playing with stock standard rebellion setup.


im open to suggestions, so feel free to send them to me


darth ramoth



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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Quite good Idea!

I like it but i think we should make some rules for the tournament :? (bombardment of the whole galaxie and something stupid else)

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Of course not... Free for All


Galaxy freefighting!


By the way, what about a sort of pyramid pointsystem


ive never heard of a pyramid point system...how does it work TK421?


i was thinking of set points to win and lose and then bonus points considering how long the game took you (an incentive for quick games) also i was thinking of maybe making it just a HQ victory in a small galaxy but i might leave that upto the players.


the points system i was thinking of would look something like this


Win 4

loss 2

0-1000 bonus 5 (winner) 4 (loser)

1001-2000 bonus 4 (winner) 3 (loser)

2001-3000 bonus 3 (winner) 2 (loser)

3001-4000 bonus 2 (winner) 1 (loser)

4001-5000 bonus 1 (winner) 0 (loser)

5001- No bonus for either



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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Sounds interesting... but I prob wouldn't like the quick game/points deciding how long you take idea thingy (mainly cause I suck at having quick games). But meh, I'd enter whatever rules end up being made for it.
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A thought and a problem.


The Problem: We have people who only play as The Rebels, and players who Only Play as The Empire. If they were forced into reverse situations like a person who only plays rebels as the Imperials than it would not go as well. Or if there were two playing against each other who both preferred one than the one who didn't get to be his usual will be at a disadvantage.


My Thought: We could do it in the true sense of Galactic combat, Empire player against Rebel player, those who suport the Empire form one team, those who support the Rebs on the other. They could then decide who they want to send against who, (Strong player against inexperianced etc etc).


I would play under whatever system used.

Don't argue with an idiot, you'll just be brought to his level and be beaten by experience.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Sounds like a solution. So do we need to start a thread for recruitment for each side?
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yea, i can see your point...maybe we could have teams and from that we could have winning team, best empire player, best rebel player and best overall player.


i was thinking about prizes (or lack of :? ) , maybe we could have someone design a little medal (or medals if we have different divisions) or something and the winner/winners can put them in their sig or something like that.


and also how about making this a yearly event?



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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Yearly? Isn't that a tad long? Wouldn't monthly or Bi-Monthly be better?


Or you could just have a month or two break in between tourny's. Since I doubt if a tournament with a game as long as Rebellion is going to be short. Especially with all the rounds, depending on the tourny brackets. But I think the teams should give AIM, MSN, etc SN's so that they can meet or whatever concerning what they want to do.


Or a thread could be made here for the two the only problem being that the other team could read, but any private stuff can be crried out via PM or IM.


Also Players that swing both ways (Don't care who they play as) Can fill the void incase there are more who want to play as the Empire than Rebels and vice versa.

Don't argue with an idiot, you'll just be brought to his level and be beaten by experience.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Well it would be up to Evaders and the staff but if we had two more forums we could have one for Rebels and one for imperials and it could work the same way as the special access stuff does now for Reb Reloded and such. Everyone would pick a side and only be able to pick one. Just some thoughts.....
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A monthly tournament sounds great the only tough part will be the time zones we're in but hey i get 2 days a week off and on those days i can be around just about anytime as far as a prize goes we could all chip in a couple of bucks and in the end first place could be a $25 prize and maybe a page on this site listing the monthly winner maybe his pic and some comments about the tournie maybe even a gaming story or 2. we could choose someone we send the money to to hold and they then send out the prize after the tournie is over.
Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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Back to the side choosing

I want to play both sides and a good player can play both sides.

So better is t make a random decision or if both cab handle that they play what they want.

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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its good to see the ideas flowing, its giving me a bit to think about 8O ...lol


when i first thought of this idea, i was thinking of a contest where it was everyone for themselves and that was it, you played as many games as you could in the time frame permitted (i was thinking of maybe 3 or 4 months playing time, once a year) and the one with the most points wins the right to call themselves the best rebellion player of the year this side of the Rishi maze.


Im not complaining or anything that you all have voiced an opinion or an idea cause this is what i wanted, ideas to make it more enjoyable for the participants.


im not to sure about the cash prizes cause then we have to work out if the $25 is going to be US currency or the winners home country currency (which in my case would be a bit under $50 US because of the exchange rate). Thats why i was thinking of maybe a medal which can be used on the winners sig.


anyway once again thanks for the input guys and keep those ideas comming.



Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete

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A medal is a quite good idea :D

What about a due for the playing? If its to high, nobody will accept it. :|

And if the due is low the price could just be low because we have no sponsors, right?

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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Ok forget the cash prize bad idea LOL Anyway the medal idea seems good As far as sides I'm an imperial player but play both sides just not very well sometimes. Dudanation can tell you that. I was rebels and he crucified me in under 300 days but I am still practising with them.
Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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