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As mentioned we need 2 units like space and land units and we base our story around them or use them in a way like a background unit. This is to discuss how the video is made and the story thread is what we confirmed in stone.
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now that we our behind closed doors can we see this secret unit?


also i would like to have to have the hunting dragons but if thats not possible ill just have the iron fist and some other unit


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Garbageben doesn't have none so we are going to have to make some up.


About the secret unit, not yet since it doesn't attack nor is it proper scale  ::) Waiting on Bex to fix the muzzle part and i'll fix the scale.


edit: I was also thinking about voicing when Mikan started spamming voice clips on MSN. We might also have characters and I have 2 already in mind.


1) A Blood sucker guy who tries to get new forms of technology

2) And a main evil guy who we are trying to stop from gaining a certain technology and ruining time itself.

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well im going to do the Iron Fist(taken from a dead Zsinj and givin to IMPS) and another unit.fine what ever(you make it hard to make a story when everyone doesnt have their units and you wont say anything about you "secret unit")


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Well sorry  :P I can atleast start right?  :P Besides beginning are open ended and its the semi-beginning, middle, and end that really count  ;D Fine you really want to know?


A Red Tie Interceptor  8) So puny.....


edit: Well its not really about who chooses sides its more like who acts it out if you have that unit you act it out on the side its on in the story. Don't get confused since its easy to understand  :)

Edited by Ghostly_Substance
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We can use Xfire anytime just question me and we'll discuss. I'm also flooding with ideas that I must type them down or i'll go insane literally.


Well Tie Interceptors are in and we'll be using the FoC timeline? Sometimes before Endor events? Have the Red Tie Interceptor still in Prototype stages and guarding Palpitine with no cloak. Halfway into the "movie" it would be installed with a prototype cloaking just for the secret Royal Guard Squadron and would see real service and Palpy pushing the boundries of his "mission".


Guess we can focus on the main character who could be an Assassin wanting to kill off the Penguin Project and the scientist behind it but while trying to do so come across all these weird prototypes created by him. Clues would be left here and there to find this secret lab and find a way to destroy it before anything gets leak on purpose or by mistake. During this the assassin guy ends up helping the Empire and uses the Venator and the Ironfist in some major battles for foothold to get closer to this lab. Empire wants to test out its new Tie Fighter unit so they dispatch the "Royal Guard Squadron" to help out guarding both the Venator and the Iron Fist with the mission that the Assassin is working on while being paid to do so.


I'm trying to be vague here since all our units need to be in the spot light. One more thing you guys want this to be a 10 min episode with many episodes or a nice big movie Episode (20 min)? And also if you guys object about the plot then go for it and try and suggest another route the story could go.

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ok it sounds good. i wonder if you can cloak ground units. if so i will have my atat modified that way. with more fire power of course.


i think instead of the pengian project they want to destory have the iron fist in being made and the rebels want to stop it. because if one SSD causes them problems two will be killer. and that way you can use kyle and other heros like pages commandos. and rogue squadron(they needs to be in).


i think we should try for 10min episodes and maybe have the first 1 longer to 15min for a pilot.

that raise another point who are the heros and villians going to be(i dont mean ships i mean people). like whos the big bad person that wants the project. whos going to be the captain of the iron fist and whos going to want to destory it. that sort of thing. i think we should try and get all the cast together(which can be edited) so we can try and make a script


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(Good guys)Assassin: Trenos Drak

("Bad Guy") Scientist/Engineer: Gozz Mrak

("Bad Guy") Leader of a rogue group: Scardu Stran

Iron Fist Captain: Scuda Strad

Venator Body Guard's (of Iron Fist): Snarg Wels Mrak & Karm Grans Wels (2 pilots since 2 Venators)


- My tank will be one of the special forces tank for our little group of technology controllers

- Red Tie Interceptor Guards will be both for the Empire which gets stolen by "us" and we keep our names unknown.

- Cloaking AT-AT will be AT-AT's Ground base

- Penguin Unit will be stopped on Empire's side and continued on our side for Secret Forces ways only (If you want).

- Land Scout Bomber we'll have to find a use for

- Black Stormtroopers for AT's AT-AT squad


Any issues? Try and fix this up then we can work on the brief plot of the story  ::)

Edited by Ghostly_Substance
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Look good, Substance. 8) Anyway, you could use my Land Bombers as both artillery and scouts, as they can take a serious beating before they go down. Anyway, I think you'll only need 1 Venator, as I tested my modifications on it and 1 was able to take out a lvl 3 Rebel Space station without taking too much damage. Except for the bombers and teh # of Venators, the story looks good. Keep up the good work! :D
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You want a well paid organization that our units will be used as (well some) or do you want to be a pirates organization that try and control everything from anybody getting to strong?
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well i don't really care but i don't want them to be pirates. but I'm fine with smugglers. also maybe we should make a thread which can be used for people to make characters. and other people can commant on them(Ive already got an idea for what i want my character to be ;D)


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  • 3 weeks later...
Now that we have FoC can the video crew fight a battle and make a video? Filefront or google videos should be a good place to host it until you want to get rid of it and we could see what FoC has to offer. I'm getting mine tomorrow since tomorrow is Friday so i'll enter in my side of the videos out of the raw FoC.
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You must get it it's awesome...


I'll go MP with someone...and should we FRAPS it or upload the recording?




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Fraps would be better but if you want use recordings. Well also if you want try for a small mini-episode thingy. I'ma show an example after 10:30 pm eastern time
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Well heres a video I made using a Replay I made from mine and Bex game vs 2 Imperial AI. Its short yes since its only an example but its me and bex (Corrupt) vs the 2 AI Imperials. I could have shown more but I took limited videos last night and not going to get them now.


(Right Click and Save as, if it doesn't work just pm me or MSN/Xfire me)



My Video Example Format:

- PFF Logo (none found in video)

- Star Wars zooming Logo (none found)

- Zooming credits (found)

- Calm atmosphere when viewer enters (found)

- Slowly becomes more violent (my corrupt vs Empire)

- A huge battle erupts between my Corrupt forces vs the Imperial AI

- Moves onto Bex's Forces with the Plasma tank and cuts off

- Short lazyass credits


If I continued it could have shown me and my transport going to their base and knocking out their base and me and Bex losing 2 points and mines. Thousands of bombing runs and basically that kind of mess. If you want me to add on to this then let me know and i'll extend it with the rest of it.

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