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Ideas for Modelers (Model Request Thread, Image Heavy)

Mikan Cyclone

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Here's a couple more, not that it seems that any of these gets even close to made. (Wishes had money to buy program and model)


Heres a tie oppressor


Some Sovereign type SSD



and a quad tiered Nebulon B


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I like that Nebulon-B.


Nebulon-B Frigate: 1-tier

Nebulon-B2 Frigate: 2-tiers


So that makes that a...Neb-B4?

And I'd rotate those tiers to be an " X " rather than a " + ". Looks better. A Tri-tiered one would look cool too....one top, and the two bottom ones of the Neb-B2.


"That was fun"

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Nice pictures.

Isn't that TIE Opressor from Galaxies? I liked that... Would be sweet to crush Rebel scum with that...


And I'd rotate those tiers to be an " X " rather than a " + ".

And the 'Nebulon-B4' frigate is also cool. But I agree with Droid.


BTW, what's the source of that Nebulon-B, and the SSD pictures?

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Here's a couple more, not that it seems that any of these gets even close to made. (Wishes had money to buy program and model)


Free, Legal modelling program.

Wings 3D-->Max3Ds 6 or 8-->.ALO


You'd just need to ask someone with Max3ds 6 or 8 to convert your models.


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SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Maybe you should go ask XWAUP for their source models for the freighters? If we beg we might get some of their other meshes as well. (I'm looking at you, Experimental TIEs, I want TIE bombs... I'm also looking at you, M/CRV)

It looks good...


anyhow, i think its http://www.xwaupgrade.com


"That was fun"

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Muunislist Gun Platforms.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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Lady Luck


http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/2/2c/Jade_Shadow.jpg (image too big)

Jade Shadow


http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/a/ae/WildKarrde-NEGVV.jpg (image too big)

Wild Karrde



IFT-T TX-130T hovertank



TIE Crawler



Imperial Dropship Transport


New models for the ISD I and II, as well.... More hardpoints scattered along the hull, etc. Modelling and skinning for all of these units, and death clones and breakoff hardpoints for the ISDs and Wlid Karrde.


Wow, that Neb-4 frigate looks really sweet, even if it is a + and not an X.

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To make a proper IFT-T TX-130T hovertank you would need a new model (since I don't thin there's a way to edit the game one yet) to add hardpoints in the sides for missile launchers and remove that ugly turret... As well to add the two antennas that it has (at least in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - because in BF games they don't have that).
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Yeah, I considered that, but it's really not the same model specs. The turret is the most stand-outish difference, but the rest of the 2-M really doesn't match up well either. I guess, if worst came to worst, I could use it, but I'd prefer not. Also, I realized I needed a trooper (in this case, a standard Stormtrooper) in the top turret of the TX-130T, as well as a plain non-turreted trooper as well (for when Chewie steals the tank).






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I agree... The difference beetwen the versions, is big. The EaW one doesn't have the 'side' cannons (beside the cab)...and those turrets in the EaQ one are really ugly... And it's 'hull' (body etc, don't know a proper word to describe that... structure?) is flat...
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Yeah just the affect of the last trilogy films being made before the first trilogy. It wouldnt realy work it if looked all nice and shiney compared to the other grey imperial units.  :P
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, take a look at the new concept pics of Force Unleashed at LA's website... Cool things such a starfighter, an 'elite' AT-ST for Felucia patrols and a cool droid...








Take a look at a pic of Felucia that a ship like Darth Maul's one can be seen landed in a huge plant...  :P

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Hey guys, take a look at the new concept pics of Force Unleashed at LA's website... Cool things such a starfighter, an 'elite' AT-ST for Felucia patrols and a cool droid...

If you look very closely, the stormtroopers have Clonetrooper armor P3! It's in between stormtrooper armor and clonetrooper armor. The helm is stormy though....

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@ SWGR just a helpful note. Make an account on photobucket and then upload pics there or use the img tags to make the image show up right on the thread. People hate clicking on hundreds of links.
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The claw craft has been made by steiner modding.


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Petition for Obsidian and Bioware to work on Knights of the Old Republic III together! 3926 Total Signatures and counting!

SW Fanon Wiki entry - Captain Artenon

"A fake news show on fox should have real news!" -Louis Black, The Daily Show.

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