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Re: Calling All Modelers and Skinners - MC80B Model Needed


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I read on wookiepedia the Imperial Naval Troopers were used basically as security men for imperial installations and were chosen from stormtrooper units. They became elite troopers so you actually might want to make them a bit more better than a standard stormtrooper. I gave mine the same kind of firepower as a StarmTrooper but with extra Combat abilities.



Sote Mod Website @



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Can you send me your navey troops to have a sample to edit my own?


yes, sure. I'll send a PM with the sample code. (just for naval trooper)


I have gone one further with them too - by mixing them in squads with stormtroopers  ;D rather cool really.. reminds me of ROTJ on endor when they were in a squad like that, there just missing an imperial officer type guy in the squad now. - this is a little more adding of code to the imperial stormtrooper entry in the groundcompanies empire though - and a squad entry making for the navaltrooper to work with the stormtrooper squad.



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I am thinking to a special imperial army unit called "Imperial Legion". When landing it will cantain : 4 At-St 2 stormtrooper regiment ( 4 ST groups each )  2 navy trooper ( 2 groups each). This would be like the one landed on Endor waiting for that damned scums outside the shield bunker. I need only to figure out how to make it. It will cost near 1000 credits.

There would be another one containing the Bail repeter group too.

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I just wish some of the models had those hats they wear.

The models do have hats, I've checked with the .ALO viewer. It's just that the helmets cover them up. So if I can hex away the helmets.... 8)





Once I finish the skinning and hexing and all that crap, I should put it on filefront!

I probably will model one of those Imperial officers for a certain mod of which I don't know if I'm allowed to say.

Don't waste the effort. Use mine.




*HUGE sigh*

nevermind...... :'(

Edited by 1upD

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Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

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Is that the Field Commander?


"I feel fantastic and I'm

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and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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I'm going to try this l8r on.... What did you edit?

*sigh* it doesn't work. The top is from the .ALO viewer, bottom is what I got when I hexed it...

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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I use this wierd converter, the plugin won't work for me. :'(


I tried saving transparancy before, it came out white.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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The models do have hats, I've checked with the .ALO viewer. It's just that the helmets cover them up. So if I can hex away the helmets.... 8)





Once I finish the skinning and hexing and all that crap, I should put it on filefront!Don't waste the effort. Use mine.




*HUGE sigh*

nevermind...... :'(


First it's not a waste of effort, it's good practice. Second, I want him to have an actually modeled on hat, and certain animations and weapons.

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Your new model would be for sure better than this.

How ever in meantime hjow to use the ingame model, the one with the berret?

Can you try to make sense when you talk? I think I understand.....


Anyways, my idea didn't work......yet......


you can see the results in the fieldcom pic below.  It just makes the helmet really shiny...

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Uh.....I can't find the "Escort_Tie_Fighter" anywhere can you tell me where I could look in?  :-\ Its the one that spawns with Vader everytime you use the ability. Can't find that damn XML and I know I missed a file....


Not where it just says the names and groups them but where I can change their stats like firepower and health.

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	<UniqueUnit Name="Escort_TIE_Fighter">
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Fighter, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Bomber, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Transport, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Corvette, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Frigate, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Capital, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
        <Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Super, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>

Ya but I need more then this tho, I need to be able to change its firepower, health, and skin like with the other units. Do I have to add that in myself or is it just that basic? Crazy thing.

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Lower the graphic settings for shaders too as low as you can and the shinniness goes away.

*sigh* I can fix it very easily. Just erase my model modifications, and it will go away and I don't have to COMPLETELY CRAPIFY my EaW.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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