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Re: Calling All Modelers and Skinners - MC80B Model Needed


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Attention all Modellers and Skinners:


I really need a good MC80B model and skin. I can't do either for jack, but I can code. I would be mucho greatful if someone would be kind enough to help me out. Here are some pictures for reference:






If you can help, please let me know. Thanks!

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Not to take over the thread but since you asked for a model request I might as well throw one out too...

Can anyone make a Imperial Officer? Ive been dying to have one.



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Not to take over the thread but since you asked for a model request I might as well throw one out too...

Can anyone make a Imperial Officer? Ive been dying to have one.






I think I can hex and skin one. I'll try it out :D

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As for the MC80 I - seen a few so called MC80 'B's around there is even an MC80 on EAW Files but its not like that one in the drawing. I think the MC80 was a class though wasn't it - no two ships were the same.



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Here's the story on the Mon Cal Cruisers.


The one in-game is a winged MC80. There's another version that looks vaguely like Home One, but I choose not to worry about that, for my own sake.

The MC80A is a smaller Home One. But bigger than the MC80. You can fudge this and use a weaker Home One model for it.

The MC80 Battleship is Home One, Independence, and Defiance.

The MC80B is the stingray looking thing that I posted earlier. Bigger than the MC80A, but not MC80 Battleship range, it's the next evolution before the MC90.


Basically, I'm giving the Rebels firepower against Imperial capital ships. The ImpStars in my mod are ImpStar Deuce's, which means they have some big guns, heavy armor, and lots of fighters. Plus the Imps have the trump card in the ability to build an SSD at Kuat or Fondor. Facing one SSD is bad enough. But I deliberately left it uncapped, so hypothetically you could have two or three (think Black Sword Command) in a fleet. The Rebels needed something that might resemble a counter. That, and I like large capital ships :).


So, you see my need for an MC80B model. I can code it myself, I just need the model to stick in the game. Any help would be greatly appreciated :).

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well....when you first do it its like HUH?!? but after you have done its alot easier.


but you'll need these:


3ds Max version 6 or 8

.Alo plugin

www.swgbex.com :P

some image program that can get the .psd textures into .dds.

the model itself...which you cant find anymore due to the data base deletes.......(someone shold repost/recover those  :()

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very nice. ive been hoping someone was going to produce a real mc80b and not just the mc80. can't wait to use her ingame.










Dark Empire SPG is doing one, I just have to reconvert it :P

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There are a few mods I've seen with the Naval troopers. I always found it kind of odd that people would include them. I mean, Stormtroopers make sense. Bounty hunters make sense. But Naval troopers? thos e are the guys in the funny helmets that operate the Death Star superlaser. They have pistols. Woooooo.


See, that kind of thing was what I wanted to avoid while making my mod. I didn't want to take the kitchen sink approach. I wanted units that were awesome, but served a purpose. Plus, there's a lot of crazy stuff floating around out there.


What would be really awesome is if someone could modify the standard star destroyer model, throw some armor plating on it, give it a pair of extra weapon hardpoints, get rid of the fighter bays, and it becomes a Tector SD, which would be really exciting.

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Yeah, but they'd be unarmored, unlike Stormtroopers. I mean, hypothetically, you could make them faster than Stormies, more expensive, with better accuracy, but make them easier to kill. But then you're just duplicating Stormies.
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well Naval Troopers are good in some circumstances in the game. I use them to spawn from bunkers and the Imperial Barracks to defend the bases / installations on the planets. While putting Stormtroopers to more interesting tasks. This way I can take all the squads of stormtroopers I like with me and leave naval trooper protecting the base installations :)  :P



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