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Obi-Wan Fighter

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I'm rather new to modding, so I apologize that this isn't much of anything. I just wondered why Obi-Wan was confined to a transport when the prequel movies portrayed him as quite capable of handling a fighter (though no Anakin Skywalker, but then, who is?).


All I've done is modified the V-Wing so there is only one ship to the squad, with improved shields and weapons, and used it as a unique space unit for Obi-Wan. Added a tooltip entry into the text file simply because I dislike the [MISSING] message.


I'm not really sure how to get the abilities to work (I tried it with Invulnerability, but then the icon would appear over both Obi-Wan's icon and the ships shield/health bar, and the effect never deactivated after being activated once) so any tips in that area would be appreciated.


Any comment, criticism, or general advice welcome.

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If you want to add a special ability like Invulnerability, you will also need to add ABILITY_COUNTDOWN to the space behaviour line so that it runs for the correct amount of time specified in the ability itself.


While he's capable of flying a fighter, maybe his own Venator might be appropriate from the time when he and Anakin commanded the Open Circle Fleet.



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Actually I was working on a Venator, and then I found another mod that came with Venators for both the Emperor and Obi-Wan. Didn't want to be accused of stealing someone's work.


And thank you, Tycho, for the abilities help.

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