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Re: DataMinerXmlFiles.xml ????


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I've been playing about alittle today and realised that 'DataMinerXmlFiles.xml' doesn't seemed to be used even though it seems a very useful system  :(


Just wondering if anyone has managed to get it working or knows how to get it working ?

... very useful if it can be used, a waste if it can't  ???

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sounds like its an XML file that shows the game which XML files to look for for "dataminer" things.. not sure what that is :P

.. i havnt actually looked at it since im not home.. .. but ill look at it later


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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I tried using it but it appearently is not being parsed by the game at all.


For testing purpose I even violated the XML syntax but the game just ignored it.

It seems like it is with many other XML files (for example: complete perceptionalequations and markup folders) that

they were used in early stage of game development. Maybe they will be usable in the near future with a new patch and modding tool release.(I really hope so because the horrible AI)

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Well i woulnt be surprized if it just ignored the syntax error in teh xml file .. but  then again..


What does the XML contain?..u got me curious now..


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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It is header file of some sort. However I found that all xml files which are in config.meg seems to be taken into account despite the fact that there are extracted files allready. It means that AI files can not be overwrittent inless wre repack modified AI in the meg format.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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Its literally (or would be if the game used it) is the loading protocol for the xml files from its appearance. It would control which xml files would be loaded and parsed by the parser when the game loads and defines how the engine interupts them... like I said very handy.


A 'DataMiner' is best described as being much like a big processor used to pass through large archives and extract the data you want.


From what I could tell is that it was definately last used near the end of the production as it has testing code in the original cutting out the old campaigns and old object files - however this was before they put some of the more extenable object files link through a 'metafile' (ie. HardPointsFile.xml)


And trust me, Choas is right - it ain't being parsed at all as I've put valid stuff in there and it won't work ...

I'm hoping there is a way to activate this as it would be guarenteed to be the FIRST xml file parsed on load, and would point to the rest (however seeing it work like that makes it less likely it being activated again outside the embedded code  :( )


Not tried messing with the AI, but tested with 'GameConstants.xml' instead.


Edit :

Actually Oroa you could be right on with this, thinking about it the loader HAS to load this to know where all the xml files its to load are so if it did use it; then it would only load the one that's in the .meg archive as thats where it would naturally expect to look first for what to load considering the loader DOESN'T check whether a file exists beforing loading this would be a good idea.

Edited by JaiOwl
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To final Big!!!.. if only they had an auto update feature.. then i woulnt have to re download it for eaw.. and just keep my generals one.. ..

arrgh. i found ur link in the other post tho..  ;D


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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Just tried an experiment to with a new 'config.meg' file ....  :'(


It didn't seem to care what I put in the 'DataMinerXmlFiles.xml' ....

I'm too tired now to try anything else but I did notice, alot of files ARE NOT called via this so I think it was just a tool used for early development (none of the \AI\ or \ENUM\ folders were referenced at all in it)


Still think that Orao has the right idea for overwriting those AI files those. Good luck.

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DaraMiners are a low grade type of spyware.  If I had to guess it was part of a bug reporting system they used during development.

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From the comments in DataMinerXMLFiles.xml it appears as if it supercedes GameObjectFiles.xml somehow. Only it doesn't :D

DataMinerXMLFiles.xml is not used.

GameObjectFiles.xml is used. Even though it contains a few CIN*.xml files which are not in the game. Hope this clears things up.


BTW, I found this out by using a hex editor to look through the EAW EXE file.

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Lol, you cheat ;D

Had to do it the long way but did get the benefit that I now know what XML files are actually called by the loader on load, and what gets called during run-time loads for items like campaigns.


But yeah, your right no 'DataMinerFiles.xml' .... move along people

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