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Self Destruct Ability

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So I added this to one of my larger Imperial ships so that when it loses most of its hardpoints you can suicide the enemy for massive damage. I this for my code:


	<UniqueUnit Name="Imperial_Devestator">
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Corellian_Corvette Corellian_Gunboat Marauder_Missile_Cruiser </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> Y-wing </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
            <GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>


	<MovementClass> Space </MovementClass>
	<Space_Layer> Frigate </Space_Layer>
	<OverrideAcceleration> .1 </OverrideAcceleration>
	<OverrideDeceleration> .1 </OverrideDeceleration>
	<Layer_Z_Adjust> -90 </Layer_Z_Adjust>

	<Armor_Type> Armor_Nebulon_B </Armor_Type>

	<Required_Special_Structures />
	<Required_Planets />

	<!-- Set to spawn all units once and then not continue - no reserves -->
	<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Fighter_Squadron, 4</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Bomber_Squadron, 2</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>
	<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Fighter_Squadron, 16</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> 
	<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>TIE_Bomber_Squadron, 8</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>

	<Behavior> SELECTABLE, DUMMY_STARSHIP </Behavior>


	<Death_Clone />

		HP_Imperial_Devestator_Shield_Gen, HP_Imperial_Devestator_Engines, HP_Imperial_Devestator_FL, HP_Imperial_Devestator_FR, HP_Imperial_Devestator_ML, HP_Imperial_Devestator_MR, HP_Imperial_Devestator_BL, HP_Imperial_Devestator_BR, HP_Imperial_Devestator_FLA_R_00, HP_Imperial_Devestator_FLA_L_00, HP_Imperial_Devestator_Fighter_Bay

	<CategoryMask> Frigate | AntiCorvette </CategoryMask>



	<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Asteroid_Field> Unit_Asteroids_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Asteroid_Field>
	<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula> Unit_Nebula_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula>

	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_LASER, Unit_HP_LASER_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_MISSILE, Unit_HP_MISSILE_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_TORPEDO, Unit_HP_TORP_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_ION_CANNON, Unit_HP_ION_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_SHIELD_GENERATOR, Unit_HP_SHIELDS_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_ENGINE, Unit_HP_ENGINES_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_GRAVITY_WELL, Unit_HP_GRAV_Jedi_Cruiser </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>

	<SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Idle_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Moving_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop> Unit_Acclamator_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop>

	<Selt_Destruct_SFXEvent_Start_Die> Unit_TIE_Mauler_Self_Destruct </Selt_Destruct_SFXEvent_Start_Die>

	<Space_Full_Stop_Command> Yes </Space_Full_Stop_Command>


	<Death_Clone>Damage_Normal, Imperial_Devestator_Death_Clone</Death_Clone>


	<Encyclopedia_Text> TEXT_TOOLTIP_IMPERIAL_DEVESTATOR </Encyclopedia_Text>
	<Encyclopedia_Unit_Class> TEXT_ENCYCLOPEDIA_CLASS_FRIGATE </Encyclopedia_Unit_Class>
	<Score_Cost_Credits> 12000 </Score_Cost_Credits>

	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
		<!-- Primary ability -->
			<Spawned_Object_Type> Self_Destruct_Area_Blast_Effect </Spawned_Object_Type>

                                  <!-- Secondary ability -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>WEAPON_DELAY_MULTIPLIER,	1.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SHIELD_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	1.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SHIELD_REGEN_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER,	0.10f</Mod_Multiplier> <!-- make it faster to recharge -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>ENERGY_REGEN_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER,	0.10f</Mod_Multiplier> <!-- make it faster to recharge -->
			<Mod_Multiplier>ENERGY_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	3.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER,		0.8f</Mod_Multiplier>



	<Tactical_Build_Prerequisites />

<UniqueUnit Name="Imperial_Devestator_Death_Clone">



My problem isn't that it wont deal the damage or that the game crashes, but the fact that the ship after causing the explosion is still alive, and can still be told to move around and attack stuff. I even tried adding the Lua script from the Tie Mauler to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated.

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They have a lua tool, but I didn't open it, the Lua script from the mauler is already in the maulers unit code. I just copied the Mauler to my new ship. I didn't edit it, Lua's a pain, even for me....
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I'm sorry to tell you this but it seems that abilities are dpendent on vehicule class.


It means that you can't give hero ability to infantry as well as the self destruction ability won't work for ship. Unitl LUA script can be rearanged there is no way to bypass this limitation.


However I'm not sure that they will give us access to encrypted lua files since it will be almost same thing as giving us access to the source code.


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Ehhh, you can access it with any Lua editor. Finding a free one is the problem.




There's a "tutorial," if you can call it one, I have absolutely no idea what the writer is saying, but there's a Lua program there. So basically you're saying that I can't make it kill the Frigate?

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Lua can be compiled into bytecode - this speeds things up,  but makes it unreadable and almost impossible to edit.


If petroglyph is really really cool, they'll throw those source files (with comments) in with the mod tools.


Here's hoping...



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Have you looked at the behavior tag for the mauler, their may be a specific behavior you have to add to your ship.  I'll actually have a look myself since I've been thinking about adding something similar to ROR.  Exploding Freighters that spawn a starfighter squadron on death.


EDIT: Well, I see you did add the Self Destruct Behavior. hmm... Maybe the problem is caused by the destructable hardpoints.  If you make it so that the hardpoints aren't destructable and lower the tactical health it might.  If that doesn't I don't know what to tell you.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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You know... what he's got now would work great for cluster bomb blisters on Mon Cal ships.  ;D

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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  • 5 months later...

If petroglyph is really really cool, they'll throw those source files (with comments) in with the mod tools.


Here's hoping...




Ha! Months later, the database gets sent back in time, and I read this. I think petroglyph read this post! They did include the Source code!

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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