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Star Wars Bounty Hunter


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Probably one of the most under rated star wars games of all time. I think that most of you are true to your PC's and most like don't have Bounty hunter since it's only for PS2 and the Gamecube. But if you haven't played it don't go look at gamespot's reveiw of it cause they hated it for some odd reason.


Anyway it's one of the Best Star Wars games ever in my opinion. and I'm not like those kids at lucasarts who like it because they are Fett Fans. It's just that it's really well done. The Story is great and the cut scenes have the best graphics that have ever been seen on a gamecube. But there some things that are lacking and you'd know what I mean if you have played it (the whole game). Ahhh but now I'm rambling. I'd think they could make a sequal for it where you could be bob fett but it didn't sell so well I guess. It might also be because bounty hunter denied microsoft by only being on the PS2 and the Gamecube. And the Gamecube version is better than the PS2 one for some odd reason.



Gamespot Reveiw (Bad one)


IGN Reveiw (good one)


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Bounty Hunter's pretty sweet. It'd be cool to have a playground mode where you can just pick up bounties from various authorities (or the underworld) and go nab 'em. I liked doing the bounties. And who doesn't like the jetpack!




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Why does it sound to me as if you are trying to poke Gamecube? The best cutsenes you've seen on Gamecube, righty... Guess you dont own one. Gamecube rocks the PS2 graphic wise. (Not trying to start a gang war, or smash PS2, graphics dont really even matter to me, but I just have to set some things strait) And why do you say that the game is better on the Gamecube "for some odd reason?" I own both the  PS2 and Gamecube, and games are usually better on GC because of the better graphics and better controller. But most of GC games are GC  only, though... but now I'm rambling.


I was going to buy this at some point, but somehow I never did. Let's see what these reviews have to say, I might even consider buying this after all.


Edit: The IGN review suonds rather encouraging, but what I'd want to hear from you guys over here is approximately how long is this? 10-15 hours, 15-20 hours, 20-25 hours or what? Lucasart's games usually tend to be a bit too short for my tastes.

It bring upon us more of famine, death and war,

you know religion has a lot to answer for.


-Steve Harris, Iron Maiden

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whoah whoah whoah! I'm not poking gamecube! I said it was odd that it was better on gamecube than on PS2. Based on two factors #1 I have a gamcube and my friends who have xboxes, PCs, and PS2s constantly slammed on the gamecube. #2 They should be aobut the same shouldn't they? the reveiw said that the framerate was crappy on the PS2 and other stuff. I like gamcube's controls better but I'm not poking gamecube. It's the first console I got when the new generation of consoles came out.
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i found bounty hunter very sweet and it was fun to play but i do wish it had a freeplay mode where you can just do crap

the jet pack is cool and so is his double weapons

i also like the in game mini menu for the weapons so you can cycly through them with ease

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