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Re: Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0

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Personally maybe having a few "power" hardpoints on the ship that make energy recharge..


.until dead. :P


if u had a whole bunch of ion cannon frigates this wouuld be a nice target with y wings :P

maybe a sensors hardpoint.. a bridge .. and all other types  of ship systems


I thought they disabled its ability to turn..So the british had luke with them eh :D


They are actually saying that the Bismark crew scuttled the ship as our guns couldnt sink her. But she was totally devastated but was to well armoured to sink....Typical German sour grapes. Trying to take away us brits victory. As the the magazine explosion that happened on the HMS Hood when it engaged the Bismark. Back then our fleet were based on fast battleships so every bit of weight they could spare was taken out. Including the steel doors that protected the magazine from explosions ::)

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Hey, just wanted to say that I finally took the time to readjust all the "Health" values within the "Hardpoints" XLM file.


The balance is exactly the same thing, all I did was to add the exact same amount to all entries.


So now all Hardpoints' Health listed in that file are 50% higher, except for all Space Station values, which all are now 150% higher.


Believe it makes for some long (but still not too long for my tastes) battles, epic stuff, firing everywhere, it's just a bliss to look at guys.


For example, in terms of changes, like I said what I did was to let the number "as is", and simply add a given amount to it; all that was set at "400" is now "900" (I added 5 hundred to everything except for Space Stations as mentioned), all that was set at "1400" is now "1900", and so on. I added 2 thousand for Space Station Hardpoints.


Anyways, great MOD guys, I still can't wait for 2.1, but I will back-up my changed Hardpoints XML just in case I prefer my settings to the future ones.

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Hey, just wanted to say that I finally took the time to readjust all the "Health" values within the "Hardpoints" XLM file.


The balance is exactly the same thing, all I did was to add the exact same amount to all entries.


So now all Hardpoints' Health listed in that file are 50% higher, except for all Space Station values, which all are now 150% higher.


Believe it makes for some long (but still not too long for my tastes) battles, epic stuff, firing everywhere, it's just a bliss to look at guys.


For example, in terms of changes, like I said what I did was to let the number "as is", and simply add a given amount to it; all that was set at "400" is now "900" (I added 5 hundred to everything except for Space Stations as mentioned), all that was set at "1400" is now "1900", and so on. I added 2 thousand for Space Station Hardpoints.


Anyways, great MOD guys, I still can't wait for 2.1, but I will back-up my changed Hardpoints XML just in case I prefer my settings to the future ones.


LoL mate, i told you you didnt have to mess up with hardpoints and i don't want to be mean now, but we've already taken in account your suggestion - and what's more, it's already materiliased ;D . While the "add same amount to all hardpoints" is the first step, a further one is to give different amounts to hardpoints for each class of ships; ie. give 1200 (for example) to SD, a bit less to MC, 300 to Acclamator and so on. As for space stations, Tech 4 & 5 were greatly reinforced (along with the shield generator)........so, no need to back up anything ;)


@GenocidalDuck: The high-end and low-end system installation refer to different xmls installed according to a system power. If you dont have a good graphic card, a good CPU/motherboard and plenty memory, you should go for low-end, yet, you could give a try to high-end too (nothing will harm a simple try) :) . Ofcourse, this "discrimination" is way more reinforced in v2.1. About Interdictor you mention, it is buildable in skirmish & GC......ill check it and reply back.




PS: For Bismark discussion, just to mention that it was a well-working diversion of Germans. The whole British navy (+allies) were gathered to sink her down, in order to protect Meditarranean sea, while those Tigers opened some nice way with Afrikan Korps :) . Just a note, since it wasn't that great victory, if you consider all the other factors...

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Sorry dude I'm just impatient  :P


All I get anyway is the long-lasting battles I wanted.


With the true version 2.1 there will be more than just what I did in the Hardpoints file I'd suppose. So I'll end up downloading version 2.1 anyway hehe. Right now I think 2.0 is just awesome, and other than the reduction of size of the Imperial SD, I can't see where it can improve ! But that's just me. I'll just be surprised once again by the next version I know. Can't wait ... can't wait !  :o


I'm playing some TeS IV: Oblivion and BF 2 meanwhile hehe.


And talking about WW2 battles lasting long ... what about the Battle of Stalingrad ? Man, that thing was a mess, it was a man-made hell. I think, what, it lasted like 3 or 4 days ? Somethin' like that huh ? Like the best German troops (SS's ?), their best Tanks (couldn't do it on snow lol), but they suffered from a lack of resupply I think (the Nazis). Anyway ... just getting shudders up my spine just thinking about that, must have been hell.

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Nope battle of Stalingrad lasted for 6 months. You had entire German 6th army attacking that city.


Matter of fact during that battle noone never knew where the frontline is. What was taken during day by Germans was taken back during night by Soviets.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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Okey guys, first of all, a big THANK YOU for you great (indeed) feedback and support for EaW:Total Realism mod. The numbers speak themselves; over 1250 downloads in 6 days and only from our main site, since (this sounds and is more like a compaint more than something to boast of) we got absolutely 0 help from Lucasfiles, FileFront and other download sites where we did apply for the file. Only DMUK from Empire at War.net gave us credits at his news page (which we thanked for doing so), while he's still pressing LucasFiles to take more quick actions regarding the uploading of a single file.


Anyway, this extensive thread will now be locked down by the moderators, since we want a clean thread for the coming v2.1. Apart from a clean thread, we need a new area for feedback concerning v2.1 and not earlier versions. Minor feedback can still be sent to us, either with private messages or emails.


The thread concerning v2.1 will open 2 days before its release, like we did with v2.0. The release date is not specified currently, but it will be 100% one day from the coming week. We know, 4-7 days of waiting might seem extremely long time to you, but we're really working for your (and ours ofcourse!) enjoyment of this great game.


Before closing this final post, we'd like to state this; due to some messages we've got, people are wondering if playing a mod online is doable. Well, simply put, yes it is, providing that both sides have the exact same mod installed. Now, the problem is that most people online are deleting their mods before playing, because many (new players) don't even know what a "mod" is [...]. Anyway, to get straight into the point, because EaW:TR has already proved to be a widely accepted mod, we're planning, after v2.1 is out ,to organise small tourneys/games between the players that have EaW:TR mod (according to the numbers we get for v2.1)......the whole idea is still in progress, but taking in account that we're preparing a brand new site where EaW:TR will be hosted (sponsored by a serious & respectable company -not from PC games business-) rather than a plain html page, we're really looking towards this feature..............more to be revealed in the coming days.


Well, to sum up, thank you all again for your great support and (as always) stay tuned in our frequency ;) !


***The Empire at War: Total Realism mod team***

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