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Re: Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0

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  Great Mod Guys and thanks for your incredible work.  8)


  Here's an idea I would like to see implemented if you can:


I'm disappointed with the Rebel Infiltrator units. I was hoping they would function more like commando type units so I could use them as a raid force to take out key ground structures like shield generators, Cannons and heavy factories.


They need some kind of stealth ability so they can have a chance of getting to their target without being detected. I also think they should have the ability to increase the effectiveness of friendly indigenous forces.


I also thought another great addition to space battles would be to give infiltrators a way to land on Imperial space stations to cause additional damage or to take out a key hard point.


Of course if they had all these abilities they would be very powerful and should be very expensive to build.


Give Imperial Scouts an increased chance to locate the stealthy infiltrators (70%-80%). All other units would have a much lower (10%-20%) chance of locating them. This would add a great dynamic to land battles. Scouts would be flying all over the map looking for the infiltrators and once an infiltrator is revealed, they would need to avoid destruction for a period of time before they could use stealth again.


Also you could land infiltrators with your main invasion force. Their mission would be to locate friendly indigenous forces and increase the combat effectiveness of the indigenous units



  Just some thoughts but I hope you'll like this idea and run with it.  Thanks for listening .. :D

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I dont know if there is something like that like 'stealth' in ground battles...but im pretty sure AI sees always the whole map...so you cannot hide :)





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@WookieFunk: We're glad that you like TR (like everyone else :)). For the stealth ability you're talking about, it is activated for infiltrators (Royal Guards too), but as malric said, the AI can track you everywhere. One simple solution would be to remove this "cheat" from AI, but it is already a bad AI and this would make things worse. However, in MP, the stealth abiility of these units is obvious; grab some infiltrators and wreack havoc behind enemy lines (this is what i do when i get rebs ;D).


Moreover, the "binocular" ability both on infils and scouts aims to make them more "spy" units. Apart from this, these units were enhanced by many aspects; scout speeds greatly increased, sight of range too, one infiltrator shot = one troop down and more. As for space maps stealth/sabotage, this seems to be undoable, due to game engine  as Orao said :-\ .


One note, due to plenty and great feedback (for which we should thank you all once again) plus to some new ideas/surprises that poped into our minds, v2.1 will not be released this Wednesday, but it will be released this Friday/Saturday. Most likely is Friday, so, stay tuned ;)

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Yeah I figured space might be a problem but how about land combat?  Do units have visibility in EAW?  Perhaps just giving them a very low visibility would be all that is required?


  If stealth or lowering visibility is not possible,  how about giving them the ability to increase the effectiveness of friendly indigenous units?  This is a very realistic mission for commando/ special forces  type units.

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I think i have seen some lines wich were for katarn/mara jade on GC maps, and they had sabotage ability working the same way as boba fetts assasinate, but blowed up buildings...seems it was not finished


And there is no coding for making indegious better im afraid, so it cannot be modded

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@FleetAdmiralAK: What are you referring at?


@henmeister: Strange, cause the download link (and site) works fine. Anyway, a valid email address is an email address you have in use, so that i can send you a copy of EaW:TR there. Mind also that v2.1 is coming this Friday (hopefully), so, you may want to wait 2-3 days till then. But it's up to you :)

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@FleetAdmiralAK: What are you referring at?


@henmeister: Strange, cause the download link (and site) works fine. Anyway, a valid email address is an email address you have in use, so that i can send you a copy of EaW:TR there. Mind also that v2.1 is coming this Friday (hopefully), so, you may want to wait 2-3 days till then. But it's up to you :)


I was refering to a way to make infiltrators invisible (yes the line was purley made up and did not make much sense whatssoever it was only an IDEA)

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@henmeister I got the same problem until I used a differant browser.

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




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Constructive criticism...I like the special abiltiies to units

                                Don't like the scale factor...

                                Kinda killed the power of some units againts others, it literally seems what ever it says on the strategy guide gthat game comes with must be used against that unit.

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btw here is an example of symbols


Rar!±,_τ� /N�y½Χf!©w�ΛπθS�A₯


Just do save target as when you right click on it ! it does for me too but it downloaded anyway

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Just finished up the Imperial GC and in the last few space baatles I ran into the same problem with Boba Fett that people seem to have been having with the Falcon.  He just sits there no matter what you tell him to do.  Wierd.


Somehow I doubt you changed some crazy variable in both these ships the same way...so its probably an issue that relates to that size of hero unit.  Maybe another pathfinding issue like the capital ships?  As in, your fleet is so big that the Hero units start in such a strange position they don't know what to do?  Who knows  ???

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

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@Hymster: Constructive critisism/feedback is what we're begging for, so, it's never turned down.  Referring to scale factor, you mean the space units' one? This is reported by few people too (1-2 out of 1000) and it's directly related to the small maps we have now. Brining 5 SD and 5 MC, and boom, no more parking ;D. The remaking of ground and space maps (plus adding new for new planets) will be our 1st priority when a decent map edittor is released, so, don't worry. As for the strategy guide, it's more likely to disaggree with most mods out there that play with "balance" at units.........and as we said in the very first post, by "balancing" we mean importing imbalances where needed. However, to help people out, we did took some time changing all the "vulnarable/good against" tooltips, so that they can quickly see (generally) how the unit was tweaked ;).


@FormulaRedline: Lol, this remains a mystery that only Sherlock could solve ;D. However, now that both clipping and pathfing/crawling for cap ships has been solved, we'll run extensive tests to see how it goes.....

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Just finished up the Imperial GC and in the last few space baatles I ran into the same problem with Boba Fett that people seem to have been having with the Falcon.  He just sits there no matter what you tell him to do.  Wierd.


The problem was identified. I had this same problem with Piett and generic SD. I found that this happen if I click on the unit before it finish it sequence of exiting from hyper space. If I select before the sequence ends then afterwards it will not work.


No clue why this is happeneing.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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i have a bad issue with the game... the file that you download, what folder do you stick it in...... and what(if any) file is it supposed to replace, i just threw it into the data folder but nothing really great happened... to mention NOTHING HAPPENED
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Concerning freezing units issue.


Apparently it isn't the problem caused by our mod. Someone reported to have exactly same problem with the original game.


Check this link for more informations plz.




Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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Could you be more specific plz.




ok the file that i downloaded was a .rar file... where exactly do i put the downloaded file inside the EAW folders so it will take effect(put easy, how do i install it)...


before i i just put it inside the data folder, replacing no files and i got no new effect... i looked for the larger capital ships but i found nothing but the normal sized capital ships

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With every rar file we included readme file and a quick installation guide in english and in french.


If you are refering to hotfix then you just have to copy files into your gamedata\data\xml directory. This fix is to be used if you have installed modified galactic conquest map.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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