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Re: Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0

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@Havoc04: ... Concernign the VSD "not destroyed" nose, it might occur due to the +2 anti-fighter/bomber laser batteries we've attached to that bones. However, it can be due to a particular game mis-handling (like many others). Tell me if this re-occurs; ill check it myself too.


It is a coding error made by your copy/paste. (you copy-pasted too much) try to remove that the extra hardpoint support.

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Ok tested it, its awesome just few notes


- Realistic scaling of ship is nice...but not always playable, i guess the ISD and mon calamaris are TOO big..i would like to see something else then one 2 ships across whole map :P

- Too many spawned fighters, its really a mess, -1 squadron from each IMP ship would make it better...

- The Core planets should be scaled down a bit so..ie make them smaller so they are not so..well you know what i mean !

- Millenium Falcon didnt move in some battles :/ i know it breakdowns from time to time...but this........


Tested to make building requirements on all ships to lvl 2 bases, and guess what the AI did build really nice fleets like 1 ISD, 1 VSD, 2 ACS, 2 tartans etc :P should consider it, and making bases 3+ more expensive :)


Keep up the good work !

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Ok tested it, its awesome just few notes


- Too many spawned fighters, its really a mess, -1 squadron from each IMP ship would make it better...

- The Core planets should be scaled down a bit so..ie make them smaller so they are not so..well you know what i mean !

- Millenium Falcon didnt move in some battles :/ i know it breakdowns from time to time...but this........


Tested to make building requirements on all ships to lvl 2 bases, and guess what the AI did build really nice fleets like 1 ISD, 1 VSD, 2 ACS, 2 tartans etc :P should consider it, and making bases 3+ more expensive :)


Keep up the good work !


For fighters we wanted to recreate the final battle in Episode 6


Concerning core planets. We played with scaling them down. It isn't the big deal just one value to change. However wehn you do that fleet icon remain same and it is overlaping the planet. At the end you finish by not knowing which fleet is stationen on wich planet.



Finaly thank you for testing AI stuff with required base level.


What we might do is make level 1 and 2 bases really cheap but not allowing them to build any ship or just fighters. Let's hope that this will force the AI to build more versatille fleet.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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Heh, thanks for feedback once again. Version 2.1 will be released most probably this Wednesday or Thurdays (2-3 days).


Now, to your points :)


- Realistic scaling of ship is nice...but not always playable, i guess the ISD and mon calamaris are TOO big..i would like to see something else then one 2 ships across whole map

The common problem of the tiny maps, which we cant do anything until we get a decent map edittor  ::). Same applies for ground maps.



- Too many spawned fighters, its really a mess, -1 squadron from each IMP ship would make it better...

The infitine squadrons will not be returned in any case since it's out of realism 1000%. Yet, we might make some capital ships spawn less squadrons in coming version so that system crawling can be slowed down a bit. But in case the visual effect and battles end up having only caps ships fighting, we'll draw back to our current plans.


- The Core planets should be scaled down a bit so..ie make them smaller so they are not so..well you know what i mean !

No need to worry, Orao will come up with more goodies in GC than you can expect. (check earlier post)


- Millenium Falcon didnt move in some battles :/ i know it breakdowns from time to time...but this........

Never occured to me and i havent spotted it on other forums too (relating to TR). It might be a game mishandling.


Tested to make building requirements on all ships to lvl 2 bases, and guess what the AI did build really nice fleets like 1 ISD, 1 VSD, 2 ACS, 2 tartans etc :P should consider it, and making bases 3+ more expensive :)

Orao took up the AI part and will have it done by coming version (if i put my hands on it you wouldnt play any decent battle once again ;D). Mind that it's not only the modifcation you're talking about, it's more complicated, but in any case it will be better than current AI.


@swgbex: We'd really appreciate if you could find the ship with the fault TEXT entry, allthough we'll look them again as we'll pass in more SWD descriptions :)



So people, if you got some more feedback before Wednesday/Thursday, state it NOW, so that we save some versions for more enhancements :) !

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What we might do is make level 1 and 2 bases really cheap but not allowing them to build any ship or just fighters. Let's hope that this will force the AI to build more versatille fleet.



If you do this, and lvl 1-2 bases will not be able to build any ships then the AI wont have any fleets, unless those spawned from those generatemagicspacedefence stuff in lua scripts :)


But good luck with the AI :)

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- Millenium Falcon didnt move in some battles :/ i know it breakdowns from time to time...but this........

Never occured to me and i havent spotted it on other forums too (relating to TR). It might be a game mishandling.

It has happend to me ... the Millenium falcon just stays in one place and is unable to move..

Not sure what causes it but he was still able to fire his quad laser cannons..


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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Hello guys....



Concerning Falcon's bug I wasn't be able to reproduce it.


However we came with hotfix for Galactic Conquest. It corrects access bugs for planets and it gives more freedom to the rebel player on 43 planet map.




You have detailed instructions on how to install these.


However don't use these files if you didn't install new GC Map.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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Hey guys, pretty nice mod, great work!  I just had a few suggestions, they are completely my opinion but I think you guys were headed in this direction anway, so I'll make them but feel free to disagree  ;)


1.  "Garrisons" still make me unhappy.  I feel like you should be responsible for defending your planets...not just getting free, overwhelming defense from your buildings.  Heck, the stuff that comes of the buildings themselves are worth more than the stupid buildings!


I have no real problem with a barracks starting you off with a squad of troopers, but when it spawns them indefinetly, it just sucks for game play and realism.  Obviously, you guys agreed because you reduced it.  But still, 10 extra squads of troopers or 16 extra AT-STs or 10 extra fighter squadrons or ANY capital ships what so ever is still a bit ridiculous as far as "realism" goes.  What do other people think of this?  Should garrison reserves get the axe?


2.  I didn't really realize it until I saw it, but faster lasers in space really go a long way to get the feel from the movies.  If you need to see what I'm talking about, try the Open Conflict mod.  This will require a lot of projectile/hardpoint modifications, but really looks good.


Let me know what you think of those ideas.

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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For some reason, when I download, in the Winrare file, there is only the read-me text, and even that I cannot open. When I try to unpack it, it tells me it cannot read from source. Is it a problem on your end or is it just me?
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Thanks for the feedback (once again) :) . Now:


1. Garisson capacities will be more reduced in v2.1 . We are not intended to set them to 0, since they represent the small reinforcement that can be sent during a battle or the vehicles/units stationed in factories. And if you noticed, Rebels have always lower garisson numbers, to represent their luck of budget :)


2. EaW:TR uses Open Conflict (made by Adonnay) files for lasers :) (check credits). However, their original values were regarded faulty. The Ion Cannon shot was bigger than a SD actual lenght, the laser shot graphic started before the actual gun battery and more. The actual size/lenght of TR laser graphics was chosen according to ships' size. In v2.1 more lasers will be added (more for high-end, less for low-end systems) enhancing the experience even more. Ofcourse, anyone can choose from different mods according to its preferance, but the Projectiles.xml has been tweaked a lot for TR, in case you plan to replace it with another mod.


@shadow3dje: The system crawling when bringing capital ships in the battle has been spotted by Orao and it's (99%) due to the extreme CPU power required to relocate the pathfinding without falling into asteroid fields (and they are in every single map ;D). We hope that this will be resolved in v2.1.


@JoEsMhOe: Just downloaded a copy and everything looks ok. Do you have latest WinRar version? If the problem insists, send me with private message a valid email to mail you a copy.


[edit] JoEsMhOe, latest WinRar is 3.51 and it's due to the "best" compression we used to make the pack. You can find it from download.com for free. So, this must be the problem ;)

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2. EaW:TR uses Open Conflict (made by Adonnay) files for lasers :) (check credits). However, their original values were regarded faulty. The Ion Cannon shot was bigger than a SD actual lenght, the laser shot graphic started before the actual gun battery and more. The actual size/lenght of TR laser graphics was chosen according to ships' size. In v2.1 more lasers will be added (more for high-end, less for low-end systems) enhancing the experience even more. Ofcourse, anyone can choose from different mods according to its preferance, but the Projectiles.xml has been tweaked a lot for TR, in case you plan to replace it with another mod.


Great, then you'll know what I'm talking about  :)  What I was referring to in this case was more the speed of the projectile rather than the look.  At least in the latest version I've played, you really get that feel of the turbolasers flying quickly across space (imagine the opening scene from A New Hope) rather than now (and the "stock" version of EaW) how they kinda look like neon colored missiles the speed they're going.


It's good to see people combining the good qaulities of different mods though!

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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I would be happy when all buildings spawned troopers only for the rebels (guards/workers etc) it doesnt make much sense to spawn for example artilery as they are not finished yet...


And btw would it be possible for vehicle buildings to repair vehicles ? (repair bays inside) and barracks to heal infantry ? (sickbay)

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@FormulaRedline : You were talking about speeds? Heh, didn't got it. Thanks for info, ill tune up some speeds in coming version ;)


@malric: Oh mate, you're putting some nice ideas in here (didn't even think of them) :). Ill see if it's doable, but this might set the coming version 1-2 days further. As for artillery/troops, they are supposed to be the garisson forces of the planet, not you main forces (where you move around in fleets); they must exists (ever seen a building with no crue around it?), but in very lower numbers than main army. As said in FormulaRedline, the garisson forces (space & ground) will be further reduced in v2.1.


NOTE: The system crawling when cap ships getting involved is, as said, due to pathfinding. We're really putting efforts on fixing it, but it's kind of game's limitation. A good solution is not to order your cap ships to move in great distances (estimate huge pathfind). We're experimenting with those asteroids fields that seem to make the whole fuss (they put them in every single map, *sigh*).

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Kali Mera Athanasios!


I have been reviewing the MOD and MOD notes and there's lots of cool stuff here!  Great job guys!  I was wondering:  If you wanted to add new units, like Tie Interceptors, Super Star Destroyers (once the map editors are published of course otherwise it won't fit!), where can you add the image files (and how can you create them?).  ???


I thought that maybe I would share a couple of additional MODS I have done for "Realism", in case you think that they are good ideas to add:  I have increased the Tie Fighter squadrons to 10 fighters (but I am thinking of making them 12), bombers to 7, and given X-Wings Proton Torpedoes (like the films, but fewer than Y-Wings) and A-Wings concussion missiles to balance - but I don't have spawning rebel fighters as I think that would shift the balance too much. I have also greatly increased the build times, especially for larger units (which I think you have done) and also significantly increased the cost to the Rebels for larger units like Capital ships to more closely reflect the difficulty the rebellion has in collecting the resources needed to build large ships - but this is balanced with increases in shields, armor and weapons for the larger ships to make them really potent and valuable. (I love your mini-lasers on the cap ships!)  I am also working on increasing the vulnerability of troops to attacks from ATs and Tanks but also increasing the squad size to compensate - i like the decreased troop damage on armor by the way!


I also have significantly increased the hyperspace times to slow the game down - this helps to make the game a bit more strategic since you have more time to do your planning and move around your resources.  


I hope that you find some of these ideas useful!  Keep up the awesome work!  ;D



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Heh, καλημέρα (or καλησπέρα, it's 3.40pm here :)) mate!


Many more balances concerning build times, costs etc will be included in v2.1 . As for X-Wings, A-Wings etc you're mention, we have already implemented them in v2.0, but we didn't note them in the readme (you cant note all 800++ changes in readme, all we would go mad ;D)


Thanx for the suggestions btw!


@Dark_Dragon: Do you remeber the space map? The weird is that we never fell into that bug, not even now.... ???

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Sadly i dont think its a map specific bug.. rather its more of a giving the falcon orders while hes doin a meanuver or something similar to that.. Maybe you should check the falcon with the vanilla falcon and check for diferences and where the error might be. thats where i would start


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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@FormulaRedline : You were talking about speeds? Heh, didn't got it. Thanks for info, ill tune up some speeds in coming version ;)


@malric: Oh mate, you're putting some nice ideas in here (didn't even think of them) :). Ill see if it's doable, but this might set the coming version 1-2 days further. As for artillery/troops, they are supposed to be the garisson forces of the planet, not you main forces (where you move around in fleets); they must exists (ever seen a building with no crue around it?), but in very lower numbers than main army. As said in FormulaRedline, the garisson forces (space & ground) will be further reduced in v2.1.


NOTE: The system crawling when cap ships getting involved is, as said, due to pathfinding. We're really putting efforts on fixing it, but it's kind of game's limitation. A good solution is not to order your cap ships to move in great distances (estimate huge pathfind). We're experimenting with those asteroids fields that seem to make the whole fuss (they put them in every single map, *sigh*).


I mean the buildings would spawn only ONE unit of vehicles and couple of troops and thats all...you have those 10 units as planet garrison and that should be enough, right now, you only have to put heavy factory anywhere for free artilery you dont even have to build...

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The garisson units will be reduced drastically, no need to worry. We're actually satisfied that people have, more or less, the same concept as we do about realism. Yet, when a mod is first-released, you cant do exaggerations but try to appeal the majority of players. If we set garissons to 0, then the downloads would go to 0 too ;D (which are nearly 900 by the way, only in 3 days and only from our main site - expect TR to be uploaded in LucasFiles, FileFront and Gamespot soon).


As for falcon, apart for his scaling, didn't touch anything else....ill look into it though.


And as for 2 vaders, ill look into it, cause somebody messed up with xmls there (and it wasn't Orao job so, guess who did it  ::) ).........however, who knows, with that many clones they did, a small bug in the master-computer and two vaders have been created........Emperor's special order, just in case the 1st Vader turned to be "despensable" ;D

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Hey Athanasios,


I took your advice and just copied over the projectiles.xml from newest Open Conflict (which has all the modified speeds).  I also reduced the garrisons a bit more (like you're planning).  Then I played Imperial GC with the new map you guys released.


Holy Crap!!!!!  That was the most fun I have ever had playing GC!  IF you want to test out those laser speeds just throw that OC xml in there to see what I'm talking about.  I have a feeling this mod is really going to shine next release  ;D


The only problem I ran into was that in GC I'm at tech 5 and the Rebs are still at Tech 0.  I mean, they still throw enough Nebs, Vettes, and fighters at me to make it challenging...but it'd be nice to see some Mon Cals and A-Wings too.  Again, this is one of those elusive AI problems....I wonder if there is anything we can do about it  ???

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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The only problem I ran into was that in GC I'm at tech 5 and the Rebs are still at Tech 0.  I mean, they still throw enough Nebs, Vettes, and fighters at me to make it challenging...but it'd be nice to see some Mon Cals and A-Wings too.  Again, this is one of those elusive AI problems....I wonder if there is anything we can do about it  ???


Before someone repairs it, just lower buildrequirements on space units to lvl 2 and you will see alot of action :P its only a few entries, and changing them takes like 1 minute :)

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I like when ppl enjoy the GC. Concerning  the AI well we are working on it but as I said before there are some variables inside file definition for AI that we don't understand at all. We are playing with them atm. So we can't promise you nothing on the AI department.


However I'm pleased to tell you that we finally fixed crawling problem with capitals. We identified the probelm in asteroid fields and in pathfinding algo. Since we rescaled the capitals, collision boxes were rescaled too. There was very little space left for normal maneuvering with all those asteroids meaning that the good solution for pathfinding was never found. After some time this blows up everything else since ship tries to reach her distant destination at all cost which causes crawling on general level.


So until we can remake maps we removed asteroid damage for capitals. I give you credit that this is not realism but  it is the only way to keep that huge ships on the map without putting whole rig on it knees. 


Ah and about that capital ship clipping, well it isn't there any longer.  ;D


All we had to do is to change Z-axis placement for ships.


Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 mod.... 1200 downloads in 5 days and counting...

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