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Re: Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0

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Well, as promised, it's 1/4/2006 and we uploaded Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0...enjoy and send us the required feedback to

enhance this mod even more! :)






Empire at War: Total Realism mod is a creation of A.Tsiolas (Athanasios) and M.Goran (Orao).



IMPORTANT NOTE: It would be V-E-R-Y helpful if you could send us in the contact email (found in last section of README file) along with the feedback described here, some screenshots or even short videos showing the problem you are talking about. In your email just put a easy-referance subject (ie. bug: Piett rapid turn speed, imbalance: ATST no efficient against infantry). You may also copy & paste the description of the problem as posted in the forums, but do not omit to post the problem in the forums too, so that other people that face the same problem acknowledge that it's already reported.


Orao recommends using FRAPS program (uploaded to our site) to record in-game videos. It can capture screenshots too. Mind to turn your screenshots into .JPEG format, so that they are not huge (.tga format: 5 MB/image, .jpeg format: 200 KB/image .


Thanks again for the feedback :)


(this note is edited into the first post too)




Okey, we kept silence for quite long while working hard in the backround to boost up the already preferred modification "Empire at War: Total Realism". Due to the wide appeal we decided to get our hands even more dirty and steal some precious free time from our lives to bring you the mod you were asking for.


Anyway, to stop the babbling and get into the point, EaW:TR v2.0 will be uploaded (hopefully) this Saturday, 1/4/2006 (no, we're not liing :))  featuring a wide range of new enhancements, from a minor footprint re-scalling to a whole re-configuration of ground & space combat and Galactic Conquest experience.


Below i post some parts of the extensive readme file. Stay tuned in topic, since until Saturday, ill post the images you will be asking for and even more.


So, get ready, load your patience, excercise with some veterans out there, and then come face the real devastating power of some marching ATAT & Star Destroyers, or fulfil your thirst for freeding up the galaxy with more advanced tactics than ever before ;) !


PS: Mind that since the text below is directly copied from a text file, the organisation doesn't look as in the text file; i did my best to make it look nice in this thread, but in the original readme file it's just "as meant to be".



"Empire at War: Total Realism" mod (EaW:TR from now on) enhances "Star Wars: Empire at War" original game's realism

and gameplay features on Ground, Space and Galactic Conquest. It was developed for those that wished to lay down more

strategies on the battlefield than amass an overwhelming "doom" force and eradicate everything in their pass.


Realism enhancements were based on real-life examples, such as armor penetration law and a talor-made "food chain"

among several classes of units, while Gameplay enhancements had as purpose to provide a challenging, thrilling

real-time-strategy game by balancing all aspects of the game that contribute to this aim. Note that when we mean

"balancing" the game we mean implementing the correct imbalances and not amplify the "scissors-rock-paper" base.


Thus, what would you expect to see from this mod?



||| GALACTIC MAP & MISCELLANEOUS modifications |||



[*] A brand new re-designed Galactic Map, Star Wars lore based, with strategic "choke-points", trade routes,

    hyperspace lanes, apparent core & outer rim worlds and way more, making Galactic Conquest THE challenge.   


[*] Add to the above GC boost-up, the re-configuration of all buildings & units costs. No more the "every planet and a stronghold"

    or the famous "doom-fleet"; you want many Star Destroyers, Mon Calamaris and MKII Frigates? Put the hand deeply in the wallet first...


[*] Ground vehicles & trooper producing "factories" garrison/reinforcements are now limited (according to unit type)



| Barracks: Trooper [2/10], Plex soldier [1/6]                         ||  [xx/xx] stands for .             

| Infiltrator facility: infiltrators [2/8]                                       ||  = -    

| Light factory: T2B [3/9]                                                                                                                         

| Heavy factory: MPTL [4/8], MPTL Spotter [2/4]                                                                                                                                                   

| Officer Academy: Field Commander [1/1]                             ||  Set spawn delay to 35 seconds (there was no previous entry).         



| Barracks: Stormtroopers [2/12], Scout troopers [2/8]                                                                                             

| Light factory: TIE Crawler [5/15]                                         ||  We replaced ATST with TIE Crawler spawn due to scaling reasons.       

| Heavy factory: M2-Repulsor [4/16]                                                                                                                 

| Advanced factory: SPMAT [3/9]                                          ||  No ATAT, but lowered spawn time at 25 .                               

| Officer Academy: Field Commander [1/2]                             ||  Set spawn delay to 35 seconds (there was no previous entry).         



| Command center: Soldier [3/15], Plex [2/8], Swamp speeder [3/12], Pod walker [2/10], Skiff [2/8]                                                 



[*] Space stations garisson/reinforcements are now limited (according to unit type)             



| Tech 1: Z95-Headhunter [2/9], Y-wing [1/5]                                                                                                       

| Tech 2: X-Wing [2/9] , Y-wing [2/8] , Corellian Corvette [1/1]                                                                                   

| Tech 3: X-Wing [3/15], Y-wing [2/12], Corellian Corvette [1/2], Nebulon-B [1/2]                                                                   

| Tech 4: X-Wing [3/20], Y-wing [3/14], Corellian Corvette [2/4], Nebulon-B [1/5]                                                                   

| Tech 5: X-Wing [3/15], Y-wing [3/16], Corellian Corvette [2/6], A-Wing [2/10], MKII [1/4]                                                         



| Tech 1: TIE Fighter [2/10], TIE Bomber [1/6]                                                                                                     

| Tech 2: TIE Fighter [2/10], TIE Bomber [2/9] , Tartan Cruiser [1/1]                                                                               

| Tech 3: TIE Fighter [3/17], TIE Bomber [2/14], Tartan Cruiser [1/3], Aclammator [1/2]                                                             

| Tech 4: TIE Fighter [4/24], TIE Bomber [3/18], Tartan Cruiser [2/5], Aclammator [1/6]                                                             

| Tech 5: TIE Fighter [4/20], TIE Bomber [3/20], Tartan Cruiser [2/8], TIE Advanced [2/12], Victory destroyer [1/4]                                 



[*] Fully compliant with patch 1.03.


[*] Fully compliant with the FRENCH version of the Empire at War (Yup, believe it or not, we did even translations... :) ) !


[*] Multiple installation options for: (1) High-end systems, (2) Low-end systems, (3) With modified Galactic Map and (4) Without modified galactic Map.


[*] All heroes (+ Royal Guards) original text descriptions replaced by direct data collected from Star Wars Databank.


[*] Absolute (1:1) text compability for all the modifications made (garrison numbers, unit descriptions and more).


[*] Detailed changelog .xls files containing all the editting done so that anyone can play with the values.


[*] Refreshed, more comprehensive and detailed, readme file.


[*] More than 800 tweaks and modifications on most .xml files in order to achieve balanced (implementing the imbalances needed), challenging, strategic & fun gameplay, some of which (:modifications) are...[*]





||| GRAPHIC ENHANCEMENT modifications |||



[*] Capital Ships gained dozens of lasers, boosting up the visual experience!       ||  Don't be skeptistics about any imbalance issues that may arise, these lasers do minor damage sine they are ONLY for visual effect (recommended for high-end systems).

[*] Enhanced laser graphics                                                                                             ||  Lasers as meant to be.

[*] Complete space rescaling (space ships, buildings)                                        ||  The image gallery at EaW:TR home site speak themselves.

[*] Complete ground rescaling (buildings, vehicles, infantry, heroes, indigenous)    ||  ...even footprints were re-scaled :) !

[*] Ground & Space camera zoom in/out greatly increased                                  ||  giving the player the ability to see everything in the way the battle demands.

[*] Object fade out and clipping values greatly increased                                   ||  allowing the player for first time in EaW modding to keep visual contact

                                                                                                                         and control his units & buildings with a great distance; no more hassle to move back

                                                                                                                         to a sudden attack that happened some kilometers behind your back - just turn your

                                                                                                                         sight backwards and give immediate commands.


||| GROUND major modifications |||



[*] Almost all Rebel, Imperial & Pirate units/buildings modified            ||  To achieve our multi-side high-standard goals (a units is not just "health" & "damage" points) - check relevant .xls for thorough details.

[*] Exhaustive modification of Gameconstants labyrinth                    || * Kids, stay away from this file :) *

[*] ATAT headmounted anti-air lasers enabled                                ||  making this "monster" as meant to be - unstoppable (or stoppable with much effort & strategy).

[*] Regular infantry can no longer damage armored vehicles             ||  Penetration implemented realistically, making infantry a still vital unit for success.

[*] Darth Vader with 16 501st Legion trooper company                                ||  Not that they were needed, but Vader can't do all the minor work... :)

[*] Palpatine with 6 Royal Guard Company                                     ||  Yup yup, Royal Guards added and accordingly tweaked (health, stealth capable etc.). Moreover, they are selectable by 2. Enjoy these cool guys ;) !

[*] Field Commanders got +4 company troopers                                 ||  These guys were made powerfull even from 1.1 version, do not underestimate them.

[*] Repulsor Jammer reactivated for Imperials                                ||  Get your enemy literally stuck on ground and avoid "raid" surprises by hover vehicles and snowspeeders.

[*] T4B's heavy lasers and missiles fire simultaneously                     ||  No more hassle to click on "rocket attack" button in the middle of the battle.

[*] T4B's special ability changed to "power to weapons"                   ||  giving a small but crusial time either burn the whole battlefield or get your neck saved.

[*] T4B has now a small amount of shielding                                  ||  only to bear the first shot of the front lines - before getting in the heat of the battle.

[*] Infiltrators and scout troopers can now use binoculars                      ||  enhancing their spying abilities.

[*] TIE Mauler has the "hunt for enemy" ability                               ||  to let these merciless troopers comb the map with "hands-free".

[*] Repair Facilities can heal multiple units per cycle                        ||  No more LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) implementing...

[*] Repair Facilities heal faster and have wider repair ranges             ||  Get your healing fast, get it now, get it without need to hug the the repair/healing facility.

[*] Rebel Repair Facility can repair damaged Snowspeeders

[*] Bacta Tanks can heal multiple units per cycle

[*] Bacta Tanks heal faster and have wider healing ranges

[*] Weather effects balanced                                                       ||  No more +700% rocket inaccuracy at 5 meters shooting due to some flying "dust".

[*] Indigenous spawn units will not respawn after first kill                ||  Basic physic laws applied... :)

[*] Vehicle factories spawn times from 15 to 25 seconds                 ||  Only abandoned factories have +5 secs (compliant with patch 1.03).

[*] Trooper producing "factories" spawn times set to 35 seconds      ||  From 15 seconds (original value).

[*] Most vehicles firing/sight ranges further increased                     ||  to match their bigger scaling.

[*] Tweaked Hypervelocity Gun and Ion Cannon                             ||  Damages, recharge seconds that is.

[*] Units strengths and weaks fixed at their tooltip                           || "ATAT vulnerable to Plex Soldier (only)" - Okey people, let's smash those 10 MPTLs on that hill! :)         






||| SPACE major modifications |||



[*] Almost all Rebel, Imperial & Pirate units/buildings modified                ||  To achieve again our high-standard goals - check relevant .xls for details.

[*] Exhaustive modification of Gameconstants.xml labyrinth                    ||  If you catch the tempo from ground modification, then you feel like home :) .

[*] One more deep dive to Hardpoints.xml for optimal experience         

[*] Rebel capital ships now have their own hangars and squadrons           ||  How could a capital ship carry no squadrons??

[*] TIE Advanced X-1 is now buildable at space tech 3                         ||  Give your elite pilots the right "hardware" support :) .                        

[*] Decreased ships speed without engines from 0.4 to 0.1                     ||  Every ship with engines disabled is supposed to be a "sitting duck".

[*] Interdictor Cruiser has hangars and squadrons as well                       ||  making it more versatile.

[*] Space stations delay seconds for garrisoned units decreased to 7       ||  from 10 seconds - get your backup quick and jump into the battle before they knock your door. 

[*] Space stations hardpoints health increased                                     ||  Do not attack a space station before you got what it takes to do this...

[*] Space defence turrets do way more damage against fighters & ships    ||  Not an MKII, Victory cruiser, Mon Calamari or Star Destroyer, but does its job well.   

[*] Some capital ships gained 2 anti-aircraft lasers                                ||  Which are MC, MKII, SD and Victory, yet those lasers have worse efficiency than Corvettes' & Tartans' ones.

[*] Tartan gets 2 more laser batteries                                                 ||  More Star Wars compliant.

[*] TIE Fighter enhanced to come up for Rebels' Capital               

[*] Z-95 Headhunter can lure the enemy like the A-Wings             

[*] X-Wings, A-Wings, TIE Scouts and TIE-Bombers given "hunt" ability

[*] Ships strengths and weaks fixed at their tooltip                                          || "Mon Calamari is good against Tartan Cruiser" - obviously...         







Special credits must be given to (alphabetically):

- ***  Admiral Z  *** , for uploading the CE maps so that most people can use them on multiplayer games

- ***  Adonnay   *** , for his enhanced laser shots .dds files and ATAT headmounted cannon lasers activated

- ***  MistenTH   *** , for allowing using his "Realism v3.0 (gold)" mod as starting base for the space modification

- ***  Slocket      *** , for allowing using his "Ground Camera angle - unlocked" mod (that originally unlocked the pitch limits)




And to start with, grab those cool-red-clothed guys, officially know as "Royal Guards" :)



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No problem, and with the chance, this modification of the speed (without engines) wasn't made "by mistake". As said in the comment by that feature, a ship with destroyed engines is supposed to be the "sitting duck"; currently, with only a 60% reduce at speed, this isn't the case.
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I like the idea of the mod (where to download?) but the name - Total Realism?  Realism in Star Wars?  A universe that has hyperspace drives and 'lasers' that're slower than bullets and folks who can do magic...er, 'use the Force', that is?  "Realism" and "Star Wars" is a contradiction in terms, don't ya think?


Maybe "Better Balance", or "What EAW Would've Been Had It Actually Been Beta'd", or something like that.



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Incase you dont know,the collectors edition maps ARE ONLY for the people who manage to pay 20 $ more than the other people,and im almost certain theirs copywright laws to worry about! ???
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Congrats guys - most impressive. I will try your mod.


Remember to update it on this list too.


Edit...were the heck is the download link ?  ???

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Anyway, to stop the babbling and get into the point, EaW:TR v2.0 will be uploaded (hopefully) this Saturday, 1/4/2006 (no, we're not liing )  featuring a wide range of new enhancements, from a minor footprint re-scalling to a whole re-configuration of ground & space combat and Galactic Conquest experience.


You will have to wait 2 days

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Looking forward to this one. I'll have to put all my new units into the xml files again!  :'(


Anyway, a quick question about the map you're putting together. Is it a rearranged version of the current one (new trade routes etc) or does it feature more planets beyond the normal 42 planets (i think its normally 42 anyway.... gotten used to using 64)?



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wtf i already bought the normal version and here it isnt able to buy so i am not a cheapskate or whatever anyway i hope the stuff of the special editon WILL be included


I would have, but no stores had it. I bought the only copy of EaW in my friggin' county. The day it came out...




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First, sorry for the delayed update of new scrennies i promised, we're working for you after all :) . Now, some things to be answered:


1. CE Maps

LEC does not state clearly somewhere in the license that distributing these maps is illegal. However, ive personally mailed Torpid (PG developer at LF forums) asking this. He, from his side, forwarded this to LEC people and as known, from their side, they might reply after 1-2 months.......you want to release EaW:TR after this period? I don't because i really enjoy what i have in my hands. Apart from this, there are basic arguments about the map distribution, which, although i am not obliged to discuss them (ive contacted the right people for this as said and i dont have to explain everyone each time they see this...) , ill mention them here with a strong wish; do not turn this thread into a "how legal is CE maps distribution". If you want to do it, open another thread......thanx in advance.


Thus, to start and finish this, basic arguments are: (1) CE edition was delivered only to US & Germany, (2) CE costs +10$ and those maps should cost about 1$ of this amount (exagerating here), since CE included better box-art, posters etc, (3) maps will be downloaded and distributed everywhere when map editor arrives; so, i could easily make some 1:1 copies of these maps. And more. Believe me or not, i would buy CE edition, if it was delivered in Greece.


2. Galactic Map

No, we didn't put new planets in that would have minor support (maps, descriptions, images etc). The whole Galactic Map was re-configured (SW-based arrangement of planets, trade routes, "choke points" etc etc). Expect more when we got the right tools in our hands.


3. Images

Now, to the best part, tonight ill post some images showing the red-bold-highlighted feature of camera improvement (zoom in/out, fade in/out, clip), plus some descriptions which are, as said, fully drained from the Star Wars Databank (although the text is small, due to quickly download the image). Mind also that these pics may be different from the final release (ie. some text bugs with those squares have been fixed, some features reconfigured etc), but are not away from the it. The most watchful of you will also take some idea of the scalings, although i tried to keep it for the tomorow (i hope) final update.... enjoy ;)


Camera enhancement


Birdseye extreme view - for those that get attacked at 10 different points of the map and don't have 10 monitors...



Watch safely from your corner, without losing sight of your units & buildings



No, we won't take off, it's a shield dome and tells you to get out of it and fight!!



I really like this shot; id like to put Vader too watching from the hill, but id loose the whole ATAT bombardment :)





SW Databank based descriptions


Mon Calamari MC80 Cruiser



MKII Assault Frigate



Imperial Star Destroyer



Broadside missile cruiser



Tartan Cruiser



TIE Advance X1 - yes, no TIE Scout model in place of it, just a pure TIE Advanced X1



Oh, and about those Royal Guards, i forgot to mention that Rebel players won't see them in their radars... :) (if my modification about them works correctly, heh). Also, some micro-updates to the original post at the quoted readme file have been made.

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