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Re: RealisticMap v1 released!


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I have created a map based upon all of the "official" Star Wars galactic maps I could find and have created a map that I feel comes very close to being as accurate as possible without editing tools.  If you would just like to use the map, leave out the gameconstants file, and it should work.  If you're making a mod with my map, please mention Magnus57 :)



Realistic Galactic Map based upon official maps


Try it out and let me know what you think!


UPDATE v1.1 New Fixed Locations and crashes!  Now you can put this map in no matter what mod you have running, just use the galactic conflict scenario.  I had to get rid of the gameconstants, due to my changes in maxhyperspacedistance causing crashes - would've been cool, but oh well :)


UPDATE v1.2 Fixed a few minor text entries.

Edited by magnus57
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Umm...I don't mean to put a spanner in the works but....Corellia Isn't In the Central Core....

And Coruscant isn't in the Mid Rim.


Everything else looks nice, though




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hehehe...yes..I agree...


the problem is fitting everything into the space needed..so I had to move coruscant up and to the left a little to compensate...and everything kind of revolves around that...so if you ignore the backdrops, it IS accurate...lol...the real problem is there aren't many planets in the upper left quadrant of the official maps, so there'd be all this empty space up there and mass confusion in the middle


If there's a general consensus that it bugs everybody, I'm more than happy to change it and see how that works :)


Edit: I decided to update the map - look at the screens and tell me what you think!

Edited by magnus57
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I'd change it. You can scale down the planet models in the galactic map, so you can squeeze more into a smaller area, if thats your problem.




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I'll be revising this on a steady basis...now that I see it again, it seems that Fresia needs to be moved down and to the left a little...also, ab rae, fondor, thyferra, bestine, and atzerri all need to be moved to the right..let me know if there is anything else that I don't see
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Strange that you cant get them all to fit, i put them in their cannical positions and they fit, and some are VERY far away. Did you remember to increase the size of the map?
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ehm i have been playing your mod and have to point out that you need to give the rebels more firepower at the start and also change the positions or at least that you can see where the empire planets are. (in the first version you where able to see all occupied planets and see wich side has occupied it i'm not sure where to change it so you see it.. hope this make sense to you?
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Zer: I did not know that you could increase the map size!  Where can I find out how to do that?


Kingdark: in version 1.2 you should be able to see most of the enemy planets...unless I didn't put that change in that build...mebbe I didn't...in my most recent version, I gave rebs 18 planets and emps 19 with pirates taking the other few (total 45)..I'll attach that version


Currently, I am working up the ability to hyperspace anywhere on the map, and the enemy ai is MUCH better...the only problem is heroes cause crashes, so you will have to play without the heroes...would you guys still be interested in that?

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ahh..I finally figured out that crash...stealth units cause a crash when maximumfleetmovementdistance is increased...the solution is to either take all the stealth units out, make them non stealth, or do without the increase...this means just playing like vanilla, which I find unrealistic..just fyi
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