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A couple of titbits to help with the Planets.

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Ever found the lack of constructable structures on a planet a pain in the (censored)?? Well this should help. In the PLANETS.XML file you can change the amount of constructable via this line below in each of the planet entries:




Any higher than 10 and they can still be constructed but then don't appear in the icon bar (my Yavin test has 15 constructable buildables on it and doing this might be able to produce a substantial amount of credits. One downside (which I've yet to find out), is what will happen with that amount of structures on the planet surface during ground tactical battles. At this point I'm thinking the game will crash due to their being a limited amount of space, but I'll update this later once I find it out for sure).


A second thing I just come across, and this will help with things like a deathstar interior (and perhaps other interior skirmish maps  ;D )is the ability to restrict certain types of units. Again, in the PLANETS.XML file look for this line:



In this line you can enter any of the unit types, for example. By adding the string: Rebel_Infantry_Squad to this line that will stop the rebel standard troops from being deployed. Don't forget to include the line below and seperate each string by a comma.


Edited by MajorPayne
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I put all my planets up to a 7 land slots, and all can do lvl 5 stations.


There are a few exceptions such as asteroid fields which if you add a land slot to them it can make them unclaimable. In other words if your the Empire, and you attack the asteroid field controled by the Rebels you can gain space control but never attack the land. Making winning impossible.


So far not a single problem with land battles with 7 structures.

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Especially on planets with a max of three buildings...Either the game will crash, or you won't have space to move because of buildings, or they'll be sitting off the edge of the map where you can't get to them...




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Sooner or later it will crash


In the Campaign it ran fine through the entire empire story. (Havnt done rebels) In GC largest map possible, 5+ times and it has yet to crash or error in any way. The edited planets are the least of my "fixes". I mean why shouldnt a planet be able to build a lvl 5 station in space, i mean its freaking space, not like theres no room for it. So that was a must fix. The 7 land slots is what the largest planet had in the stock game (Nal Hutta i think), i just gave it to all planets, so glitches may not be a problem. Now 8+ i dont know, but 7 seems perfectly stable.

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In the Campaign it ran fine through the entire empire story. (Havnt done rebels) In GC largest map possible, 5+ times and it has yet to crash or error in any way. The edited planets are the least of my "fixes". I mean why shouldnt a planet be able to build a lvl 5 station in space, i mean its freaking space, not like theres no room for it. So that was a must fix. The 7 land slots is what the largest planet had in the stock game (Nal Hutta i think), i just gave it to all planets, so glitches may not be a problem. Now 8+ i dont know, but 7 seems perfectly stable.


Actually, it's Coruscant with 8 build slots.




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Some planets like Dagobah, should be hard to hold thus there exist thois cap...i personaly like playing as rebels when i capped my rebel starbases to lvl 2 only except for planets wich build cap ship, never had so much fun when the empire actualy attacked me, if you build starbases lvl 3+ the AI will hardly attack them, so if you think adding maximum slots everywhere will make game better you will soon find that the game will be more borning only..and i mean BORING


To be honest, i did not only capped the starbases i removed turbolaser towers and heavy factories for myself (no artilery and T4B) :P was challenging even with ..ehm...not very briliant AI

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