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Endor and so more Natives!?

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Well I know it can't be done right now but I'd like to see a bit more of different Ewoks and some other Natives. Ewoks with Catapults,Gliders,Spears and Archers not just rock throwing ones. I'd also like to See Gorax but only one of course and only on Endor( Imagine the Emperor Force Corrupting that ;D). Trying to wage a battle With him attacking Ewoks,Rebels and just everyone :-* :o:D. I also would like to see those what were they called they were in Ewoks 2 The Battle For Endor those Marauders I think thats what they were called they killed and captured a bunch of Ewoks they'd be Cool if they aided the Empire or just attacked everyone like Pirates.They had Laser weapons and those ugly critters. Anyway I know everyone hates Ewoks but as hard as it is to say ,Me being a Imperial Supporter :'(, those Stupid Little Furballs that everyone hates defeated the Imperial War Machine with basically Sticks and Stones. I'd like to see them with what they used as well as the two Planetary enemies added for Endor. I'd also like to see Wicket as a Hero for the Rebels. Anyone who could help with this dream when everything is made available to do so let me know I'd like to see this. Also a Side Note Jabba the Hutt as a Empire Hero with His side kick Salicious Crumb :-* and Gammorean Guards as a Special Call upon ability. Maybe Land Vehicle his Sail Barge ??? or just him on land no sail barge.
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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The only way we could get these things in is when we get the mod tools.  Other than that, you could just use a rancor for the Gorax (just rename it).  Salacious Crumb=MOD TOOLS.  Jabba is possible, you'd just have to take the hutt model, and boost his stats up a bit.  I don't think Gammorrians are in the game.  Marauders, again, you could do, but you'd have to use pre-existing models.  Also, Jabba HAAATTEES the Empire.  It's bad for his business.




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Yea I wished they included more on planets that would really make you get the feel for it.


From what I heard they have data for some wookiee vehicles for EPIII.


Endor and Tatooine could have a lot more, because they both have been explored a lot in the star wars universe. Only problem is the maps would probably need to be bigger and you would need diplomacy, because it wouldn't be fair for the other side to fight a whole secondary army everytime they tried to take that planet. What side they are fighting could change from rebel to imperial depending on who is using diplomacy there.


Tatooine definitely needs the Krayt dragon. As for Jabba, I don't think he should be on the rebel or imperial side, because he would side with either. He would need his own faction, using skiffs and the hutt fighters and things.

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The only Wookie vehicle I can think of now is the Catamaran., and I think they might have an icon for it.  Not sure though.


Yeah, I found it cheap that the Rebels get an army of creatures that never end on Geonosis and Endor.  I mean, You'd have to have 6 TIE Crawler squads to get through that!  And then you'd havet oget SPMA-T's to take out the buildings, cause there's so many creatures you can't get through!




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Yeah, I found it cheap that the Rebels get an army of creatures that never end on Geonosis and Endor.  I mean, You'd have to have 6 TIE Crawler squads to get through that!


Except that you can't run over those stupid Geonosians, I hate those guys!

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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Geonosis was...aggravating... (imagine that in the slow, drawling voice of an Imperial commander)




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Yeah.  I was on Geonosis and I got Raided by a bunch of Rebels.  I had only one storm trooper squad, and no buildings.  The geonosians came followed by THREE SQUADS OF T2B'S and Han & Chewie.  I lost the battle. 


Naturally, I blew it up with the Death Star.  And their main base, that had Mothma, Ackbar, Antilles, And the droids stationed there.  They all died.  It was so fun.




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Well Jabba was just a idea. I'd like to be able to use him. Perhaps he could be added as a Pirate Faction Hutt Cardel and Xizor to the Black Sun Pirate Faction. Yes I know we have to wait for MOD tools I was just throwing out ideas I'd like to see in a MOD that I definetly would like to see. Especially the Endor Species thing.
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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