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Unit types and Weather modifiers

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Ok...i was searching through the files, and I looked in the gameobjectcategorytype.xml, and there it lists all the classes of units in a bit format.  Frankly, i have no clue how that works.  My goal is to create new classes in order to apply completely different weather modifiers to them.  I don't think, however, that the classes in gameobjectcategorytype.xml refer to the classes of weather modifiers.  In weathermodifiers.xml, it lists like so:






Now, it's those classes (infantry, walker, etc) that I would like to add new ones of.  However, i noticed that in the actual object files, the units have a weather modifier class, which use those same classes.  So I added a new new line in each of the weather modfiers with the new class name.  The problem is that it didn't do anything.  Is there something else I need to do (obviously there is...but what is it)?  Are those classes defined somewhere else?


Also, the category types in gameobjectcategorytype.xml (will refer to as goct.xml)......what are those used for?  They aren't the same as the weather modifier classes (i.e. there is no 'walker' class defined in goct.xml).  Is it possible to add new classes?  Of course, there is an easy pattern in the numbers to follow:















just goes 2, 4, 8, 10.  But, my guess is that this is just one part of what defines the classes.  Are the rest hardcoded, perhaps, or what?  Also, what exactly do these refer to?  Because there are so many class types that each unit has (i.e. movement class, weather class, unit collision class, category mask, and maybe more), I can't figure out which are which.  Could the classes in goct.xml perhaps refer to the the target firing innacuracy?  Because target firing innacuracy for ground has infantry, vehicle, air, structure, and those are the same ground classes defined in the above xml.  Or do they refer to other things, and probably a few other things?


Answers or general information about the way this class system works would be helpful.  Really anything, since I am completely lost here.

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Firstly the /ENUM/GAMEOBJECTCATEGORYTYPE.XML is for the category references used throughout the xml code to define a class and role to each active object. These get used in manners as determining which unit can attack which category and has NOTHING to do with the weather effects.


The /ENUM/OBJECTWEATHERCATEGORYTYPE.XML however lists the enumeration of each of the classes which can be affected by weather conditions. However other than that I haven't played with the weather conditions so I don't know the effects of changing the enum files has.

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