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Imperial Guard?

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Hi guys,


It has always bothered me that the Emperor doesn't get to have an Imperial Elite Guard when he lands on a planet.  It really seems like he wouldn't go down alone, he'd get some of those awesome red-cloaked guardsmen to accompany him. So I tried to make a mod that does this, but I can't get the Emperor and his Guard to apper as one selectable unit, like the field commanders do. Maybe this is because the Emperor has his two force power?

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Look at the CONTAINERS.XML file to see how infantry squads are formed, and then look how CONTAINERS.XML interacts with GROUNDINFANTRY.XML and GROUNDCOMPANIESEMPIRE.XML. Those three files all contain data that does into ground units. To get the emperor to have guards, you would have to modify the file that defines him. It can probably be done, looking at the first three files I mentioned to see the syntax for how multiple-man units are formed. Experiment. It's probably possible, since multiple person heros (e.g. R2 and C3PO) are in the game.
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I'm not sure hero squads are editable. I tried giving Darth Vader a twelve-unit TIE fighter squadron, and it didn't do anything.




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It has always bothered me that the Emperor doesn't get to have an Imperial Elite Guard when he lands on a planet.


Just a side note - you're referring to the Royal Guards. Imperial Guards are the ones responsible for keeping the peace on urbanized Core Worlds (also known as Coruscant Guards if they're deployed on Imperial Center).


Other than that I'll keep an eye on this thread. Having the heroes bring some henchmen with them is a great idea. A few normal Stormtroopers as escort for Vader and Mara would be cool, too. Good luck with your idea. :)

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Yeah. My mod requires the ability to bring henchman. Then again, I'm making a new unit, so maybe it'll work.




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So by copying the logic for the Field Commander and the Abilities stuff from R2/C3P0 (I didn't think of that before because I never play the damn rebels), I can get a squad of Royal Guardsmen to land with the Emperor. There are two problems though. First, the Emperor is one unit and the squad of guards are another. I want them to be like the Field Commander and appear as one unit. My guess is that I need a new Guard infantry unit with Yes set on it (Palpy might need this flag too, I don't know). Which can happen tomorrow, I'm done for tonight after spending a couple hours trying to find a crash bug that turned out to be a badly-formed comment (I hate XML). Might also be related to Palpy's abilities and the Guardsmen's lack thereof.


The second problem, which I haven't even tried to deal with yet but am asking about because someone here might have handled it already, is that they don't appear in formation. Ideally there would be some sort of phalanx around the Emperor but they just land in a jumbled mess.


Thanks everyone for suggestions.

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The offsets have to do something with the formation, but I don't really know.  There is an animation of them walking out of the shuttle followed by the Emperor (Empire Victory cinematic).


Did you change the Max squad size? That might be the problem




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First, the Emperor is one unit and the squad of guards are another. I want them to be like the Field Commander and appear as one unit.


CONTAINERS.XML is the answer. You need to create a team (container in game syntax) for your new Emperor unit, then tell them to form a team in the hero XML file.


Have a look at the containers file. You'll see teams for C3P0/R2 and the field commanders. Examine how containers interact with companies and it should work.

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CONTAINERS.XML is the answer. You need to create a team (container in game syntax) for your new Emperor unit, then tell them to form a team in the hero XML file.


Have a look at the containers file. You'll see teams for C3P0/R2 and the field commanders. Examine how containers interact with companies and it should work.


Already did that, that's what I meant by copying the FC logic. What I have now is the Emperor_Palpatine_Team HeroCompany spawning a Royal_Guard_Team Container of appropriate size with Palpy and some Imperial_Elite_Guard Indigenous_Units in it. It's basically a direct clone of the FC with tweaked numbers and some Abilities logic in the style of R2/C3P0. As far as I can tell, the only thing that's really different from the FC, beyond abilities, is the individual units not having the Create_Team flag (the FC's guards do, haven't bothered to look at the FC himself yet). Meh, I'll dig more tomorrow.

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