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YOU vs the Galaxy and Rebels or Imperials


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This is a mod i am going to work on.

First i need to find some files:

Where can i find the scenario with the most planets?

Where can i find the file where you find wich planets are controlled by wich faction, so i can change it the way i want it.

You as rebel or imperial are going to start in a galaxy of 45 planets, with 5 planets scattered around the galaxy.

Your income of those planets is rather low, so you need to save up some cash to be able to assault other "neutral' planets.

All neutral planets are guarded by a strong defense force, do not think you can overpower them because you may find yourself on the retreat.

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Just go in Singleplayercampaigns.xml and planets.xml. That everything you need.... There are only 44 planets in the game.. if you count Kamino. Which needs to be added in... So you'll have to make 1 planet. Also.. who controls what planet is simple... In the campaign script you just add starting ground forces to the planet... and space units also if u want. If you want neutral planets... with a defence force you can add pirates... add lots of em. This is a fairly simple mod. Should not give you any trouble.
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ok this is WAAY more harder then i could have imagined

if anybody wants, could he contact me for some questions i need answersr too? perhaps via msn or so?


Just ask here, you'll get a lot more feedback, and probably solve the problem faster.




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Goodness, how hard can it be???




z3r0x is right on everything (except its CAMPAIGNSSINGLEPLAYER.XML). And that's basically all you need to know to make a GC map.


Was it just me, or did the demo have Kamino on it???


"That was fun"

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Making a new galactic conquest campaign is easy enough. Do not fear the xml code!  :)


One thought i had was that maybe you do not actually have the xml files which to edit in the first place? That would make things much harder!


Anyway, making a campaign is easy enough when it just involves modifying an existing campaign. Simply alter the entries for starting forces for different planets. Add in any mod starting units that you might want to use such as the Absolution and you're off.


The problem is, when you make one yourself, you know where both sides start, what resources they have etc, and which planets hold pirate forces and there is no sense of mystery initially. Its not as much fun to play. If the Absolution is in there, you're expecting to see it rather than being surprised when it turns up. Looking at the campaign_singleplayer.xml file would give you the info anyway but that removes the mystery.


I'm using z3r0x's 64 planet map (nice one!  ;D) and campaign he supplied with the map. Playing it on hard is quite challenging and fun. I made a point not to pay any attention to the details in the xml before playing it.


z3r0x, maybe you could start a campaigns for your map thread, where everyone including myself will submit single player campaigns based on galactic conquest? I'd start one, but i'm at work and don't have my xml files here!



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actualy i COULD use some help i have tried almost 3 hours in a row to get a planet controlled by pirates but it /d*********d/ wil not work!

just set me up in

scenario: galactic conquest

rebels own 5 planets to the bottom left and imperials own their most inportant planets to the upper right

Edited by kingdark
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