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YAY capital ships on land is possible with hardpoints


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Yeah, they should be able to. I think the Victory can't land though, and the Neb B definitely can't.




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the victory can .. and its i think the biggest.  ship that can besides those uber godly SSD"s... with magical powers :D


thats the reason i used it actually


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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There probably should be some restrictions of using this in most mods (but I do expect an atmosphere battle mod sometime) tho. I think having whole space battles in the atmosphere would take away from the ground battles too much. Probably only allow one a side, and have it take up a large chunck of the pop cap or a time restriction like the bombers.
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There probably should be some restrictions of using this in most mods (but I do expect an atmosphere battle mod sometime) tho. I think having whole space battles in the atmosphere would take away from the ground battles too much. Probably only allow one a side, and have it take up a large chunck of the pop cap or a time restriction like the bombers.


My mod has the ships using their space population levels (i.e. 3 for the VSD).  The ships WAY over power most ground units, but the limited amount and their vulnerability to air defenses (esspecially those protected by planetary shields) make them far from invincible.


Though admitadly the mod does make ground battles mcuh less....time consuming.  But considering my average space battle lasts about 5 minutes compared to 25 minutes for ground battles, that was kind of the point.  Besides, why the hell would the fleet sit around doing nothing in space while their troppers get slaughtered on the ground?

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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I think land battes are kind of short myself, they really don't give the battle feel that I like.


Artillery should be made to be able to take down the ships. It was what was used in EpII to bring down the Trade Federation ship.

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True, but that ship was on the ground, and said artillery didn't arc like the existing ones do. Perhaps making Plex Troopers able to target air units? We see in Battlegrounds that it is possible to lock on to them(albeit difficult)... Granted, it would take quite a bit of firepower to down a Star Destroyer or a Frigate, but it would be more easily done with rocket troops hiding behind a base shield.
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I think plex soldiers taking down an VSD would look silly no matter how many of them there were, haha.


I think fixing the artillery with a minimized hyper veolocity laser to fire at ships would fit and look realistic.


Now if only we can get a realistic crashing animation.

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maybe if it looked like the ships taking off in Attack of the clones and having artillery attackin the ships and then falling down and creating a huuge wave of.. dust and sand :D


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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maybe if it looked like the ships taking off in Attack of the clones and having artillery attackin the ships and then falling down and creating a huuge wave of.. dust and sand :D


Now that would be sweet.




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Now that would be sweet.


Indeed.  Oh, and I had an idea!


What if we make a variation of the artillery, and make it fire something like a hypervelocity shot (only quicker and less powerful)  at the ships?  It could let us still have out normal anti-everything-but-capital-ship artilery, but still be able to combat ships!  Kind of like the SPHA thing used in AOTC.




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Indeed.  Oh, and I had an idea!


What if we make a variation of the artillery, and make it fire something like a hypervelocity shot (only quicker and less powerful)  at the ships?  It could let us still have out normal anti-everything-but-capital-ship artilery, but still be able to combat ships!  Kind of like the SPHA thing used in AOTC.


Not your idea, see posts 29 and 31  8)

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The next ROR release will have direct fire Turbolaser artillery (SPMA-T) as well as Projectile Artiller (SPMA-P).  A couple batteries of SPMA-Ts behind a planetary shield should make the VSD think twice about attacking.

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hehe. :D


I really think that we need to get rid of the AA guns in the game and try to use a laser instead.. or a missile launcher like the ones found in rouge squadron. for n 64


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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