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YAY capital ships on land is possible with hardpoints


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well now we know that capital ships flying above bombarding the planets with hardpoints is possible ;D



i got 3 VSD's flying above the enemy base right now ill take some screenys in a bit



Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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well i never said it was on.. i just said i got it to work its not even that hard either.. but someone was talking about it and i wanted to see it.. im sure other people wanted to too


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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I'm going to have a similar aspect in my mod, but only one (correctly scaled) capital at a time, and several of the smaller corvettes and such. And of course, plenty of fighters.




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no but im goin to make it so they arent even dropped.. so they "come down" from space but never are dropped to the ground. .hopefully possible


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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Nope. They don't land animations, so the game crashes. Besides, it's fun watching a Star Destroyer pop out of a Lambda Shuttle... :o




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It can be done in skirmish, but without .ala files for the model it will crash if tried in galactic conquest. In GC you can get it to land but it still spawns at ground level  :'(


Still do your VSD actually avoid each other and not have a moment like this ?

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I STILL have problems understanding this.  HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?!


They make like, an airspeeder variant of the space ship or something. I still have to look at the Pirates at War code...




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I was also interested in this after seeing the Pirates at War mod and decided to answer some qusetions for myself.  I was able to get the Victory star Destroyers working almost completely correctly except for a few bugs.



-You build them at Space stations with the same requiremenst you are sued to for VSDs.

-They have full functionality in space battles.

-The same unit can participate in your land invasion.-Powerful turbolasers decimate enemey forces while ion cannons take down vehicle shields and disble them.

-Weapons are stopped by planetary shields, requiring a ground assault of the shield generator.

-Power to Weapons ability retained.

-It spawns a few TIEs in the gorund mode that strafe enemies with powerful laser cannons.




-They still come down in shuttles and strat half way into the gound.

-I get a fatal exception every once and a while that causes the geame to crash.



I'll probably release this mini-mod when I have some time to clean it up so people can see how its done and incorporate it into more mods.  Then I'll start on getting more ships down there (Rebel fighters, Corvette, Nebulon-B, Acclamator) aand balancing it all out.

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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lol, if they actually used the collision mesh for navigation then they should as it works fine for decting enemy fire .... but as it is it just doesn't react to anything else like each other, other units, or the ground :'(


To be honest I wished I understood WHY? .... but I don't.


For the easy way of understanding how to have space units in ground battles is to just start off by editing the snowspeeder to a aspace unit , that's the easiest way - its when you want it to act LIKE a capital ship you have to try different things.


Goodluck with that though Redline.

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If you want them correctly scaled, they should be bigger than the maps themselves.


Like I said, limit one at a time for each faction...




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Thanks but how did he get the TIEs to work on the ground? I cant seem to get it. All i see is in the groundvehicles tie_speeder. Can someone give me a hand? :D
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Hey guys, as promised here is Victory Mod Beta:




I'm still getting the bug that crashes the game when the VSD nears the edge of the map.  Please download it and let me know if you find any more bugs and how you like it  :)


P.S. I decided to take the TIEs out right now while I work on polishing and balancing, but I do have them  along with a Rebel Corvette already working on the ground.

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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So what are the ships that can fight in atmospheres.


I know Vens, Accs, VSDs, corvettes, and gun ships can. I really have a hard time seeing a Nebulon doing it, it definitely can't land.

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Most rebel ships bigger than a nebulon can't, and the Victory is the limit for Imperials.  How they ever got the Lusankya through the atmosphere onto Coruscant is unknown to me.




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So what are the ships that can fight in atmospheres.


I know Vens, Accs, VSDs, corvettes, and gun ships can. I really have a hard time seeing a Nebulon doing it, it definitely can't land.


Of the ships in this game, all of the ones you said (including the Nebulon-B) can enter the atmposphere, I think the Pirate frigate would also be able to, and of course all of the fighters.  Should I also include the Broadside, Marauder, Tartan, and IPV?  They seem like they would be able to, but I don't have any movie or textual evidence that they can like all the other ships.

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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