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Beating the rebel campaign on hard with 100% space/ground efficiency

Guest JediIgor

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Guest JediIgor

Well, I just got the game a few days ago (thanks to everyone at Petroglyph :)). I will be writing up a review later, however, I managed to beat the Rebel campaign on hard with 100% ground/space efficiency (and 72% for the "Overall?" efficiency) on my first try. It's really pretty easy:


  • Conquer all the planets before doing the next mission.

    • Rush all Imperial planets as soon as you finish the mission.
    • Leave a Z95/Ywing/Xwing in orbit after destroying the space station, rush the next planet.
    • I conquered pirate planets last, take out the Imperial garrisons one by one after you control all orbits

    [*]Max out your population/research before doing the next mission**

    [*]Have a well-rounded army/navy at all times*


    [*]When you have to defend *that one planet,* at the end, Imperials always went to Dantooine or Corellia for me. Move your biggest fleet in vicinity of both, then once the droid tells you where the Imps are coming, move your fleet to the same planet. You should have 3-4 Mon Cals and Ackbar, plus a level 2-3 space station easily owning the Imps.


    [*]If you defeated the previous invading fleet, the end-battle is easier in comparison, just keep Red Squadron alive until the end.

* I thought this was ridiculous

** You get level 5 automatically in end


I suggest applying at least simplistic strategies such as destroying the Tartans before moving in with the fighters, my first problem was that my fighters would keep dying (lost easily 20 squads) until I figured this out.

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Guest JediIgor
I started playing the Imperial campaign yesterday. Unfortunately you cannot use the same tactic because the Rebels seem to build tens of dozens of Corellian Corvettes, and my fleet seems to always start out with only 2 Acclamators (why can't I pick the initial load-out again?) I don't think that makes a lot of sense, so oh well.
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With the Empire, it seems the rushing planet tactic you used as Rebel is pretty much the same with them.  I see them fielding Acclaimers and loads of Tartans most times, so to get around that annoyance asap, I just have to dominate space quickly in the campaigns and game scenario parts.


Something I haven't figured out has any effect, is whether using smugglers (while good for you if you need funds) hampers the enemy's industrial capacity at all.  If it did, it might partially explain why they build such low level stuff all the time, but then, they seem to do that anyway.

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Guest JediIgor

I honestly cannot understand why TIE Bombers take down capital ships all the time with ease, and can't even touch a tiny corvette? Or why the enemy keeps building hundreds of corvettes when they keep getting owned by my VSDs?


Poor AI, very poor.

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Welcome to the forums KaBoom! I hope you enjoy your stay!


I also hope that the AI gets harder and smarter in the next patch.  ;)

Protecting the world from those who have an IQ higher than 30! Huzzah!


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They actually designed (I assume) it this way in the idea that the SW universe can look and balance it self like the C&C one. This is a poor choice of action since SW can balance it self without unbalancing the reality.


They designed the game mostly with short MP testing and not long SP campaigns. It is really hard to have a compromise solution for fun on both parts. The problem is that I do believe that the game play can be balanced in a more realistic way and still give the same amount of fun (fun in the dev concept).


The question they should ask them self is this:


"How we can evolve our stats and balance to give the fans a lot more SW weapon reality and general realism feeling?"


From my experience with SWR they are pretty much close they just need to slow down things in SP and create them self’s a realism campaign as a new addition to the existing campaigns. They don't have nothing to loose.


The future of game development is in fact the ability to offer the same product with multiple game play variants to target a much wider audience. And this can only be done by carefully selecting the game designers that are going to do the changes to the finished product.


The main problem in game design these days is that the actual developers and more important ... the producers have a distorted view about how a product should be made. The fact that they are stuck in the game industry privates them from the ability to polish their generally good vision in the product that is needed at at the polished quality that is expected by the buyers.

Edited by Cain

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