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my SSD ?


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Bingo. The Empire thinks in terms of corvettes and up. The weapons of an SSD are almost wholly devoted to taking out larger craft. Like most Imperial vessels, it can kill a small task force of fighters, but hordes of them will eventually win because the SSD just can't hit them.


That's what I made hte Shadowclaw for.  Now Corvettes are things of the past!




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I mean, I'm not saying that the SSD wouldn't be cool, but I just don't see why everyone acts like it'll be the greatest thing to happen to this game...


I guess because the SSD is a Command Ship. It's the perfect flagship for any imperial armada and I know if it would be possible I would build one to fulfill exactly this role.

The rebels have the Home One. The Empire has the Accuser, but this ship is 'only' a modified ISD. I don't know how the others feel about this but I would like to have something optical-unique to add to my forces.


Plus, the SSD just looks damn stylish. ;)


I remember those good old days when I've been playing Rebellion - I re-created the whole imperial Sector-Fleet protocol, 12 Star Destroyers accompanied by an SSD. =)

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The idea of a SSD is fine with me I just belive you should take the asteroids out of space battles for one reason that it isnt that realistc to see that many asteroids near a planet Unless the planet as a ring around it. I understand space junk in orbit but a crap load of asteroids come on! Make it where there's more asteroid fields like the asteroid field in that one mission where you load an EMP into the space crate. Taking the asteroids out will probably make the game run a little more faster as well. You could also make a larger map (When the map tool is released) That way you have more room to manuver. Forgive me for rambling on like that but i thought it was neccesary. Can't wait untill the SSD is in the game! ;D

"With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State, with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword....."

Robert E. Lee


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