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my SSD ?


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something i did just for fun i kinda made a SSD... but the funny part is, its just an oversized ISD with 3X the fighters, new hardpoints (just renamed them, copy paste, so they are named different. no real new hardpoints, i just made the fire faster, much larger volleys, greatly increased shields, refresh for shields and energy and made the hull wicked strong, but still destroyable.


the fighters spawn in 2 seconds, and have i think 5-7X more fighters and bombers in the hold.


its really fun to play with, and i just punched the cost to 10,000. and all the hardpoints are about 7X stronger, EX old laser batteries were 325, now 1,500, sumthing like that.


i like it =)

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Sweet. I'm gonna need one of those...all credit would go to the makers of LoW, obviously...




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The only real limit on size is dependent on how much junk is in the level (asteroids, nebulas, ships and such). A relatively empty level can be much larger than one with lots of stuff. The basic question is what's the limit for the Alamo engine?




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yea, maybe make the asteriods and floating junk a bit smaller and drop the size of everything else in relative size just a bit, it will problably be difficult to get the SSD to be proper scale with the rest without making everything else too tiny. oh well, we'll see.


it shalt be amazing hehe

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Trust me, you don't want to scale down capitals. Leave them as is, the fighters are already just dots when correctly scaled. If we decrease capital ship size, they'll become invisible entirely.




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A SSD would be pointless in this game.


Even if you made it scale nicely, you'd have to play with an ultra-zoomed-out camera all the time.


The SSD itself would be practically unmanuverable. In addition, due to the size, YOUR OWN units would be unmanuverable. If the SSD was taking up half the screen, how the hell can you tell your units to move somewhere? Right-clicking would just tell them to move to the SSD's center, no matter where on it you clicked.


The size would have plenty of problems on its own. Unless it had HUNDREDS of hardpoints, the enemy fleet could effectively start attacking the very front hardpoints, and work their way down the ship. You'd never be able to bring all weapon to bear on it at the same time.


Finally, it'll just be a 'god-unit' most likely. You know, like the Krogoth in Total Annihilation - it's not in-game for any real reason except to finish the game, and your enemy has no real chance of ever destroying it. I mean, the ONLY reason the SSD in ROTJ went down was because some idiot who can't steer flew his dumb (censored) through the bridge.


I should also add that further dumbasses on the SSD itself failed to reestablish control from the auxillirary bridge...

Edited by Uranium - 235
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A SSD would be pointless in this game.


Even if you made it scale nicely, you'd have to play with an ultra-zoomed-out camera all the time.


The SSD itself would be practically unmanuverable. In addition, due to the size, YOUR OWN units would be unmanuverable. If the SSD was taking up half the screen, how the hell can you tell your units to move somewhere? Right-clicking would just tell them to move to the SSD's center, no matter where on it you clicked.


The size would have plenty of problems on its own. Unless it had HUNDREDS of hardpoints, the enemy fleet could effectively start attacking the very front hardpoints, and work their way down the ship. You'd never be able to bring all weapon to bear on it at the same time.


Finally, it'll just be a 'god-unit' most likely. You know, like the Krogoth in Total Annihilation - it's not in-game for any real reason except to finish the game, and your enemy has no real chance of ever destroying it. I mean, the ONLY reason the SSD in ROTJ went down was because some idiot who can't steer flew his dumb (censored) through the bridge.


I should also add that further dumbasses on the SSD itself failed to reestablish control from the auxillirary bridge...


I'm pretty sure the people at LoW are smart enough to give it it's own flight plane beneath the Capital ship flight plane...or did you not NOTICE that we have flight planes! These are completely adjustable in the XML by the way. Besides, a large enough fleet can take down an SSD. I also believe there will be a Bulwark Battlecruiser in LoW, correct?




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Incorrect. No Bulwark. And before you cry "Inbalance" think of the advantages you have in resources compared to a person who has just built an SSD.


Cool. I hate "balancing" for the sake of balancing...in reality one faction is always superior to another...unless it's the worst one.




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Like I said - Krogoth


No idea what you are talking about.  Anyway, I think SSD's are the awesomest addition to the game EVER.  We just have to wait till we get the Executor, Eclipse, and Sovereign in the game. Then the fun begins.




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No idea what you are talking about.  Anyway, I think SSD's are the awesomest addition to the game EVER.  We just have to wait till we get the Executor, Eclipse, and Sovereign in the game. Then the fun begins.


Krogoth was a unit from TA that was the highest of the tech tree for the Core. He cost billions of resources and took ages to build, but had a ginormous laser cannon, repating explosive... bomby-shooter things, and a huge missile launcher on his back, and was almost indestructable. You'd build him, march him out, and utterly ravage the enemy.


It was a cool unit. But in practical gameplay, you'd never EVER see him. The entire point was to win the game once he's built. He was hilariously unbalanced and overpowered, and short of a disintigration gun or several nuclear missile impacts, he was utterly invincible.


The unit was not strategic. There was absolutely nothing he couldn't destroy. There was no reason whatsoever to build it outside of 'OMG ITS SO COOL LOL BIG ROBOTZ'.

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The SSD as it exists in the Star Wars universe is mainly a prestige object that is able to release a horrible amount of destruction upon enemy capital ships. But like the Death Star it lacks proper defenses against smaller, faster craft like - yes, you guessed it - starfighters. Thus, I'm pretty sure whilst an SSD in EaW would be almost unstoppable against rebel capital ships it would have trouble shooting down squadrons of Y-Wings taking out it's hard points one by one. I fail to see how this should unbalance the game.


If people succeed in implementing a working SSD into EaW I'm more than eager to give it a try. The only problems I see so far are movement and scale. However, I think it would be okay if the SSD is just three times the size of an ISD. After all, it's not like EaW keeps realistic scales, anyways. All of the ships have the wrong size to make the game more playable. I can live with that as long as it does not look TOO obvious.

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The SSD as it exists in the Star Wars universe is mainly a prestige object that is able to release a horrible amount of destruction upon enemy capital ships. But like the Death Star it lacks proper defenses against smaller, faster craft like - yes, you guessed it - starfighters. Thus, I'm pretty sure whilst an SSD in EaW would be almost unstoppable against rebel capital ships it would have trouble shooting down squadrons of Y-Wings taking out it's hard points one by one. I fail to see how this should unbalance the game.


If people succeed in implementing a working SSD into EaW I'm more than eager to give it a try. The only problems I see so far are movement and scale. However, I think it would be okay if the SSD is just three times the size of an ISD. After all, it's not like EaW keeps realistic scales, anyways. All of the ships have the wrong size to make the game more playable. I can live with that as long as it does not look TOO obvious.


Bingo. The Empire thinks in terms of corvettes and up. The weapons of an SSD are almost wholly devoted to taking out larger craft. Like most Imperial vessels, it can kill a small task force of fighters, but hordes of them will eventually win because the SSD just can't hit them.




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thats when you retreat and add tartans to the mix!


lol my larger ISD (SSD) the only weakness im too lazy to mess with is the fact that the ion cannon always knocks me out haha

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The SSD as it exists in the Star Wars universe is mainly a prestige object that is able to release a horrible amount of destruction upon enemy capital ships. But like the Death Star it lacks proper defenses against smaller, faster craft like - yes, you guessed it - starfighters. Thus, I'm pretty sure whilst an SSD in EaW would be almost unstoppable against rebel capital ships it would have trouble shooting down squadrons of Y-Wings taking out it's hard points one by one. I fail to see how this should unbalance the game.


It just doesn't bring anything new to the table. You can make any million of Star Destroy clones that all do the same thing - Big guns to blow away big ships, but no guns to blow away little ones. In that sense, it's just a really scaled-up ISD.


I mean, I'm not saying that the SSD wouldn't be cool, but I just don't see why everyone acts like it'll be the greatest thing to happen to this game...




BTW I should mention this: The SSD would be difficult to manuver. NOT because of it clipping into other ships, but the Home One (when I scaled it up slightly) has the same issue - movement commands to manuver it that aren't far enough away from the ship (this distance is ABOUT the length of the Home One itself) it simply ignores them. I can see the SSD having this same glitch / bug, but even moreso.

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