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Re: EaW: Total Realism v1.0

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Well, the (final) version of EaW:TR is out there waiting for you :). Unfortunately, we will not try to fix the Autoresolve issue since, after a message i got from Darth_Torpid-PG, the whole code behind this function is way more complicated than you can imagine.


So, version 1.1 can be downloaded from http://users.auth.gr/~atsiolas/EaW%20TR.htm . If you have any problem with the download link, just drop me a line.


As said v1.1 is the final one, until the official patch and edittor tools arrive. In the meanwhile, keep sending us feedback about imbalance issues and bugs and we'll release small patches to keep everyone satisfied :)


Also, if you scroll down in the forementioned link, you can quickly see the changes done in v1.1, which can be also found in the readme file.


What's left to say is, enjoy EaW:TR and expect more goodies when the editting tools are out! (rumours say about the end of March, but nothing is confirmed...)

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Well, contrary to what said, a nice handy galactic map .xls fell in our hands ([edit] made by malric below :)), and so, we decided to move on 1.2 version among with some interesting additions such as:


  • Full re-scaling of Ground units & buildings
  • Full re-scaling of Space units & buildings
  • Add TIE Advanced X-1 for Empire
  • Miscellaneous balance tweaks (mainly for M2 Repulsor and MKII)


...and last but not least


  • Re-mapping of Galactic Map to boost strategy to a new level


Obviously the rescaling and GC remapping will be the most important additions with the last one be a real challenge. We migth release more than one different GC mappings, from easier to veteran. Our goals is to implement real "choke-points" in the GC, making some galaxies isolated from the rest and diificult to keep an eye on (but really precious to control) and more, and as such, we will (most luckily) not take in account the "real" SW universe system; it's all due to make this game more challenging, not "by-book" made.


Stay tuned. Althought we got plenty work in real-life (studies, work etc) we won't let you down :)

Edited by Athanasios
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Good that someone actualy used mine little xls for something usefull.


I experimented a bit and added 15 asteoroid fields on the map wich are linked via slow trade roots together. It created a situation where no planets were safe and you could travel across the galaxy without the need of conquering planets.

Was kinda alot better experience then usual GC, because i was always broke and had to defend almost all mine planets and always was attacking only with limited force :P and used everything wisely, not spamcreating like in vanilla GC...well i spamcreating smugglers wich kept me alive :P


The bad thing is, the more "planets" you add on galactic map the more the game lags :/ so 43 planets +15 asteroid fields was kinda sluggish and almost unplayable.


Perhaps i will create a smaller scenario and post it here.

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More playing = more feedback.


I like the balance now. Rebel infiltrators seem to be a little underpowered. Stormtroopers own them. And their "ping" only works in areas where you already have line of sight... which defeats the purpose.


Now for a funny story:


AI: I'm coming for you!

Me: Oh yeah?

AI: Yeah.. on Tatooine.

Me: Oh no... All I've got in oribit over Tat are two MKII's and two Corvettes!

AI: Well then you're going to die die die... cause I'm bringing my favorite ship.

Me: What's your favorite ship?

AI: Tie Scouts!

Me: Just a squad of Tie Scouts?

AI: No... more than one squad.

Me: How many squads?


Me: Fourty... two... what the?

AI shows up and the tac starts... it somehow deploys all 42 squads of tie scouts AT THE SAME TIME.


I still won....

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razielad, infiltrators "ping" ability ("binoculars", since they have a sight limit not like MPTL Spotter) ofcourse does ping in areas where you already have sight (like MPTL Spotters), but the point is to spy on areas you don't have sight :). Which is the borders of sight range (the yellow ring).


As for MKII frigates, they'll be even more balanced in the coming version.


And as for the AI overpassing the pop cap, it's a known problem and we simply can't fix it, since we have no access to the AI scripts; it's up to devs  :-\


[edit] Heh, about the AI, you're lucky that his favourite unit is not the Star Destroyer.....because my AI, when i set it to hard, was bringing like 24 Victory cruisers  ::) (i play the campaign in medium now)

Edited by Athanasios
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Tested this mod and its excellent, only thing that is bad is that with adding free rebel fighters to capital ships you left the prices same for solo squadrons..in GC games


for example...


[*] MKII Assault Frigate spawns 2 A-Wing and 1 Y-Wing squadrons


Means around 1/2 of the costs are fighters and the frigate alone costs less then corelian corvette, thus making assault frigate cheaper then nebulon-B not to speak about the fact that with fondor controlled its already cheap as hell...


I would suggest lowering cost of solo squadrons to like 1/3


Yeah and btw the assault frigate had some fat turbolaser projectiles..it looks ugly :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually you can wait a v2.0 of this mod since the tweaks & modifications are greater than we'd thought, starting from a brand new realistic and SW-consistent Galactic Conquest map (where core and out rim worlds are obvious) to a total re-scale of both ground and space units/buildings, to name a few.


Expect the new mod to arrive sometime the other week. And to stop the big words, here's a sample for ground re-scaling (ATAT-ATST analogy will be further increased). Expect better comparison screens in the release date ;)











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Could you upgrade your mod with my work? They are some changes for MistenTH mod that try to balance things a little more: Limit TIEs (they still stay at big number); Acclamator and VSD gain a little better shields, Rebels spawn fighters (realistic and limited numbers), fighters no longer cost 0 space pop (0.5 instead)..


All the changes plus detailed readme can be found here:


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keraunos, in the EaW:TR compressed files are detailed .xls files. You can easily adjust any changes you did (for "special credits/thanks" given read the readme file). More .xls files will also be included for the rescaling and costs of units/buldings etc (oops....shouldn't say this  ::) )
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keraunos, in the EaW:TR compressed files are detailed .xls files. You can easily adjust any changes you did (for "special credits/thanks" given read the readme file). More .xls files will also be included for the rescaling and costs of units/buldings etc (oops....shouldn't say this  ::) )


I know I can easily mod your mod (sounds funny :)). But while I enjoyed MistenTH mod very much I think it's stil unbalanced, as Imperial numerical superiority makes game too easy for Empire. Or give enought time for the Rebellion and it will flood you with even hundred of fighters. So I modded it to make it more balanced.


The problem I see is that I have to make my adjustments each time you release the new mod. Or not use it at all


BTW, VileMrrrgh, I now playing Rebel campaign using merged: my mod for MistenTH (space combat) plus Asadex's SW Total War 0.5 (land combat). It works very well :) I can send you a copy if you wish..

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