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Re: Modding the AI's fleets


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Is it possible to mod the Rebel AI when it builds its fleet? Two things really bothered me:


1. Its makeup. Something like 90% fighters and corvettes?? Come on! The Rebels were all about diversity! The Imperial counter strategy is just to spam Tartans and increase maxiumum firepower...I've taken on 50+ Rebel squadrons in the same battle with this strategy... :-\


2. Its behavior. The Rebel AI behaves in such an...Imperial manner. It builds up superfleets of some 20+ fighters and sometimes up to 40+ corvettes and just tries to assault me. What ever happened to small engagements? It barely ever tries to raid me, either. Except perhaps with Han Solo.  ::)

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trust me, I hate this too.  It's the only thing I hate about playing with the Empire, because I know that eventually a huge rebel fleet will come that has only fighters and corvettes (and rarely venators, mauraders, and nebulon's)  to annoy the crap out of me.  Right now, though, there is no way of editing the .lua files that control this behavior, so we just have to spam tartans.... :-\




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The only problem with AI is that it doesnt upgrade their starbases, means all planets have lvl 1-2 starbases if lucky few have lvl 3, this happens mostly on huge maps on low tech lvl. Thus with small bases it can only build corvetes and first type of frigates, thus hoarding of acclamator and tartans or cc, fighters and nebulon-Bs.


The solution would be either modifying AI that it has highest priority of upgrading starbases instead of building defence fleets, or that you can build everyship with lvl 1-2 starbases. I remember when played demomod, when you could build everything on small starbases, the computer had much better fleets, like ISD,2 VSD, interdictor, broadside and few tartans...its much better then 15 acclamators and 30 broadside cruisers with tons of tartans charging your lines and killing all your fighters insta...


Btw it would be nice if corvettes vere more vulnerable to cap ships, and had lower accuracy or fewer hits to fighters, so it would be more fighter vs fighter and corvettes as defence agains bombers...not like now making fighters for the rebels obsolote...


And yes its anoying, same as that the computer doesnt build super weapons on planets, and mostly only builds those heavy or advenced factories.

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Huh? Rebels I play against get up to lvl 5 on Space Stations, and raid me half the time. When they send a fleet, it's almost always got Home One, a bunch of frigates, some corvettes, and more fighters than the empire possessed at it's height...




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Every game (+-20) i played agains empire was only acclamtors,tartans and broadsides, with rarely exception of Victories + Piett, and the computer had rarely larger then lvl 2-3 starbases.


Played only few games as empire tho...so cannot tell

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WHich is why you should just say no to the Rebellion, my friend.  They are WAY TOO POWERFUL.  But yeah, I get fleets that have about 20 XWing's in them and 10 Y's, about 13 venators, six corellians, 3 nebulon's, and Home one.  They always end in these units for raid fleets:  Han and Chewie, T4B's, MPTL's, and Snowspeeders.  Don't you think in reality it would be hard to smuggle all those heavy units to the planet's surface?




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Hmmm...you're right! *goes and orders all Imperial admirals to shoot any Gallofree transport on sight*




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