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Population Cap

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I've searched around for about 35-45 minutes and can't find a mod that ONLY edits the population cap(I think that's what it is, I want to build as many units, on land and air, as possible). I looked on gamemodding.com and found out how to modify the Space Cap, but I can't find anything on ground. Gamesmodding.com said to look in the ground****.xml files, but I didn't see anything in any of the ground.xml files. If anyone could make this for me, or tell me how to do it, I'd be greatful. thanks.
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The attached zip file has my population cap limit set to 99 for space (and land skirmish battles) battles, although GC ground based is still retained. Its part of an ongoing minimod which I'm constantly tweaking, but if all you want is a higher population cap (the skirmish land battles are pretty good IMO), then this might be a good starting point.
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If you mean the global population cap (galaxy conquest mode).

There are 2 files you may want to look at to tweak them as you will.

The planets.xml and the starbases.xml files.


You can set how much population each planet and each starbase gives you.

The tag you are looking for is

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