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Hello, I'm having trouble trying to add hanger bays onto several rebel ships. mainly the Nebon frigate, and the mon calamari captail ship. I edited the hardpoints and added hanger bays into the frigates and captailship xmls but they dont show up at all. What am i doing wrong? can someone help me?

Any reply is of help, thanks.


Also how do I add units? I wanna make vaders ship a purchaseable fighter and i also wanna make scout troops, royal guards, bothans, and mon calamair buyable at the troop center.

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If you mean just getting the ships to spawn fighters that is easy.

Go into the hardpoints file and give it a fighter bay hardpoint (cut and paste any of the other fighter bay hardpoints)

Remove it's hit points (not set to zero, delete the line)

Set it to not be destroyable and not targetable.


Next go into the ship file (lets say you are adding x-wings to a mon cal cruiser) so it would be the spaceunitscapital.xml file.

Add in the lines about spawning whatever you want it to spawn such as

Rebel_X-Wing_Squadron, 2

Give it the time delay between spawns.


And under the space behaviour tag besure to add in "SPAWN_SQUADRON".

Also remember to add that hardpoint to the ship under the hardpoints tag.


That would make the mon cal spawn 2 X-Xwing squads at the start of the fight (no reserves).

The hanger bay will not show up to be targeted or killed.

If you want the hager bay to be targetable and killable that is a much taller order and I believe you need to change the ship model to make it work.

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I figured out how to make hangers so far so good. Now how do i add that unit? I tried to do vaders fighter but it didnt work :( the  game crashed. I edited both squads and starfighters
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I also made the fighters smaller and some of the units bigger. Its very realstic. I'll show pics when i figure out a way to take screenshots...
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This is the real path:


My Computer/C:/Documents and Settings/USER/Petroglyph/Screenshots




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Here what i did.

Rescaled a changed the values of almost everything.


New Lamba shuttle size





Range has been increased as well as HP, they have no weakness. Except snowspeeders.


New artillary


They have been updated there range is far greater than the rebels. They hit things from almost across the map.


New barage


Seen a pic of one in a comic and this thing was huge.


New atst


Also been updated to resist more.


Victory II



Home One



Figher scale


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Check out this post http://pff.swrebellion.com/index.php?topic=2776.0

This post helped me out alot. I've got the nebulon b frigate, the assualt frigate and the mon calamari cruiser to spawn fighters and bombers  ;D

"With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State, with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword....."

Robert E. Lee


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Well, having the Nebulon spawn fighters isn't realistic at all, but having a Calamari spawn fighters is good.  The unit scale is pretty good too, but the ATAT Barge just seems.....TOO big.  Even if it is supposed to be that way.




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Yea... well it looked like this.



I would make the fighters smaller but anything smaller than that you really cant see it. Its kinda in favor of empire. The rebels have an extremly tough time in my mod. They have to acutally use tactics.

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I've just made a tutorial on how to add the the fighter bay. Check it out. Feel free to add anthing to it if you now anyother ways 8)

"With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State, with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword....."

Robert E. Lee


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I got a problem as i have rescaled the ISD they mess up the formation of other units. sometimes they appear in almost the center of the map and dont move Among other things, is there a way around this?
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Well, having the Nebulon spawn fighters isn't realistic at all, but having a Calamari spawn fighters is good.  The unit scale is pretty good too, but the ATAT Barge just seems.....TOO big.  Even if it is supposed to be that way.



someone hasnt played tie fighter games or looked at wiki lately...




you can also see that it is actually an imp ship

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*sigh*  I look at Wookiepedia EVERY SINGLE DAY!  I know it was an Imperial ship, but the people who aren't Star Wars literate don't know that.  No, I haven't played TIE fighter; my DOS is all screwed up.  Maybe I was wrong.  It gives off bad impressions, though, when the only frigate ever shown doesn't HAVE one. 




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tis cool man, didn't mean  to sound rude or something... i was trying to be funny



but anyways the link shows that it holds two squads..





    * TIE starfighters (24)

    * Several Grek-class troop shuttles

    * Several Katarn-class boarding shuttles




FYI sorry to hear you haven't played tie fighter... for my money i say its the # 1 star wars game of all time, followed by the classic dark forces... wow those were good games where the creators had imaginations and knew star wars lure

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The Nebulon B that we see in the films doesn't even have a hanger, but it is probably likely that they could service several starfighters with docking tubes and such, probably able to carry TIE Fighters along it's neck section.
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