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[ROR] Foundation 0.1 Beta Comment thread!


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preliminary feedback is scale is good but omg can the atst's not hit anything and DAMN do the tanks,turrets have HUGE range!


i died on the first imp mission when i was trying it out the atst's got owned by the t2b's and they couldnt seem to hit anything like a turret :(


8 atst's vs 1 t2b..i lost almost 2 (1 got destroyed) in order to take his one out...yikes!


neb-b's spawn  a z95 and 2 ywings, moncal's spawn 2 xwings, 2 ywings


and boy do frig's move SLOW!


maybe too slow it just got really boring to wait for that neb to move past that nebula :(\


I don't like the increased range, i lost an at-at on hoth to ONE at turret and 2 AP turrets due to it being on a hill,  the new range makes it odd as most shots miss and the decals hit the ground right infront of em :(

Edited by Necro
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found a bug: you forgot to change the dmg on the atst barrage! normal does 40dmg...barrage....3 o.O



I also thing 60% inaccuracy is excessive i mean, shouldnt the atst be better at hitting ground units than the ATAT for example?


same thing for infantry.

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i think i fouind the problem with the t2b tanks..theyre shield regen is instant u get like 1/5th down and BAM instantly full!


i feel with the range infantry is useless they wont get close!

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try it trust me they shoot far!


im not sure if they hit that far, as the inaccuary is set at 60%


but they see very far!


also while the slow frig/cap ship speed is realistic its no fun it's TOO slow.

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I like the slow speed personally.  Really gives the ships a feeling of power.  Anyway, the AT-STs are probably the worst unit in the imperial arsenal.  In Combat, even the lowly TIE Mauler performs better (Mostly because it has a smaller profile and is therefore harder to hit.)


I think I found part of the problem, I just discovered that only one of the ground vehicles uses its damage modifier, I'll be fixing that later today.


Alliance Infantry have awfully poor range with their DH-17s, only a max range of 120 meters compared to the 300 meters that stormtroopers have with their E-11s.  Not only that, the stormtroopers burst fire three shots.


I'm trying to make ground combat more like classic tactical games like Close Combat III.

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im not disputing the fact you got it working, im wondering HOW you got it working :)


for some reason, i CANNOT get stormtroopers and rebel soldiers to fire beyond normal distances - what entries, beyond the fog reveal and the max fire distance, (along with the assorted AI activation distances - for agressive move range etc) do you need to change?


i was totally frigging stumped about why it worked for some units and not others.

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Its the stupidist thing... look at the behavior tags for the squad version of the soldiers, add the TARGETING behavior.  Thats it!  Without that behavior it doesn't respond to any targeting changes.


Oh, Guys, I've got a TIE Fighter Ground Squadron I'm testing out on my machine.  It's fun watching them scream across the screen on their first attack run.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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it's a great build for a start some glaring problems :P


but other than that it's great as for speed yea it's realistic but waiting minutes for your ships to move or turn for the matter like speeder bikes damn theyre fast..but if u have to turn at all. your dead.

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Thats due to training modifiers... We'll be adding training levels and the higher trained units will be more maneuverable.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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erm - the squad version?


in which file?



***feels like nub***


oh hang on, are we talking about behavior, which normally only has selectable in it, as opposed to "landbehavior" which already has targeting in it?

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ah guess it makes sense then.


i think ya need to fix the shield recharge atleast and perferably make the atst faster or stronger it is a scout vehicle so it shouldnt be too strong but 8 vs 1 t2b i shouldnt lose 1 and have 4 at half health!

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some comments i forgot build times and money is too slow


it took me 77 DAYS to get a tiny army.


an army of a neb b, 2 xwings, 2 corvette's 2 ywings!



not to mention a DISCOUNTED (with mon mothma) neb b cost 5.5k which is fine if the amount u got per planet was increased. it's not.


also build times were far to slow making u just sit there and wait most of the time.  I can understand big ships and structures taking some time but not that much!

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Nice job Stellar_magic, I really like the changes, especially the longer build times and slower turning rates.  Would it be possible to add an estimate for the number of days it takes to build a unit in the unit description in a future build?  Keep up the great work.
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