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Damage questions


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i was wondering, how exactly does the dmg setting in gameconstants work?


Damage_To_Armor_Mod> Damage_ATST, Armor_Speeder, 0.5


talking about those values does it mean say the gun does 10 dmg, and the value is 0.5 so it does half dmg?


or what?

Edited by Cain
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yes i think its when u shoot it with an atst the armor from the speeder multiplys the attack value by .5


in this case lets say its 100 damage.. after armor its only 50 since 100x.5=50


so u can then replace the first part with whatever is shooting it.. and the second part with the armor blocking it.. and then the multyplier that will be used to come up with the end result


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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Not that simply.  You need to change all the damage values there.  But it is useful because you can make different units and different weapons do different damage to the same unit.

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