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Re: EAW: Star Wars Realism v2.0 (Space Combat)


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The AI always builds lots of corvettes and gunships, but because you removed the cap, they could swarm you.


That's 76 cap worth of capital ships against your 45.  If you didn't remove the cap you would have had a chance.  And throwing in the fighters...  You can build TIE Interceptors, which, in this mod, can go into hyperspace, so you can fight back fighter-wise. 


Don't underestimate the Rebels...Admiral Graf...

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Will do Misten.  ;)


Got a question for ya...I want to change one thing about your mod and that is to have the TIE scout image replace the A-Wing as the TIE Interceptor in the building menu and text.  I've been editing the basics, ships, shields, etc...how would I do this?

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Here are some screenies from your mod...for clarification, I had it on "Easy AI" ;)



They both engaged me at the same time: 1 ISD and Piett. But, I had 3 Mon Calamaries and Home One.


The AI builds lots of stuff...but, they were all destroyed.

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One bug in 3.0.


Once you've reached your max cap. You can continue to add A-Wings. It seems that the don't count towards the build cap.


Once at 25/25 I added 20 more A-Wings.


I'm pretty sure this problem was in 2.1 too.





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Misten, I'm going to work on a 'real sized' version of this mod, if that's alright. For all I care, throw my resizing into your version, I just want things to be 'right'.


Here's the 'size' of the current models with thier canon length dimensions listed next to them.



Obviously there's some problems :)


By the way, can someone tell me the REAL dimensions of the Slave 1? Everything says "21.5m" but it's unclear on if that's from top the bottom ('lying down', or when it's landed) or if that's from cockpit to engine ('standing up'). I calculated it to be about 9.5 meters IF it were 21.5 meters 'tall', but I figured the 21 meters was right given the HUGE dimensions of the TIE Scout (24 meters?!?!).


I'll probably use the ISD as the 'correct' size (and the MonCal cruisers for the rebellion, in scale with the ISD) and work from there. Given that MonCalis are 400 meters shorter then ISDs, this might not be a bad decision.


I hope TIE fighters don't become invisible :)




EDIT: I just noticed how big Tartans are supposed to be. I wonder if I might be better off scaling up AND down... maybe Tartans (and CCs) should take up 3 population points not only because they're idiotically overpowered, but also because of their damn size...

Edited by Uranium - 235
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I'm done with balancing, and Veer is a ground unit.  Fighters don't take up any population so you can have more of them.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Veers is immune to cable attacks in the original game, how would it not be immune in the mod (unless you changed that)?




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I never touched ground units at all. 

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Veers is immune to cable attacks in the original game, how would it not be immune in the mod (unless you changed that)?

Well, in the original game, I marched him out and laughed as the Snowspeeders tied him up and he went down like a ton of bricks... but yeah he's a ground unit and Misten doesn't want to deal with those :P
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any chance you could release the new multiplayer mode as a seperate mod? I'd really like to try it with RoR

And when he reaches Heaven,

To St. Peter he will tell,

"Just another soldier reporting Sir,

I've served my time in Hell."

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Is there a way you can make the fighters take up...  1 unit cap per 2 or 3?  Not sure if you can do fractions or not.


Reason being... I just did a skirmish aginst hard AI, map was the Coursacant one with the astroids in the center.  I played Rebs, aginst Imps.  I decided to see how much damage I could do with only star fighters.


Basically I immedatly sent one of my starting xwing squads to grab the near base astroid.  My other two rushed the center.  I then built 4 Xwing squads, and level two station.  About the time my two center blitzers were getting to the middle I hyperspaced 3 of my new xwing squads to the edge, instantly reinforcing the middle.  I grabbed the middle gun platform and bought it (My other xwing that was getting the near base astroid I assigned to guard my space station from the oddball tie attack.)  About this time The tie swarm showed up.  I set all my middle map xwings to defend my gun platform (Which makes sure they attack anything that comes near the middle.)  I jumped to my base.  Built 5 more xwings.  And did the fighter research.  (Weapons and shields)  Jumped back to the middle and as credits became avaliable I got the three astroids, and three remaining gun platforms.  During all of this several tartan's showed up, and about 10 squads of ties.  Easily cleared out by my platforms and 6 xwing squads.  At this point I created 10 A wings.  5 set to guard my station, and 5 hyped into the middle, set to guard the area.  I pulled all my x wings to between my station and the middle area.  During this same time I researched my level 3 station and the 2 additional fighter upgrades... 


So... We are 7 mins into the game.  I have 20 units on the map.  10 A wings, 10 xwings.  I then build 25 more xwings, and 20 y wings.  AI is at level 4 station now.  I have fended off multipul attacks from early tartans, ties and bombers, and finally several early frigates.  Basically the A wings would eat the ties and bombers for breakfest, and when the caps showed up I would move in the 10 xwing squads to help. 


So once I had the 25 Xwing and 20 ywings squads in place I blitzed with my 10 xwing middle back up group.  As they neared the station I started hyping in all the xwings.  Once they were swarming the AI's level 4 station I hyped in all the y wings. 


End result...  Win with 0 unit cap on the board. 


Not that I am complaining.  I actually love how it is more like the books now.  And in the campaings hit and fade is a truely great tactic!  But it is a BIT over powered.  If you cannot do fractions... Oh well.  =)

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Well, in the original game, I marched him out and laughed as the Snowspeeders tied him up and he went down like a ton of bricks... but yeah he's a ground unit and Misten doesn't want to deal with those :P


Wierd...in the code for Veers' AT-AT it specifically says he's immune to towcable attacks. It has special code and everything. Never been attacked by one (yet) so I can't check.




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Mistrider > The Fleet mode can run by itself.  It has the complete set of XML files needed to run it, separate from the main XML.


Silva > Well there is one way.  Thriple all the current pop caps and then give fighters 1 cap.  But then you'll have to change the pop caps for all the planets and stations too to maintain scale.  Anyways though, you swamping the AI...well it's an AI problem.  Until we can get into the .LUA files they're stuck at their current level of intelligence.


After all, both sides do start off with the same $$$.


It wouldn't work against a human player...they'd build more tartans, and swarm back with their cheaper TIEs.  So maybe you build corvettes to kill their ties, then they build frigates to kill your corvettes, then you build heavy frigates to kill their frigates, then you build Mon Cals to kill the heavy frigates etc etc etc

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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  • 2 weeks later...

ok i disliked the slowishness of hyperspace, though everything else in this mod is top-notch, cream-of-the-crop good, i was looking forward to more ships of Lore, but im sure people will make them then ill just add/replace them to the XML file of yours, so its all good.


I found the Hyperspace speed in the spaceunit files so now I have to change ALL of them lol oh well thats what ctrl + F is for, right? anyway i was wondering if you could disclose the info for the original hyperspace speed to me.


If you could id apprecitate it, I guess ill go with the most logical "1" for now and then leave all the faster units (millenium falcon, with 2.0, i love that, good job sticking to the Lore with that) alone, maybe making hte bigger units slower to add the realism, but i like it when the AI comes into my planet, then i wait a few secs, then swoop in and blow away their fleet just in time for the ground troops to arrive and get obliterated, its just so satisying. lol

Edited by NekoHanyou
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ALSO in another topic, i was wondering if you'll be modding the conversion mods Legady of War and Imperial Assault II, for the Expanded Universe and Clone Wars, respectivly. Though I'm sure they will do as much as they can, I think it would be a nice addition to the mods if you added some of your touches to them
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I must admit I enjoy your mod very much, but there are few things I would complain:


1) fighter squadrons that cost 0 population! Rebellion can now crate superstacks of fighters/bombers. It's far better to have small ships cost 1/2 or 1/3 population. I know you can't do it directly, but you can double/tripple all units pop capacity, and double/tripple space capacity, and finaly double/triple space station population cost. Land units and planets stays at the same level.


2) Endless fighters. Now you can send wave after wave. I'd give empire some high number of reserve ones (probably double/tripple again :)), it will be much but still some exact number.


3) If realism, then realism :) Rebel capital/frigates are suppose to carry some fighters to battle. We know how many squadrons carry Nebulon B (2) and Mon Calamari (I assume it's MC 80, so 3). I decided to give Assault Frigates 2. After doubling (simplification 5 fighters=1/2 squadron) we have total 4 for frigates, 6 for MC. To balance things out it will only carry X-Wings, And will only launch 1 and 2 units at a time. Everything for slight cost upgrade (+300 for frigates, +500 for MC)


Now some pros:I must admit there is real balance in your mod. I esp appreciate balance with corvettes. Also new units are cool. Same things with minor tweaks (longer respawn time for heroes, super weapons importance reduced)..


Anyway, are you interested in merging our mods? I can do the coding if you wish..

Here comes the link



EDIT:I'd like to ask for your permission to slightly modify your mod (changes included above) and place my work here, so anyone who wishes may use them.

Edited by keraunos
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Ok, I did some modding - doubled all space units pop cost, brought fighters/bombers back to 1/2. Also edited space station - now it gives double pop support. Also weakened rebel space station, as Lv 5th gave 10 X-Wings, 6 Y-wings and Corvete and Nebulon B, two each. Now it gives same amount as Imperial SS. SS's Corvettes/Frigates reserve limited to 6/4 per spaceship available


However, Misten didn't replied yet - I hope he will agree to post his modified mod..

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Ok, I've tried this mod with fighters that cost 1/2 pop point and it works perfectly. Now I think about giving Rebel frigates/capitals some X-Wings. As Xs are now very strong, I've been thinking not about altering costs of these ships, but by giving Acc and VSD +1000 shields, making tham toughter (but still very vulnerable to proton torpedos). ISD will gain it's new strenght - 1 squadron of TIE Interceptors.. :)


EDIT: +1000 seems too much, I think I'll leave them at +500

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Uh, keraunos , there is such thing as an "Edit" button. Try to use it and not post more than once before someone else replies. I'm not a moderator, but I'm letting you know what they proabably will say.


I know this "edit" button very well, believe me. But usually if I post in diffrent days or with diffrent thoughts - I post them separately, so you can answer them separately (as too long posts often became unclear). I admit that my last two posts could be placed in one instead, but I wanted to make a diffrence between the thing that I already did (and, if MistenTH agrees, will share with) and some new ideas that I could implement.


BTW, I've just used the "modify" button ;). And no offense meant, but I think we should let the moderators do their job.. ;D

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