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Re: EAW: Star Wars Realism v2.0 (Space Combat)


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Because there are new units involved, please feedback to me how they perform.  Also, for those who DLed v2.0 before this thread was posted, re-download it.  Some last minute changes were made.


Captain Data > Sometimes the server will mirror the file.  Refresh after a minute.  You can then select the server and DIRECTLY below that server selection dropdown box will be a big download button.  Just click and it downloads - no registration required.


Also, if anyone has difficulties with DLing the file from Filecloud, Petroden has the mod available for DL @ http://www.petroden.com/eaw_game_mods.shtml  .  At the moment, v2.0 is not available yet, but it should be as soon as Lion knows about this.


I have uploaded version 2.0 on PETRODEN...now available for downloading.




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Great. Tested 1.1 and its just fine, except: Imperials seems a bit too strong:


I played 2 vs 2 (3 HARD AI and me, without Heroes or Superweapons), first as Reb vs Imp. I got really kicked in my *beep*, just because bomber-spammage. Every second enemy fightercraft was a bomber, killing EVERYTHING i throw against them. 4 Bombersquads kill a Corvette with just one salvo ! Even my "partner-AI" was not able to do anything, I've got spammed to death ;)


Same Map, sites changed. Now I fight for the Empire, and it was a real good battle (even lost a SD !) but the Rebs cant stop me and my companion. They were spammed to death by TIE-Bombers ... and I didn't even build a single Bomber !


So its way easier for the Empire to have mapcontrol, ... bad for poor Rebs ;)



BTW I see something for V 2.0: Limitless spawn of TIEs ... uhm ... thats even more bad for Rebs. Maybe increase accuracy for ANY Reb Ships against fighters ?


BTW 2: You need localized files too ;) What Texts need to be translated to german ?

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Only TIE fighters are unlimited, and they still spawn at a fixed limit - e.g. for the Vic it spawns 2 TIEs 1 bomber.  After 4 bomber squadrons die it spawns no more.  Once the 2 TIE squads die it respawns 2.  At any rate, I do want to keep the unlimited TIEs in - the Empire is about overwhelming numbers.  I'll work something out.


Anyway, as for the corvettes against bombers/fighters, you can't just leave them alone.  Because only 2/8 guns can aim in the rear, and eating torpedoes will get the corvette killed.  What I do is use corvettes in pairs, and keep them moving.  Torpedoes keep missing if they are moving, and I get the corvettes to fly towards each other, then double back.  I killed 6 TIE bomber squadrons this way.


And on the flip side, I used 14 TIE fighter squadrons to take on 3 corvettes - all the TIEs died, and only got 1 corvette into the red.


Besides, shouldn't you be using Rebel Fighters to help take out the bombers?  The rebels are about having strong fighters.  Just place a single A-wing with lure ability active, and all the bombers will ignore their bombing runs.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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ah, its not so bad as long as its not unlimited bombers then :D



what about adding rebel capital ships to spawn rebel fighters maybe only having say nebulon-b's sapwning 1-2 xwings, 1 ywing?


corvette's aren't the problem. tartan's are.

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I almost never use Reb Fighters, because its too much micromanagement in a huge battle. Instead of buying 2 X-Wings I build a Corvette. Instead of building 4 Squads of Y-Wings (good enough to kill a ISD) I buy a Mon Cal. Fighters are strong, but way too easy to replace.


If Reb Fighters doesn't cost cap (at least X-Wings) I will use them more. But 2 X-Wings aren't half as good as one Corellian Corvette, so why building them ? A-Wings are good for scouting, but even there - 2 are not as good as one Corvette. Funny: Corellian Corvettes seems weaker than Tartans ... special ability I think. And Bombers, yeah, they're the only good fighter-unit, because it can't be replaced by a bigger ship ... wrong ;) - a Gunboat and a Torpedoboat (4 Pop) are way better than 4 Y-Wings in taking out enemy craft.


That's why, the Empire is that strong, it gets TONS of zero-cost-zero-pop-Fighters (who's building ever bombers or fighters in starbase ?) while Rebs have to pay for each single fighterwing, using up pop-cap and so on. Even +5 Pop-Cap never help them. Really wanna see Mon Cals spawning X- and Y-Wings for free.

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xwings not so useful, but ywings...vital.


ESPECIALLY early game.



on a side note im modding starbase.xml to get rid of unlimited reinforcements on the bigger ships (mainly corvette's tartans)

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I modded a little bit too, activating the Venator to the Pirate-Ships, so you can buy it at that special station again. Think I have to rework the Venator too, because it gots no Turbolasers, only normal (really weak) antifighter-lasers. That makes that ship almost useless against anything smaller and bigger than a Tartan / Corellian Corvette.


X-Wings do not use any Cop anymore, dito for TIE-Fighters. That means, I can build DOZENS of X-Wings now without loosing any popcap. That helps a little bit against TIE-Spammage of the Empire, you need only enough money to build some X-Wings.

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I think, some players will use them as "spam-units". But ... 500 Credits for a single Squad of X-Wings is not very cheap and 5 Squads X-Wings (costs as much as one Neb B) do not that much damage. But its great to support bombers, defend Outposts etc ... but NOT as canonfodder.


Now I did my very own Version 2.1 ;) (just for private reasons, I will NOT release it, because its NOT my mod !)


- X-Wings don't use pop-cap anymore.

- TIE-Fighters don't use pop-cap anymore.

- Z-95 Headhunters buildable for 200 Credits at Trading-Station (use that German Version of the Game) and don't use pop-cap - only buildable by Rebs.

- V-Wings buildable at Trading-Station for both factions.

- Venator buildable at Trading-Station for both factions.


- Venator updated a little bit, its more powerfull that a Acclamator, but slightly less powerfull than a VSD. Deadly for Fighters, Corvettes and Light Frigates. It's more damageresistant too and its standard-Lasers are replaced by Turbolasers 5/15-0.2-3/4  (5 Shots, 15 Damage each, cycle 0.2 seconds, fires each 3 or 4 seconds). I love it ;)

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These are the changes I've made so far.




Capital Ships' rate of speed reduced from first adjustment.  Was too fast.  It is still faster than

default turning.


All advanced fighter squadrons costs down from 500 to 450 to help Rebels against TIE swarms.


Corvettes now take less damage from frigates and capital ships.  They still die fast if you leave

them stationary.


Carrack Cruiser RoF reduced slightly.


Slave 1's Harmonic bomb reduced from 600 range / 300 damage to 390 range / 85 damage. For comparison,

X-wing has 90 health, A-wing 70 health and Y-wing 110 health.


All gunnery crews have been given basic training.  They should now be able to hit the broad side

of a barn.  (Default EAW had frigates and corvettes with 70 inaccuracy against capital ships)


All space structures now prevent hyperspace jumps too close to them.  They do have a mass shadow

after all, and hyping into one is not a smart idea.  If you own the structure, your navigators will

be able to plot a more accurate jump and the mass shadow does not apply.


All heavy turbolasers no longer target fightercraft.  This made winning the AI too easy

when they stupidly aimed their big guns at fighters and ignored capital ships.


Skirmish starting credits can be set at 20000 now to address the issue of the AI being

boring early game as it spent most of its credits upgrading in the first 10-15 minutes.

Simply set this higher to see the AI throw bigger ships your way faster.


Rebel Interdictor now has a unique description. Req. by Many People.


Venator can now be purchased from Pirate/Merchant spacedock in Skirmish.


Skirmish Space Station Upgrade shifted to research queue so that AI will build more units

to fight with.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Just wanted to let you know I got it working.  Just incase there are other newbs out there like me...


Per the directions I made a back up of my files and xml folders.  To do this I just draged them to the desktop...  Then put the zip files directly into the data folder.  Problem with that is there are several ground files that were then missing.  Solved by makeing a copy back up then overwriting into the data folder.



The changes that you made... Are they going to be in 2.1 or did you update the 2.0 download?


Thanks!  This is a great mod!




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Releasing soon once I iron out all the bugs.  Just curious, why would pop cap affect your building fighters and not their cost?

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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think ya could make it so that going into a nebula/asteroid field (fighters obviously only for asteroids) you go off the radar, as such you could do ambushes, would be great when he sees you with a squad of xwing he sends his tartan and boom! he bring out your nebula-b's from the nebula!
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When I launch the game it crashes back to the desktop before the Lucasarts logo is up.


I copied the TEXT and XML folder into the Data directory as the Read Me file tells me to.


What could be the problem?

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Sorry bout that.  Someone else already solved it.  My TEXT folder does not have the CREDITS text file inside.  Make sure the folder has 2 files - my modded text data file and the default CREDITS file.  It will be included in the next release.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Personally I like the way Homeworld 2 did unit caps - You had unit caps for each TYPE of craft instead of an all-encompassing cap.


For example, I could only bring two battleships into the fray, but no matter how many corvettes, frigates, battleships, carriers, or whatever elses I had, I always had room for fighters.


Which I should mention - Fighters in HW2 were a lot more useful then they are in EaW... even with Flak Frigates you had a use for bombers and fighters.


Anyway, the real reason I was going to post here was to ask for something to be done about the asinine Tractor Beam on the Star Destroyers. For starters, every capital ship and even corvettes had tractor beams in lore. It'd be far more useful if tractoring a corvette-sized craft or so would capture it for your side, but it's understandable if that's not possible. I'd rather just have something better in lieu of a tractor beam though.


Also, I'd like to see a change to space combat - unlimited viewing distance. I'm fairly sure this won't happen because LOS determines your hyperspace range (does it, or are they just 'the same', ie: two values govern where you can see and where you can hype to, and they just happen to be set to the same value?), but still, the fog of war in space is really stupid. It's freaking SPACE.

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EAW: SWRealism v2.1 uploaded.  Get it now from the 1st post of this thread!


Major changes from v2.0:

Smarter AI Targeting

More Aggressive Skirmish AI

All ship crews given basic gunnery training - they can now hit the broad side of the barn.

Corvettes last longer.

Multiple frigates can now take on a Capital Ship instead of dying.

Rebel fighters last longer now to combat Empire swarms.

Fighter squadrons now cost 0 population cap.  Let's see how it goes.

Venator enabled for puchase at Skirmish Merchant Spacedock. (was tweaked, but it is still an old ship)

Neutral/Hostile structures now project a mass shadow - you cannot hype in too close to them.


I hope to reach a final version soon.  After that stable version, I will not touch this anymore except to update in models and icons, and after that, any new ships / changes etc. I will carry on in a sub-mod.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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By the way, can you tell me how Interdictors are 'too useful'? This is more a general game question, but they barely have any guns, and the AI doesn't ever retreat, so that leaves the 'missile deterent'. Does the missile shield affect JUST the Interdictor, or everywhere around it, even if the missiles are just going through the field? I had an Interdictor all powered up with the missile deflector and some corvette just flew around shooting the hell out of it...


Will we also ever see more epic-sized maps? The current space maps feel so cramped, too much shit and asteroids around.

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The most important ability of the Interdictor is its reinforcement prevention radius.  No more tartan or corellian corvette jumping into the middle of 4 bomber squads and shredding them.  Instead, they have to hype in from the perimeter and work their way in.


The rebel interdictor is available only in Skirmish and not in the campaign.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Sorry, the files are all in english.  Unless someone wants to translate, I'm afraid probably not.  Just use your old text file, the text isn't critical anyways.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Some random ideas from my experiences with this mod on hard AI solo play as Empire and Rebel...


For what its worth I would consider making the Death Star cost a factor of at least 20x the ISD, as it is an astronomical investment and the ISD is merely a monumental investment in terms of resources.


I would give the ISD 85% accuracy/targeting, boost the Shields by about 20% & double the current rate of Tie spawns. I would also 2x the base cost.


Remove the restriction on Interdictors and 4x the base cost and get rid of the space battle unit limit.

Edited by Spartan
"The greatest pain a man can suffer is to have knowledge of much, and power over nothing" - Herodotus
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