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Re: EAW: Star Wars Realism v2.0 (Space Combat)


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EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 (Space Combat)



EAW v1.2 mod to bring space combat more in line with my experience from the movies and the EU novels (particularly Rogue Squadron), as well as balancing gameplay elements. Fighters are now more useful, and broken / overpowered units such as the Ion Cannon / Assault Frigate have been balanced. Modded for Skirmish, but all space unit changes transfer over to the Story / Galactic Campaign modes.


This mod is intended to be a plausible replacement for stock EAW space combat and space skirmish.


Download Link

http://www.filecloud.com/user/files.php?category_id=386624 (834kb .zip)


Mirror - Petroden (Thanks Lion!)




Unzip the zip file, transfer the XML & TEXT folder inside to your EAW/Gamedata/data folder. To uninstall, simply remove / rename the XML folder and replace the TEXT folder with a backup.


Refer to the FLEET readme file for installation instructions for that gameplay mode.




Major Gameplay Changes

Smarter AI targeting, more aggressive Skirmish AI.

Fighters dogfight and launch attack runs, lasting longer against anti-fighter corvettes.

Many fighters now have missile weaponry e.g. X-wing & its signature proton torpedo.

Capital ships are now deserving of their name, taking immense firepower before dying.

Superweapons now balanced; using them is a tactical consideration instead of a no-brainer.

Skirmish settings changed; slower income, better buildable structures, stronger stations.

Rebel starfighters have strong firepower, as they should be.

The Empire has strong capital ships and TIE swarms, as it should be.

Many changes to heroes and almost all ships.

Power to Weapons and Shield Boost reworked to be more useful / less abusive respectively.

Some SP campaign changes as requested (slower hyperspace, longer hero respawn).


New Units

TIE Interceptor Squadron, Empire

Carrack Cruiser, Empire

Corellian Torpedo Boat, Rebel

Repair Tender, Both

(not exactly new) Interdictor, Both, Limited to 1 per player, increased reinforcement prevention radius.


New Skirmish Gameplay Mode

Introducing FLEET! Deathmatch.  No resource collection.  No time delays.  Big Fleets.  Epic Battles.



Decided to play around to satisfy my urge to see a more Lore-linked space combat. Eventually the changes kept growing until I decided to make it accessible to everyone for feedback and to enjoy a better game. I also made changes that were balancing in nature, and might differ from lore somewhat. Can't stand ground combat though.


Future Plans

Placing custom models, icons & sounds when they are available.  Unless there are major bugs, this will be the last major update, gameplay wise.


I will still carry on modding in stuff in future, but not under SWRealism.  It is complete, except for models, which will be inserted at a later date.  SWRealism is GOLD!  Thanks for your support & feedback!


I hereby grant anybody the right and privilege to utilise my mod for their own EAW modding purposes and use.  All I ask is for due credit to be given to me for the code and features used, and that you just send me a PM over the forums to let me know that you are using it.













Edited by MistenTH

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Because there are new units involved, please feedback to me how they perform.  Also, for those who DLed v2.0 before this thread was posted, re-download it.  Some last minute changes were made.


Captain Data > Sometimes the server will mirror the file.  Refresh after a minute.  You can then select the server and DIRECTLY below that server selection dropdown box will be a big download button.  Just click and it downloads - no registration required.


Also, if anyone has difficulties with DLing the file from Filecloud, Petroden has the mod available for DL @ http://www.petroden.com/eaw_game_mods.shtml  .  At the moment, v2.0 is not available yet, but it should be as soon as Lion knows about this.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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torpedo gunboat..is great!


carrack seems a bit too good im not sure how good it is butr when it shoots its load its like wtfpwn D:


i suggest you read my postings on the previous thread on my 2.0 feedback!

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Humm.  Hello all.  I was so intrigued by your project... I went and registered!


But when I try 2.0 I get a crash before the load screen. 


I put both the XML folder and the Text folder directly into C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Data


It basically switchs to the STAR WARS EMPIRES AT WAR (Rated T For Teen blah blah) for a split second, then bounces to desktop. 


I put the origional text file back and the 1.1 XML folder... Everything works again.


I did redownload it... Same thing.



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Hmm Silva.  Normally I get the CTD when I screw up the XML code.  And 2.0 worked fine for me, and at least 1 other person.  Not sure what went wrong for your side. 

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Thank you for modding this game, you not only made the game more fun, you also balanced the game which was completly lobsided and nonsensical.


If I could make one request, I would say that the Accalamator has a little too much firepower...I would remove the Proton Torpedo Bay myself but I dont know how to do it

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Empire ships should be strong.  The torpedoes the Acclamator fires is not the ones the bombers fire, and thus only deals 1/3 of the damage (default EAW settings).  Since now all hardpoints are 2x-3x hardier, it isn't that strong as well.  If you want to remove it, under SPACEUNITSFRIGATE, look for acclamator, look for hardpoints and delete the torpedo hardpoint.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Great modification.


As of now I tried the Rebels in a Skirmish game.


I got suggestions for them:


1) Repair Tender


Increase the shield regeneration slightly or reduce its price. That ship is efficient, but, in my humble opinion, a bit too fragile, especially considering its role. If I would send a medic on a battlefield, maybe I wouldn't equip him with heavy weapons indeed, but I'd make sure his suit/armor would at least give him the same or better protection than his fellow privates (I.E Corellian Corvettes).


2) Interdictor Cruiser


Why giving a Galactic Empire-owned ship to the Rebels ? Perhaps for pure game-play fun it seems cool, but according to the lore, as far as I know, the only known stolen Empire ship the Rebels had was that famous Shuttle they exploited for the Battle of Endor.


Well, maybe I missed something especially in the books, since I haven't read them (Episode IV to VI).


Personally, I can live with that. Since indeed the ship's functions are efficient, and would be a nice addition to the Rebel fleets, BUT ... maybe changing the ship's description would give its actual presence in the Rebels ranks a better explanation. For example, you could (if you can) tell us that it was a recently stolen Empire ship/technology being tested by the Rebs. You know ... just make a very short story behind its origins within their ship variants.


3) Corellian Torpedo Boat


Why does it cost 1701 ?


Maybe originally intended to price it at 1700, but you made a little mistake.


Also, I suggest reducing the Toperdo reload time to 15 seconds and increasing its price to ... say ... 1800/1850, since I find that ship being quite good, but should perhaps be more expensive to get. On the other hand, it should take just a bit less time to reload its ammunition.


And finally, I personally believe that the overall flow of resources in Skirmishes now is maybe too slow. There's some action as usual, but it now tends to kick in a bit late in game.


Of course, it may well depend on the maps themselves (the actual number of resource asteroids for example), but overall I feel like the "real" action (higher quality ships and capital ships) starts at late Tier 3/early Tier 4 (I.E Space Sation upgraded by the A.I at late level 3 or early on at level 4, and I say from the A.I since it seems to upgrade at pretty much the same time, while a human can struggle at level 2 all the time).


Alright, that's it for now.


These are suggestions only. I can live with your great MOD without any of them, but I myself would like to see such changes (I would do them myself if I could).


EDIT: I've just tried a game with the Empire. I noticed you included the Rebel A-Wing. Well, I guess I can suggest the same thing I did for the Interdictor ship in the Rebs fleet. Is there some sort of background story you haven't told us about your MOD ? :P


A sudden surge of technology-stealing between both factions. Hehe.

Edited by Zenoth
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If you notice, the Empire 'A-wing' is the TIE interceptor.  Most of which is modelling issues, which is why I re-used some pictures and models.  I made the torpboat 1701 to differentiate it from the gunship in the build menu since I haven't been able to modify the .tga files yet to make it look different.


I'll take your suggestion for the Interdictor, it's abilities are too important for balance IMO. 


Yea, about the AI.  If you play without heroes enabled the AI will save up more cash for capital ships, so that will help.  I've done some changes to skirmish building to get the AI to throw out more units, but it seems that they are following a fixed build list, which is limited by them upgrading the space station.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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The Rebels captured the Imperial Interdictor Compellor and later used it's grav-wells in designing it's own interdictor, a modified strike cruiser.


Allso, I'm fairly certain the Rebellion obtained most of it's Nebulon B Frigates from the Empire.

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A really nice mod. I do enjoy playing it a lot.


There is an issue which I don't know can be addressed. The targeting priorities are sometimes strange.

The Carrack likes to fire on fighters instead of Capital Ships, and other Capital Ships have this behaviour too.

Is it possible to rework the priority list or to change the range to look for certain targets ?

Or even to put different guns on different targets ? Laser cannons = fighters, turbos = capitals and so on.

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i'd raise the hyperspace speed by half so it doesnt get too boring waiting for them to go frmo planet to planet - maybe make it based on the MGLT value, carrack seems too strong and im STRONGLY against limitless respawns frm star destroyers!


is it possible for you to merge with this graphical enhancement mod:





it adds MUCH to the SW feel!


an example:

http://www.adonnai.de/eaw1.jpg new

http://www.adonnai.de/eaw4.jpg old

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Because there are new units involved, please feedback to me how they perform.  Also, for those who DLed v2.0 before this thread was posted, re-download it.  Some last minute changes were made.


Captain Data > Sometimes the server will mirror the file.  Refresh after a minute.  You can then select the server and DIRECTLY below that server selection dropdown box will be a big download button.  Just click and it downloads - no registration required.


Also, if anyone has difficulties with DLing the file from Filecloud, Petroden has the mod available for DL @ http://www.petroden.com/eaw_game_mods.shtml  .  At the moment, v2.0 is not available yet, but it should be as soon as Lion knows about this.


Tried it, there is no D/L-Button. It just not appear. Done. It may my old Browser, but I will NOT upgrade / change it, because newer IEs (and I only use them) are HUGE security leaks. No one tries to hack an old IE ;)


That Hosting-Page is just using proprietary codes and I will NOT support such pages. I will try Petroden's Link.

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Turner > Nice info!  If someone comes up with a model for that ship I'll replace the Rebel Interdictor with that.


Necro > I won't be using the laser enhancement mod beams.  While they look cool, SW beams in the movies don't look like that.


Falcon > Yep about targetting.  I fixed that issue already, just seeing what else crops up before I release an update.  Hopefully, the next release will be fine and I won't need to do any updating for a while.  Basically in the next update, heavy weapons will not aim at fightercraft.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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Great Mod MistenTH.


A Suggestion for Version 3, Scaling the Units to their proper size, cause when I tried Scaling the Ships and changing their Maneuverability to ROR's stats, the frame rate slows down significantly. Perhaps I did something wrong changing the different values. but if you want it to be realistic these two factors are important.

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I won't want to play with the scaling and speeds very much, because of the way hits are made.  A Petro Dev said as much, that if you change speeds and scale too much, it becomes impossible to hit for e.g. fighters, because they are too small.  Same if their speed is too high, nothing will hit.


Then to rebalance, you need to change all the projectile speeds, accuracies etc and a new balance may never be reached.  I don't know why your FR dropped so much though.


I made changes for 2 main reasons: SW Lore (X-wing torpedoes, Capital Ships slugging it out), but also for gameplay and balance (Modified Ion Cannon, Interdictor for both sides).  And I was able to balance it mainly because I worked from the balance Petro already had.  To totally change the basis of that and rework balance, fraid that's too much work for me to want to for little gain.

EAW: Star Wars Realism v3.0 - a mod that improves the realism, balance & gameplay from the default EAW Space Combat & Space Skirmish.  Introduces a FLEET! Deathmatch mode.





EAW: Tactical Command - a Space Skirmish mod that seeks to bring tactics to EAW.  Also introduces Scenario play.




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I noticed that the special ability of the TIE Fighter (Hunt for Enemies) is disabled as soon as they enter a nebula. While this is normal to all special abilities, in this case it's rather pointless. The special ability itself isn't the best, and then it's deactivated very soon since most fighters fly through nebulae.


Is there the possibility to alter this, so that Hunt for Enemy isn't disabled by nebulae ?

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Future Plans

Placing custom models and sounds when they are available.


More ships, but I will have to consider this carefully.  After all, the more ships there are, the more duplication of roles there will be, and the more confusing it will become.


Whatever ideas or suggestions I get  ;D




Okay, letz give you some suggestions ;)


1. Change your File-Hoster ;) or add more mirrors - okay, thats a nice-to-have, but Filecloud is NOT working with all browsers. I will NOT advertise any other hosters here, good ones working without any proprietary codes.


2. About Ships with duplicated roles: Do it. Rebs often used different ships for similar roles, because their fleet is a mishmash of dozens of different shiptypes by any race.

Think about replacing our EaW-Assault-Frigate with the old model (a modified Dreadnaught), add Dreadnaughts too, because those ships are a backbone of the New Republic. Same for different types of MC 80, that Liberty-Class was almost identical to the wingless variants.


But not only the Rebs used different ships for similar roles: The Empire does it as well. For example Emperor SD I and Emperor SD II. Our VSD I in EaW is just wrong designed; its some kind of huge BOMBER. I think, that VSD in EaW is a VSD II, because its Torpedobanks are removed. A VSD is able to destroy ANY frigate with a single salvo of torpedos (even if Shields are NOT penetrable by Torps), so it should be added to our beloved Game.


(man we need that SDK !)


3. Try to add bigger maps. The existing ones are way too small, way too easy to control, battles are often finished after a few minutes. Plus: All those obstacles (Nebulas, Asteroid-Belts) are a hell for navigation of bigger ships. A huge map, doubled or trippled up the size of the biggest map atm should be just fine.

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