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Hyperspace Routes


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Does anyone know where I might find a map showing the hyperspace lanes of the galactic map in EAW? It would be immensely handy to be able to see these paths all laid out on a nice map.


As it stands now in order for me to figure out where my choke points are I have to constantly drag spies around to get the little white hyperspace lines to show up. This is annoying and i keep having to do it over and over again because I can't remember them.


A map with them all laid out would be a great reference.


I am at work right now and really hoping that I didn't miss this in the manual somewhere.  ::)

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From what I can tell, in conquest, the routes are always the same. Its when you do campaigns or whatever where the routes may be changed.  They're not always consistant between modes given that not all planets are available.
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Yes, but regarding an individual map the lanes shouldn’t change.  Correct?  The 43 planet map will always have the same lanes. However, they will not be entirely the same when compared to a 20 planet map with similar planets. Right?
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I think your right Throxx.  For example, I started playing futher along in the Empire Campaign, and just completed the mission to Geonosis.  Now on other maps most of the time you can get to Geonosis by way of Tatooine, and from Geonosis to Ryloth.  Before I did the mission though, I could have gone straight to Geonosis by way of Eriadu. 


Anyway, unless my memory is playing tricks on me, you can't go to Geonosis from Eriadu in another mode.  I think this was campaign specific.

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really hope they add visible lanes (maybe in option?) in a patch. It would make identifying choke points much easier.

There are 2 ways to see the places you can go from a particular planet. The obvious one is trade routes. The other way is the click on the planet. When you do a circle appears around the planet, and whatever other planets are on the line of the circle or in it can be traveled to from the first planet.


Its the screenie that is the first one in the second row, and the circle is on the top right.

"For every TIE fighter you shoot down, a thousand more rise to take its place"

-Baron Fel


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obviously that the empire and the rebels have different hyperspace routes.

as i was playing in a conquest the empire came to one of my planets where i need to get thru other planets from that planet that is being invaded to reach any of the empire controlled planet.

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