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Anothe Venator Variant


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1st, thanks to Slocket for his base Venator w/hardpoints added and buildability.


Still buildable during Galactic Conquest but limited to Alliance Space Stations.


I've changed the build icon for the Venator by adding red markings. But it's too big to attach the tga file.

All you have to do is open it up in PSP, use the magic wand to highlight the black markings, then fill with a dark red.


Changed to the correct Squadron V-Wing icon during battle instead of the Z95 icon.


The Venator carries 2 Squadrons of V-Wings & Y-Wings each. 1 of each launches 1st with 1 each in reserve.


It's only buildable by the Alliance, which is a personal choice of mine.


It's buildable in Skirmish after upgrading to tech level 4 at the Alliance Space Station.


It's not buildable by the Empire or Pirates anywhere else. Another personal choice.


It's shields and armor have been upgraded to put it somewhere between the Acclamator & Victory Star Destroyers.


Added a Venator name text file. Just need to add some names.


Raised the Skirmish starting money limit to 100,000.  You don't have to start with that much, but you can if you need to.



This MOD is made to how I like it...use it if you like. :)


Captain Moon 2-23-06

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Actually, the Venator was designed around the same time as the Victory and sometime after the Acclamator. This being shown in the EU as far as the Victory is concerned and EP II & III as far as the Acclamator (EPII) & the Venator (EPIII). The Venator is actually slightly larger than the Victory but supposedly equal in most respects to each other. So there is no reason it should even be considered obsolete when compared to the Acclamator or Victory. But in the interests of balance issues, I decided to set it between the two as far as how strong it is. Feel free to change it as you see fit though, I am just going for a realistic story as much as possible.  ;D
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shouldn't it be as weak as the acclamator or slightly worse seeing as it is older tech?


I've said it before (maybe even on this forum), but I'll say it again: The Venator is larger, newer, and more powerful than the Acclamator...geez.




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I've said it before (maybe even on this forum), but I'll say it again: The Venator is larger, newer, and more powerful than the Acclamator...geez.


You're completely correct!  ;D


"Within Star Wars lore, while similar dagger-hulled warships are said to have existed for thousands of years, the earliest ships called "Star Destroyers" are the 900m Victory-class and the 1,137m Venator-class, deployed by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, the conflict which saw that once-democratic federation transformed into the autocratic Empire. Although the two were comparable in size and power, each had distinct characteristics and abilities that the other lacked. These vessels were also employed by the fledgling Empire, but the Venator-class were later phased out in favor of larger and more powerful designs."


"Nicknamed the "Republic Attack Cruiser", the Venator-class Star Destroyer stemmed from the success of the Acclamator-class assault transport and the Victory-class Star Destroyer. While the older Acclamator was primarily an armed troop transport and the Victory was a jack-of-all-trades, the Venator was primarily a starfighter carrier/destroyer."

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I'm thinking of making the Venator a Imperial Escort Carrier, deploying 4 Fighter and 2 Bomber squadrons at the start with 8 more fighters and 4 more bombers in hanger... but it would only have like 1 turbolaser HP and 2 laser HPs, available at Tech Level 1 (2.5k cost-ish, 3-4 pop cap?)
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The Old Republic Navy used a variety of different ships...


Star Destroyers:

Victory Class

Victory II Class (Developed during the middle of the clone wars)

Imperator Class (Renamed Imperial, the first ship was launched mere weeks after the declaration of a new order)


Star Frigates:

Acclamator II Class (This is what is in EAW)


Fleet Carriers:

Venator Class


Planetary Assault Ships:

Acclamator Class


There are more vessels, but I don't feel like explaining them all.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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