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All i want to do at this point is raise the pop cap for land and space battles.  I have read through many posts on this forum and I am more confused than when i started.  I apologize for my noobness.  I understand what values have to be changed but I don't know exactly what I have to download to get to where i can change them.  For example in Battle for middle Earth all I had to do was download this ini file and extract to the data folder.  Once this was done it was simple to find the pop cap and change the value.  I see references to a similar process for EAW but I also see references to these modding tools and I'm don't know if i need them and if so which ones.  Any help would be greatly appreciated BFME was the first game i ever modded so this is all very new to me.
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Don't worry, Skipflex, you'll get it. This is waaaay easier to mod than BFME. Edited by DragonShadow




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ok so I have Net 2.0 and I downloaded the Meg extractor I think the one created by renevo(not sure if i spelled that right) but when i try to run the meg extractor it says "can't find demo" which is not surprising seeing as how i don't have the demo i have the full version.  i have seen many posts that say "if it works for the demo it works for the full version" but most of the instructions for the extractors claim they are demo only and versions will be released later for the full game.  Since i am already feeling pretty stupid at this point could someone treat me like a 1st grader and tell me how to do this.
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the renevo extractor i guess only works for the demo but i found one from somewhere else that worked for the full game.  I'm at work right now and i don't remember the name of it but i know it began with a k.

I should be home by 9 pm est and i can get you the name if you haven't found it by then.  once you get it install it in the game data\data folder of empire at war then scroll down to the folder labeled XML.  Once you get into the XML folder all the different XML files will be there I open each one I want to make changes to using notepad and then find the value I want to change.  It's pretty time consuming though cause you gotta do alot of searching.

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reveno's meg extracter does work with the full version.  It's the only one I use for both the demo and the full game.  However, I can't recall exactly how the meg extractor looks for the game directory since I installed it a while ago.  Hopefully it just ask you to select the directory where the meg files are installed.  IN which case, you can just make a fake directory like so....


C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Demo\GameData\Data


The app should open and from that point on you can use the file menu to select the meg files in the original game directory not the demo directory.


IF the app searches for the directory on it's own, then I'm afraid the app is reading the path of the demo straight from the registry and that would require you to edit the registry which I don't recommend if your not familiar with registry editing.  You could really screw up your computer if you mess around in there and don't know what your doing.


So basically, depending on how revano's extractor gets the directory information of the demo will determine if you can use it or not.  Since i have both the demo and full version, should the meg extractor search for my directory, it will always find it.


This is one of the reason's why when I create an app, I don't use the read registry method and instead ask the user to locate the directory themselves.  Then I have an .INI file created so that the app will remember where that directory is and won't ask you again every time you open it up.  The other thing I might do is not even have the app look for or require the user to input a directory and just simply allow the app to open up and then you can choose the files you want to edit through the file menu.  But it all depends on what kind of data i'm working with and whether I feel the user needs to have a choice in selecting certain files.    For example, if I'm working with a database file that my app just reads data from to supply it to the app, then I don't give the user any interaction with the database at all and have the app do it automatically.


THis all might seem like a lot of trouble to some, but of course theres always alternative apps that are out there or will be out there.


Also, you could just download the demo as well...hehe. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
I downloaded Renevos meg extractor too. Did you get the one that said it was for the full game? And editing the XML can be done with an XML editor. The person Spartan has a free XML editor.
"The leading cause of death among fashion models is falling through street grates" - Dave Barry.
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