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The answer of this question should be stickied!!!


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Ok, i finaly got it to take my changes to take effect, now i messed up my game + my backup so i uninstalled my 2 gamefolders.

Now is my question:

i have put the xml folder in a new folder called data, and that folder is in

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\data

when its start up the game crahes, what the hell am i doing wrong??????

The answer should be stickied, so nobody else ask this question again, since this question has been asked multiple times, but never had a simple answer.


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Extract from my Readme:


Important: All players need exactly the same versions, for example if you have extracted the *.meg files make sure that you delete the folders Scripts and Resources, before playing otherwise youll get an error.


So you have to be sure that there is absolutely nothing in your data folder besides

Folder: Text

Folder: Audio

Files: only the *.meg and *.txt files (naming files)


Hope thatll help.

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You obviously messed up something.

And I was under the impression that you just wanted to play the game again.

If you want to find your error, check which files you modified and try to delete them one for one until you killed the "right-one" then youll search this for probable faults.

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It's possible that your error is related to the "SCRIPTS" and "RESOURCES" folders not being in the gamedata\data folder....


Your other files/folders are fine, it's the folders in the data folder that could be the cause of the problem.


In mine GameData\Data folder





















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