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Multi-monitor support


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According to EA multi-monitor configurations are supported:



But I cannot find any way of enabling this in any of the options. Does anyone have any idea? I emailed Lucas Arts and got a generic contact someone else response back:


"The use of multi-monitor configurations is supported in the game however due to the many possible combinations of ways they can be setup with various cards and various monitors we recommend that you contact the video card manufacturer for assistance in configuring multi-monitor systems."


My system is working, and I do not think that I need to be contacting ATI asking them where the options are in order to enable multi-monitor support in EAW.



Edited by Cain
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well im running mine with 2 monitors..1 in clone mode.. ive also tried using both monitors in extended desktop mode.. and like all other games.. funcions on one screen


i have yet to try.. the one where u convert both ur monitors into one with one long start bar.. and stuff

im sure that might work


extremely long rez game:D almost hi def wIIIDDDEE screen


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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I don't really consider a large desktop mode to be considered a multi-monitor setup like Lucas Arts talks about, I consider that more or less tricking the game into working on 2 monitors.  Also I cannot seem to see a way to get my ATI x700 pro to do this in windows, but that is how my desktop is set up in linux.  Any idea how to do this?
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supposedly i read that generals supported it as well i read that "u can use one monitor to map edit and another to play the game" which i find hard to belive.. but its possible.. ive done it.. just .. that if i go to one app the other minimizes :/


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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