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The Shadow Squadron Home Thread/ Recruitment Area!!!

Guest Admiral_Antilles

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OOC: seiously you're abandoning us whole? I'll have to role play by myself or with Bill if he shows?

IC:Alright but we came to destroy their fleet and liberate the planet. this battle is not a great sucsess since the grand cruiser and the rest of the fleet is still alive.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Guest Admiral_Antilles

In the fighter pilots mess, three pilots were siiting at a table.


"You wanted to see us Wedge", said Buzz.


"Yes, I need to tell you all something. As you know I am with intel, and am supposed to be leaving tomorrow."


"Yeah", said Evan. With a hint of curiosity in his voice.


Well I just got my next mission. I am supposed to get a squad of pilots and a cruiser and to head toward the outer rim, and start hit and fade missions there as well as be director of Intel in the rim sector. So you're my pilots...if you want the job I mean. Don't get me wrong it weill be tough but its a step towards creating peace in the Galaxy. So what do ya say?



I don't know said Buzz, we will have to talk about it. Hey Evan come here.


So they got in a huddle and started whispering among themselves.



OOC: You finish what you all talked about in the huddle 44,bill. And if you except that job. i will leave the squad if you wish and start some new squad if you want me too.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: I don't mean anything by this 44 but, could you please post a tad more content in the RPG posts. I put a lot of effort into writing mine and I wish to have the favor done in return, Not that you aren't, or anything. Thanks. :D
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OOC: ok sorry. i thought i would let Bill have a say in this but too bad.


IC: I'm fine with it,said Buzz. Well then it's settled said ,wedge, we leave in a week so be prepared.


10 days latter

The ocean Blue came out of space earlier then excpected. they must have an intredictor shouted Evan. lets get going Shadow squad.

A couple of moments latter.

Well it's an even match,said two seeing only 36 skips and the intredictor. not really said 7 seeing the other ships around Endor coming to join the fun.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Guest Admiral_Antilles

Okay Shadows, looks like we have our wprk cut out for us. The ocean Blue will concentrate on that interdictor we are ordered to give cover fire, is that understood? Copy 5, said 8.



With that the Interdictor exploded with a fiery boom.



And the Intel Fighter group codenamed White Fang where in Hyperspace on their way to their next mission.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Well I'm not sure how long this will last, I am up for other ideas after this one if you wish. I just thought it was a start. Sorry to confuse you. And yes we are on our way to the next planet.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Are you done playin the RPG Jedi44? You have not been on in a week or so? :?
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My Name is Sky,i am a smuggler from Nar Shaddaa & i'm am intrested in joining your cause.I'm a skilled pilot,a exilent gunman, and hate the empire.I own 1 ship,a highly modified YT-2400 CALLED "The Crow 420".

Some of my skills include:swoops,warfare,mechanics,flying,spice,& basicly anything with a engine.

Sky Donovin-Solo


"Watch your mouth kid,or ganna find yourself floating home!"-Han Solo

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OOC:Sky when not posting in you're rpg character write ooc: in frnt of the post please. Welcome to shadow squad.


IC: Evan awoke as the ocean blue came out of hypper space. What is going on?, he said. intredictor someone shouted.Here we go again evan said.

A few moments later.


ok shadows the enemy has led us into a trap they have a intredictor a carrier and a cruiser. Blue will cover ocean blue. Green will cover us. We'll tkae out the intredictor with the ocean blue's help. We need to move before tey can deploy all there skips.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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  • 3 months later...
Guest Admiral_Antilles

OOC: The last battle is very old so I am just going to skip it and head to a new story plot if you will.



It was dark and empty, space. Grand Admiral Antilliles never could look out side the viewport on the bridge of his ship the Ocean Blue with out feeling small and helpless.


In this war so many had died to the Alien race that is the Yuuzhan Vong. Whole fleets destroyed by there different technology, planets once sprawling with life, oblitereated wastelands. It all alomost seemed hopeless for awhile. But there was a turn in the tide the last few months, Former Admiral, Ackbar has created a truly genious strategy that had turn the tide, the New Republic had finnaly started to beat their hideous enemies. But Grand Admiral Antilliles knew it was far from over.


Lieutanant, status report on the enemie's location. he said.


Still unknown Admiral, but Shadow Leader reports their scouting has uncovered something. We are still waiting on details sir, but it seems to be a dead ship, perhaps from a previous battle. The competent Lieutanant said.


OOC: I will finish it later.

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OOC: Ok you got it all mixed up. Delete this post or edit it to nothing. First of all we no longer roleplay here. Do it on the start thread. We got a lot going on there. Read through it. Ocean Blue is destroyed. Our new flagship is the Harmony=3 ssd in a fleet with the Calm Waters= 1 ssd, two interdicter/star destroyers the Equality and a new one the Passion. Other then that when you role play keep in mind we got cloaking devices on our ships. :D
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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